Anyone watch mma

I would rather watch it than do it, but each to there own... I could beat any off them with one arm tied behind my back.
I watch it occasionally but it's not what people crack it up to be. Too many boring fights rolling about on the ground

Fans of MMA might come across someone like Tu Tengyao and they start their "A MMA fighter would take him down in seconds shit" "If he's so good why doesn't he fight in the MMA"

The fact he's the number one Wing Chun Master in China a country with over 1 million Wing Chung practitioners in it and he's paid more in a month than most MMA fighters will earn in a year just goes over their heads.

Boxing in regarded as the number 1 full contact sport. Wing Chung and Jeet Kun Do have no rules so competition fighting is a no no.
Some Wing Chun practitioners like Silva do take part but they are barred from using many of the techniques.

The biggest problem with MMA is it depends too much on take downs and the last place you want to be in a real fight is on the ground.
Unless off course your head is crowbar proof.

Thai Boxing is right up there but again too many of their techniques are barred from MMA.