Your choice: an hour with yuck or yuckier

Soary Stars

At the Start
Jun 7, 2011
So many possibilities to drive you screaming into a corner sobbing for mercy ..

2 people you have to choose between & then spend 2 hours of conversation with the one you choose.
Only thing is, these must be people you'd pay good money to avoid.

My own: Keira Knightley or Gwynneth Paltrow.

I just couldn't take it ...
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Piers Morgan and that prick that's got in trouble for a dodgy email at Citeh. I wouldn't be uncomfortable though - I'd just beat the shit out of them.
Soary, dearest, your premise is already faulty in presuming any of these chumps could manage a conversation of any length, let alone an exhausting two whole hours! Clarkson would just harangue you for two days, and the rest wouldn't know what to say beyond giggling a lot or talking about hair extensions and using 'wow!' every fifth sentence.

I'm choosing death, if it's okay with you?