Your perfect fixtures list - what is it?


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
Thinking on from the topic on initiatives - what's your idea of the perfect fixtures list?

Personally, I'd like to see an end to 8-race meetings, and a few really mixed summer cards where multi or dual purpose tracks (as an example) offered racegoers two hurdles, two AW sprints, and a mile and a distance race on turf, thus offering a little 'something for everyone'.

I'd prefer not to see any jumps racing in summer, but recognise that that particular phase in British racing's evolution is probably going to stay, so I'd prefer to see it tilted more to hurdles, with a reduction in chases, which still incur the more frequent injuries on firmer ground.

I'd like to ensure that we didn't have one end of the country with a dearth of one type of race (say a distance or a sprint), while the other was oversubscribed, which is currently happening.

I'd also like to see more intelligent scheduling of racedays, so that there aren't as many difficulties for jockeys and trainers in trying to ferry themselves to two close-together meetings in one day. This also puts a strain on transportation, especially for smaller yards with fewer boxes. Since OFSTED ruled against the old 50-mile radius as restricting competition, we've seen more and more clashes of neighbouring courses, no doubt to the detriment of connections who have horses at both and to crowds, who can't be in two neighbouring places at once.

I think I'd like to restrict the length of 'festivals', too - I realise it wouldn't be popular with some courses, which are extending these all the time, but I don't see how you can offer five days of all top-class racing. There aren't that many top class horses to fill the races, but a false cachet attaches to all who race, regardless of their ability. I'd like to see Cheltenham cut back to three days of really superb entries, and cut out the 'more is more' approach it's been adopting for some time.

I'd also like to employ restrictive measures (which possibly OFSTED would grumble about), and reduce the number of racedays. If most non-AW courses can't stage more than 22 racedays without their ground being affected by too much poor grass re-growth, divoting, sanding, etc., then let's not go for 24, 25, and so on. We want horses to run on safe ground, so I'd cut 'em off at 21 days. More than enough racing there, I think.

I'd also take a look at the field sizes for AW courses and, where they weren't getting more than six or seven per race, tell them to cut back racedays to where they could ensure max fields - after all, they can't line up more than 14 or 16, so it isn't as if I'd be asking them to slaughter themselves - just provide a better betting prospect for their customers, and more competitive racing as a spectacle. Otherwise, it ends up too like the USA, with sample-sized fields!

Anyway, those are my initial ruminations. What would you like?
Only real complaint I have is the empty bank holidays in the london area. Sandown's shifting of their card was not ideal....
I’d like to see gambling on horses outlawed and racing driven underground… if that doesn’t bring some glamour and excitement back to the sport I don’t know what will. (Note: I was a big fan of Prohibition also.)

Kri, I'm not sure if you were living in this country at the time but there was a period when he had "mixed-meetings" i.e NH and Flat at the one venue. In fact Sandown still has one on 'Whitbread' day. Not sure when that period was, bloody hopeless with years, but they didn't catch on.

From the arguments we get on here it is obvious that some people are very much "in one camp or the other".

I believe I enjoy the jumps as much as the flat and vice versa but it appears not everyone feels the same way.

I would definitely agree with you about 8-race cards my stamina runs out at about 6 1/2.
Don't like mixed meetings at all

I find it hard enough trying to adjust between the two seasons and get used to dealing in horses being beaten by 20L's instead of 2L's again. I also tend to use different techniques between the two codes and don't like having to keep hopping from one to another. That and the fact you'd barely be able to make a speed rating would probably be enough for me to final say sod it!!! Perhaps i could return to football afterall
I’d like to see gambling on horses outlawed and racing driven underground… if that doesn’t bring some glamour and excitement back to the sport I don’t know what will. (Note: I was a big fan of Prohibition also.)

Blame the lottery. It's made gambling socially acceptable. What we need is widespread disapproval back and to propogate the idea that gambling is wrong
I don't know when the mixed meetings were, Colin. I was not in the UK to 1964, then out from 1972-92 (Devil's Island), so anywhere in those timeframes?

I don't agree with you re Class 5 races. I'm looking at Brighton's race card for August 6, where the 4 y.o. gelding, THEOCRITUS, wins his fourth race, with a BHA rating of 70, from a field of 12. You'd get a long list of dead horses all right, if you chucked out Class 5s, let alone Class 6. Why would you shoot such a horse? (You'd have to shoot several hundred, as homes wouldn't be found for all of them.)
- No Summer Jumps at all. The season runs from November - April and that's it.

- No all-weather meetings in the Summer at all, there are plenty of decent turf meetings.

- A structured all weather championship, there aren't the same worries about ground and messing with other countries prizes in the Winter. Have a final at the end of February, not the end of March which clashes with the start of the turf, the Dubai World Cup and Cheltenham! Maybe even have a complete break between the end of February and the Lincoln for flat racing.

- A better opening to the flat season, push the Lincoln back to the Craven meeting and combine them in a big curtain raiser meeting at the weekend.

- A complete cut back of the utter utter dross meetings in the Summer. Horses at flapping meetings are probably better than some of the horses running at Bath, Chepstow, Musselbugh, Yarmouth and company. I'd like to see the numbers of racecourses cut back completely so resources can be redistributed to the better performing ones (kinda like how poor performing schools get closed). I don't see how there needs to be racecourses in Hereford & Worcester when the latter isn't fit for purpose for example. Catterick and Redcar have Ripon, Thirsk and Newcastle all in competition and they are far superior in every way.

- An all weather track in the North, could easily turn one of the aforementioned poor turf tracks into an all weather track (or Sedgefield). As much as I'm not a fan of most Northern trainers, they have to do a 200 mile round trip in the Winter to run their horses which costs an absolute fortune and also results in long hours for staff. There (were) three AW courses in the South East and two in the Midlands yet one of the biggest training centres in the country doesn't have one, absurd. Judging by how well attended Pontefract is, an all-weather course on the outside of Leeds with floodlights would surely be a success.
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I'm definitely with you on the eight race cards, Kri - and then there are racecourses like bloody Newbury who think it's a good idea to put on an eight race card preceded by a piss-poxy arab race! Nobody is interested in seeing those slow, hairy yaks anyway. The last Newbury meeting had a seven race card; an arab race before (spit!!!) and two pony races after. If it's not bloody arabs, it's pony racing (which is fine, they need to start somewhere) or charity races to make up at least an eight race card there. It's overkill - don't they realise people don't want to go to a meeting with ten races?
I like all of your thinking, Gamla - and yours, too, Shadz! We've been pissed off many a time and oft at Plumpton, for example, believing there to be a 7-race card, then finding out the course has tacked a charidee or even two pony races onto the end of the day! Seeing that a lot of racegoers are stampeding for the exit by the second last regular race, the main parties interested are just families and close friends of the amateur or young riders. Yes, they do have to start somewhere - but then let them have whole pony racedays, where they can man the course themselves with volunteer adoring Mummies! Raceday staff get paid by the meeting, not by the hour, so it's a bit of sly exploitation by such courses to do such things - next up, I'll expect to see US-style 10 race meetings. At which point I'll be filling out an application form for B&Q!

I've felt for years that the north needs a good dual-purpose AW and grass course to serve the farther shires and Scotland - I've no idea why this has never been taken up.
OFSTED ! - love the idea - OFT surely.

7 race cards max unless a race has to be divided

Fewer meetings altogether

The Racing for Change proposals for jumps put in the shredder

The proposals for the flat shredded so far as they suggest our season ends in SEpt and a crappy sounded team contest in the summer

A proper finale to the season at Donny ! - a Group One 12f race , 5f race and 7f race and a Group One 10f race for 2 yo