Zacarias Moussaoui

Huh? It can't be so, surely? Even Inspector Clouseau would've sussed that one. I assume it's for his part in the plan, rather than its operation, since the actual perpetrators managed, like Blackadder, to make a pointless gesture and not come back.
I thought Derek Bentley was one of the two boys guilty of shooting a copper ("Let Him Have It"), Brian? Have I, like the Police, got the wrong man? You can still be guilty of being involved in the planning of a crime, though, with a watertight alibi for when it was committed. I know - I watch CSI regularly! :D
Bentley was restrained by police officers and thus in their custody before Craig fired the shots- he was not in the cells Krizon
I am amazed that the jury chose not to execute Moussaoui. I find it strangely hopeful. Bush is now taking his foreign policy from the Book of Revelations, and hopefully his countrymen are copping on.

Roll on November 2008.
Surprised, if not amazed. Glad, though. I didn't want them making a martyr of him, and the rest of his natch in solitary should allow him plenty of time to consider his part in the crime <_<
Originally posted by krizon@May 4 2006, 12:16 PM
("Let Him Have It")
The words "Let him have it, Chris" were alleged to have been said by the 19 year old Bentley (whose mental age was 11) while he was being held by a policemen. Some time after the alleged comment 16 year-old Christopher Craig, who, with Bentley, had been unsuccessfully attempting a break-in, shot and killed PC Stanley Miles. Several witnesses, including Craig, have denied that the words were ever spoken but two police officers claimed that they were.

On 30th July 1998, the Court of Appeal overthrew Bentley's conviction. This was 16,619 days after he was hanged. Bentley was granted a full pardon and later his family received compensation.

In January 1999 a memorial service for Derek Bentley in Southwark Cathedral was attended by Christopher Eccleston and Tom Courtenay who had played bentley and his father in the 1991 film of the case "Let Him Have It".

Craig, as a juvenile, was sentenced to be detained during her majesty's pleasure and served ten years.
Zacarias Mouussasoui was hoping to be executed, and for that reason I am glad he will go to prison instead. He did not play a big a part in the terrorist attack as he would like some to think. During the trial he tried continually to wind up the jury and the families of those that lost loved ones hoping they would vote for his execution. He even said he hoped there would another 9/11. He will now not been seen as a martyr to the cause but as the foolish, idiotic failure of a human being that he is.

I hope his life is made hell in prison and that he is never given an opportunity to commit suicide either.
He'll apparantly be kept in solitary confinement in a maximum security prison for the rest of his life, with obviously no possibility of parole.

I think I'd prefer to be executed too.
An excellent and surprising verdict. Some sensible comments from relatives of victims outside too (along with the Bushites of the world, who were less sensible)
Thank you, James and Brian: I recall reading about the event a few times, but it was the 'let him have it' story that must've secured the execution. If I remember correctly, if the phrase was yelled at all, it was taken by his defence counsel to have possibly meant 'let him have the gun', but the police weren't wearing that.

Massaoui is indeed fortunate - the Al-Queda bombers and gunmen still killing Saudis in the Kingdom are despatched once tried and convicted. His fellow Muslims aren't mucking around with the niceties of clean cells and regular meals, access to tv, exercise, and as much reading matter as he'll demand in accordance with HIS human rights.
I find the death penalty can be the easier way out for people whom can have committed crimes against humanity.

Perfect scenario, a man rapes a woman, then repeatedly bashes her before getting a gun and shooting her in the head.

His punishment - sitting in jail for up to 10 years, waiting to die through lethal injection. Not feeling the same pain that she suffered a decade earlier. Quite a simple way out. And in that time tell the world how he found "God" and wants our forgiveness so he can be saved.

Yet if this same animal was left in jail to rot, he would have to look over his should continuously from the other convicts to make sure of his own safety, and also will have to reflect on his misdoings for the rest of his life.

Two great examples of the above are Jeffrey Dahmer and Martin Bryant. Dahmer was eventually killed by a psychopathic killer in prisoner, when beaten by a metal bar. Martin Bryant the world's worst serial killer, whom killed 35 people, children and mothers at random, is now a total wreck. He sits in solitary confinement every day of his life in a super maxi prison in Tasmania, completely overweight, a shambolic wreck and is now living a life of zombie. He does not speak or do anything, and on many occasions has tried committing suicide.
As one leading un named psychiatrist stated:

"If the community wanted a severe punishment for Mr Bryant, then they have it," the unnamed doctor says.
"What he has now is far worse than the death penalty."

All I can say is that the perfect punishment for an animal that killed people for no explanation.
Originally posted by Grand Armee@May 5 2006, 03:52 AM
Martin Bryant the world's worst serial killer, who killed 35 people
Far from the worst if you're measuring by numbers:

Kristen Gilbert may have been responsible for as many as 40 deaths. Her colleagues at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Northampton, Massachusetts called her the "Angel of Death."

Gary Ridgway otherwise known as The Green River Killer, spared his own life by confessing to 48 murders, making him the United States most prolific serial killer. The search for victims continues. He claims the last date he murdered was in 1998.

Andrei Chikatilo, the Forest Strip Killer murdered over 50 girls and boys in Russia between 1978 - 1990.

Robert Pickton, the Piggy Palace murderer, was charged with 15 counts of murder in connection with the disappearances of 62 women from Vancouver from 1983 to 2002.

Luis Alfredo Garavito apparently committed his first murder in 1992, but the hunt for the worst serial killer in Colombian history was not launched until 1998, when 25 bodies were found in the western city of Pereira. The victims - mostly boys between 8 and 16 - were found with their throats slit. The drifter admitted killing 140 children across Colombia.

But the daddy of them all is our own Dr Harold Shipman who murdered a minimum of 215 patients. A judge, added there was "real suspicion" of another 45 victims.
GA: but here in the UK we have the perfect punishment for animals which kill without explanation: it's called fox hunting! Of course, there IS an explanation for all human activities, even when it's dressed up as genius when someone like Oppenheimer invents the hydrogen bomb, Gatling inventing a gun which will mow down hundreds more enemy troops at one sitting, or Colt inventing the very clever revolver, allowing a gun's chamber to empty more bullets more quickly into its shooter's victim. The world of invention is full of men who created all of the ways of killing more and more humans, and not one of them went to jail (solitary or otherwise) for it. No, they were usually rewarded with well-paid jobs and pensions, or wealth from their patents.

We get excited by the actions of killers (serial, spree, mass, assassin or terrorist) because we think they represent something abnormal in society, which they don't. Human intelligence is as likely to produce the 'genius' of Oppenheimer, at the same time that it produces the likes of Edison, Brunel, Otis, and so many more who've made billions of lives easier and more fruitful.

In other words, murdering takes many different forms, much sanctioned and encouraged by the State (and previously by the Church and its Kingdom), or individual - all by the random chance of one person's brain function over another's. When a woman produces a baby, she may be producing the world's next great medical saviour as equally as she may be producing the world's next worst despot.
BrianH World's worst spree killer. A "person" that I believed at the time should have had a gun put to his head, after killing 35 people in 18 hours. The Port Arthur Massacre it was called, and it was 9 years to the day one week ago.

It didn't quite shock me that it had become an overweight invalid, whom sits on suicide watch 24-7 and stares at 4 white walls.

Tell me wouldn't staring at 4 white walls, having absolutely no human contact, being under surveillance and living the life of a zombie thinking about the crimes you did for the rest of your human life be far more of a punishment than getting execution? I see bonuses of execution, the family knows their loved one's killer is dead and gone, and never to be heard of, and also the afterthought that the animal is not being fed from your own tax payers money.

On the case of murderers, the Backpacker Murderer was profiled on the Crime Channel last night here in Australia, Ivan Milat. Interesting his own brother, blood and flesh said, dare I quote "If I had a gun, a bullet would be piercing through his head, he is a terrible person, an evil satanic creature."