Is this the 1960s again?


Jul 5, 2022
Ok, I have thought about this post for a while. I know a lot of you are older than me so you might well recognise what I am putting down here. I was born in 1956. When I was 4 we moved to Rugby into a bungalow in a nice part of Rugby, Warren Road, you can google it, we lived at number 29, it was sold for 350 grand about 5 years ago. The only issue was that my father bought a house that had had fook all done to it for many years, like since it was built in the 1930s. From the outside it looked ok. Inside it was a whole different story.

My older brother, who sadly passed last year, was 5 years older than me, we shared a bedroom from 1960-1965 which was that damp we never had wallpaper on the walls, it would have just slid off. That never bothered me, I didn't know any different. We had no central heating, just an electric fire in the front room with one of those fake coal bottoms where some circular thing went round making it look like a coal fire. That fire was the only point of heat in that house. During those 5 years, we went through the harsh winter of 1963 in a house like that. It never bothered me, never felt hard done by at all, it was just what life was.

There was no fridge, we had a pantry, fooking awful place. In the bathroom we had one of those circular boiler things with that thin pipular arm sh1t that you moved out to where you wanted it. When the gas kicked in it nearly blew the windows out. No problem, we thought that was normal.

We went to school that 1963 winter in at least 18 inches of snow, no days off, all the teachers lived near the school, it lasted 3 months. That school luckily for me was just a few minutes from my house. I remember those school days where you shoved all your damp clothes on those big old radiators to dry them out for later when you got to school. I only had normal shoes with holes in where you put cardboard in, I can remember putting cardboard in my shoes ffs, so socks were wet by time I got to school. I never felt hard done to about that at all, I thought it was normal. There was a boiler house at school, and all I remember was a massive pile of coal outside it and the poor fooks or fook who maintained the school for heat would be shovelling that lot in during those cold times.

What I am saying is, you got used to what you thought was normal, and it was normal to live in a house with one source of heat, bar the cooker of course. We never complained as kids, we just thought that was life, and it was. Then as we all got older, we got used to a better life, central heating, comfortable homes. That clearly made us all more comfortable, some say soft, I don't, it was just a decent way to live. Why should living in cold damp houses be "normal"? That is just pure gaslighting to think that sort of life is "great"

So we all got used to better living standards as time went on through the 70s 80s 90's to now etc. Yet now that is being used to say that we are soft and that we are now soft twats for not being able to cope with living how we did as kids in the 1960s. What the f*ck has happened here? I have been reducing my heating use last 2 months, as most people will have.

I actually bought onesies for me and the missus a few months ago anticipating the expensive sh1t we are now in with gas prices, they are bloody brilliant by the way. Missus has to answer the door though obviously:lol:, some casual mysogyny there;), sorry, I am only kidding, I answer the fooker most days, just glad I didn't get the cat faced fook. Anyway, last few days boiler has packed in. Now, normally that would be an utter disaster, but I am now that used to keeping the heating off, it is like a minor issue. Guy came out today and said he couldn't get the part he needed until tomorrow, it is a circuit board, so you know it won't be cheap. Twelve months ago I would have had a panic attack, but because we have all been conditioned to reduce our gas usage, it didn't seem that much of an inconvenience. Even though it is fooking freezing here.

I suppose what I am saying is just how we are being trained to accept living with such low expectations under this tory scum, you can train a society to accept very low standards of living in a very short time I am starting to think.

I am 66, I have never lived with such low standards of life, heating, food prices etc as an adult. If I was 6 again I would think it was just like it is, this is normal life, but now I know we are so being sh1t on by this vile regime.

Am I alone in thinking like this? We are no further forward this winter than we were in the early 1960s. But clearly some are doing just fine and dandy of course.

I hope this doesn't come across like Monty Python Yorkshireman sketch, its not meant to be, I suppose it will though:D

My point is, when you train someone to accept low standards, they eventually put up with them, no matter what their age is.
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Just to add. I used to think I was pretty comfy, I wasn't well off but comfy for me. I am not a person that has great expectatons in later life money wise. I had been made redundant at a difficult point, I was 58 when I took voluntary redundancy, that wasn't really voluntary, you either took it or got fooked over. No fooker wanted me anymore at that age in other work. I paid all my debts off at that point so my outgoings each month were minimal. I spent 42k clearing my mortgage and all debts I had at that time. I have tried to do all the right things financially in life, played the game. Luckily I am now getting state pension, and a private pension, my wife will get her pension in February. But I just look forward and think, I am just getting by now, but with increasing fuel costs that isn't looking great. My advice to anyone is do not get old or ill under the tories. Thanks for reading.
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I never thought I’d be scared to get old living in England but here we are and it’s frightening. You’re right: we are actually getting used to it. What makes it worse is that, at my age I’ve spent most of my adult life trying to make the this country and the world a better place for my children. I never dreamt in my youth that, when I was old this is what everything would be like.
It is frightening Moehat. I have only been in hospital once in my life, a hernia op when I was 2. I have been very lucky healthwise, very very lucky. Recently I know I am not well but am scared to get looked at. I just could not face being diagnosed in a bad way then not get treated. I think we are now in a place with the NH that you will struggle to get what you need when you need it. That makes you scared just on its own. I do not know why people still stand up for this tory government, if Labour was in charge of this skip fire we are in now, the right wing press would be hammering them daily.

I have seen a lot of Tory governments, as I expect you have, never liked any of them. This scum though are a different level of vileness and corruption. They have used the pandemic to rob us blind, and then get away with it. If we do not get rid of these fooks before 2024 we we will be so far fooked it will take a decade or more to get over the damage they have done. Truss should be in prison with Kharteng for the damage they did in just a few weeks. She cost us 60 billion yet now they can't afford pay rises for people who keep this country literally alive, just disgusting. I am just sick of the bent fooks, and we can't remove them.
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I always come back to the old phrase, and this has been around a long long time, and is true. Never get sick or old whilst the tories are in charge. That is with the normal level of scummery that they are, and this regime is different gravy on vileness, so much worst than any others, even Thatcher. Something is going seriously wrong with this country, and it is being driven by the Tory fear of twat Farage solely. Farage drove Cameron to call the referendum along with the halfwits like Mogg in his party. Cameron thought he could quell the idiots like Mogg and get rid of Farage in one go. Cameron alone has fucked us up good style with his gamble..he basically went red or black with our country thinking he had an edge. Then just f*cks off and leaves us poor sods to eat the sh1t he created. We won't get over the damage brexit has done in our lives if you are similar age to me. The UK has cut it's legs off for the sake of a few xenophobes. Farage is pure cancer, no wonder the wife f^cked off.
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The Conservatives morphed into UKIP. The decent Conservatives left. They could have had Rory Stewart as leader but look where they ended up. I love Rory’s podcast with Alastair Campbell The Rest is Politics. Gives a very well balanced view of politics today. I am scared of getting ill and have felt that way since the pandemic started but must admit that everyone I know that has been ill and treated over the past few years have still had excellent treatment. It’s urgent A&E treatment that’s a worry. As for bed blocking, Mikes mum was in and out of hospital several years ago and we saw first hand that bed blocking was a major problem. And still nothing has been done about it. I need to keep myself fit and healthy for the next election, tired as I am of leafleting!
I always come back to the old phrase, and this has been around a long long time, and is true. Never get sick or old whilst the tories are in charge. That is with the normal level of scummery that they are, and this regime is different gravy on vileness, so much worst than any others, even Thatcher. Something is going seriously wrong with this country, and it is being driven by the Tory fear of twat Farage solely. Farage drove Cameron to call the referendum along with the halfwits like Mogg in his party. Cameron thought he could quell the idiots like Mogg and get rid of Farage in one go. Cameron alone has fucked us up good style with his gamble..he basically went red or black with our country thinking he had an edge. Then just f*cks off and leaves us poor sods to eat the sh1t he created. We won't get over the damage brexit has done in our lives if you are similar age to me. The UK has cut it's legs off for the sake of a few xenophobes. Farage is pure cancer, no wonder the wife f^cked off.

Cameron also fvcked off considerably wealthier than before he was PM and has since become even more considerably wealthier.

(So too did Blair, I accept, but he didn't inflict anywhere near the economic and social damage that the subsequent tory governments have done.)
Cameron also fvcked off considerably wealthier than before he was PM and has since become even more considerably wealthier.

(So too did Blair, I accept, but he didn't inflict anywhere near the economic and social damage that the subsequent tory governments have done.)

They always do DO, but only Cameron left us with a pile of shite afterwards that it will take decades to put right. This regime is the vilest tory regime I have ever seen. We can't remove them yet either, and Sunak is looking just as bigger c*nt as we have seen. I think Sunak thinks he can break the unions, he won't be able to do that I so hope. It is now time for working people to turn against these sh1ts. We cannot have another 18 months of this.
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The Conservatives morphed into UKIP. The decent Conservatives left. They could have had Rory Stewart as leader but look where they ended up. I love Rory’s podcast with Alastair Campbell The Rest is Politics. Gives a very well balanced view of politics today. I am scared of getting ill and have felt that way since the pandemic started but must admit that everyone I know that has been ill and treated over the past few years have still had excellent treatment. It’s urgent A&E treatment that’s a worry. As for bed blocking, Mikes mum was in and out of hospital several years ago and we saw first hand that bed blocking was a major problem. And still nothing has been done about it. I need to keep myself fit and healthy for the next election, tired as I am of leafleting!

Bed blocking is a major issue. People seem to have forgotten though that 3 years ago our Council Tax was increased by 5% to pay for social care. It's now part of your council tax bill, check it out on your bill, well, where has that money gone??? It is like a lot of people say, I would pay extra tax to fund the NHS. Well we all have paid extra on our council tax bill, but it has made no difference. Something just does not add up here. Where has that social care 5% gone that was added to council tax??
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Bed blocking is a major issue. People seem to have forgotten though that 3 years ago our Council Tax was increased by 5% to pay for social care. It's now part of your council tax bill, check it out on your bill, well, where has that money gone??? It is like a lot of people say, I would pay extra tax to fund the NHS. Well we all have paid extra on our council tax bill, but it has made no difference. Something just does not add up here. Where has that social care 5% gone that was added to council tax??

Here adult social care ( ASC ) costs are the bulk of the council tax bill and have gone up by 6% every year for the last 4 years and predicted to go up by that much again next year. I work for a local council and see the accounts from the receivable side, and know about the payable side of care: the issues with social care are, apart from an ageing population are that not every one pays who should pay ( whether you agree with the way it is run or not ) and there is massive bad debt that the majority of the tme is written off, and one of the main reasons for that is it is so badly run by all the parties involved, it's no wonder. It's utter, utter chaos. I had to cover it for a while when someone left and it is a nightmare to administrate. I was asked to take it on and I said not a chance. You don't pay me enough now, there's no amount of money you could offer. It's a total nightmare. I keep saying when I leave I will blow the whistle on the whole set up, not just ASC a mess, every department I have contact with /deal with a total shambles. No accountability, responsibility or business acumen to be seen anywhere. The lack of work which is allowed to happen is outrageous. The person who does it now is one of the laziest shirkers I have the mispleasure to work with it, and when does do anything mucks it up. Consistently lies to my boss and says everything up to date. My boss asks me to check and guess what?? My boss knows all this but as a council employee can do nothing 'cos the process of actualy firing anyone and HR help is non existant. Another lot who no one knows what they do all day as seemingly nothing when asked to always say no not us. When the shirker's probation period was up, my boss asked myself and a colleague if we thought she should be passed ( 6 months in ) , we both said no as had already sussed her. Boss ignored us so naturally she got worse when passed probation, as predicted.
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Here adult social care ( ASC ) costs are the bulk of the council tax bill and have gone up by 6% every year for the last 4 years and predicted to go up by that much again next year. I work for a local council and see the accounts from the receivable side, and know about the payable side of care: the issues with social care are, apart from an ageing population are that not every one pays who should pay ( whether you agree with the way it is run or not ) and there is massive bad debt that the majority of the tme is written off, and one of the main reasons for that is it is so badly run by all the parties involved, it's no wonder. It's utter, utter chaos. I had to cover it for a while when someone left and it is a nightmare to administrate. I was asked to take it on and I said not a chance. You don't pay me enough now, there's no amount of money you could offer. It's a total nightmare. I keep saying when I leave I will blow the whistle on the whole set up, not just ASC a mess, every department I have contact with /deal with a total shambles. No accountability, responsibility or business acumen to be seen anywhere. The lack of work which is allowed to happen is outrageous. The person who does it now is one of the laziest shirkers I have the mispleasure to work with it, and when does do anything mucks it up. Consistently lies to my boss and says everything up to date. My boss asks me to check and guess what?? My boss knows all this but as a council employee can do nothing 'cos the process of actualy firing anyone and HR help is non existant. Another lot who no one knows what they do all day as seemingly nothing when asked to always say no not us. When the shirker's probation period was up, my boss asked myself and a colleague if we thought she should be passed ( 6 months in ) , we both said no as had already sussed her. Boss ignored us so naturally she got worse when passed probation, as predicted.

I imagine all this can be traced back to the introduction of several new layers of management back in - what was it? - the 1970s?

I reckon you could probably strip out at least two layers of management in all branches of the NHS and social care and not notice a difference other than having more money available to plough back into the system.
Cameron was a bully.

Like all bullies he couldn't handle it when people stood up to him.
Cameron was a bully.

Like all bullies he couldn't handle it when people stood up to him.

He was a bully, he displayed it many times in PM's questions. He never really got top side of Ed Milliband though. People think Ed was a softie, but he always stood up to Cameron. Ed Milliband was really good at the dispatch box imo. He stood in for Starmer a good while ago and made Johnson look a right prick, Johnson left the chamber. It is on youtube. I would now rather have Milliband than Starmer tbh. Not that I don't see any harm in Starmer, I just think the right wing press will fook him over in the next 18 months
I never thought I’d be scared to get old living in England but here we are and it’s frightening. You’re right: we are actually getting used to it. What makes it worse is that, at my age I’ve spent most of my adult life trying to make the this country and the world a better place for my children. I never dreamt in my youth that, when I was old this is what everything would be like.

I am out of the UK for over 20 years and to be honest the only thing I miss is riding out and going racing and I'm too damn old for the former anyway.

However England/UK is surely still the best place to bring up kids? Look at the USA: Watch youtube when the guy goes round asking university student questions like what's the capital of France and he gets answers like Europe. One question was name the countries that form the UK one you very smart looking female said England France and Australia. They have one of the worst education systems in the world unless you are fithly rich. I think If I had kids and the money to move Canada would be on my list.

I must say I'm amazed at what has happened to the UK. It seems to be out of control with people coming from poor countries in their droves. I don't follow UK politics much but maybe it's time they contracted Trump to build a wall.:lol:..I notice the Mayor of london is a guy called Sadiq Khan and the Prime Minister is Rishi Sunak....they both sound very British to me :lol: To be fair what I have seen and heard of Rish so far he seems like a decent guy.
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I am out of the UK for over 20 years and to be honest the only thing I miss is riding out and going racing and I'm too damn old for the former anyway.

However England/UK is surely still the best place to bring up kids? Look at the USA: Watch youtube when the guy goes round asking university student questions like what's the capital of France and he gets answers like Europe. One question was name the countries that form the UK one you very smart looking female said England France and Australia. They have one of the worst education systems in the world unless you are fithly rich. I think If I had kids and the money to move Canada would be on my list.

I must say I'm amazed at what has happened to the UK. It seems to be out of control with people coming from poor countries in their droves. I don't follow UK politics much but maybe it's time they contracted Trump to build a wall.:lol:..I notice the Mayor of london is a guy called Sadiq Khan and the Prime Minister is Rishi Sunak....they both sound very British to me :lol: To be fair what I have seen and heard of Rish so far he seems like a decent guy.
Good grief.