Red Rum

Saw a picture of Lester riding Dessie on ebay..............selling at 45 quid. Whether it was the original photo or not I couldn't say
Signed photos of Red Rum and Tommy Stack and/or Ginger McCain tend to go for £30/£45 on a good auction but there are often some for £5/£6 on buy it now.
I was given a photo of Red Rum signed by Ginger McCain for my birthday a few years back. It's got a certificate of authenticity(is that the right word?) I post a photo of it on here when I find it, thinks it is up in the attic. The person who gave it to me paid between £20/£25 for it.
I picked up a 70s postcard of Rummy from ebay for a couple of quid. Will post photo when I get new batteries for camera :)

A bargain at two quid. Must be worth at least £2.99


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You can have it Nathan. I know you're in Taunton but if you PM your address I'll send it. You can get me a beer next time I see you if you want ;)

And I won't be daft enough to write your address on the postcard, will put it in an envelope. No flies on me :D
I've got that postcard [or one almost the same; it's in a box somewhere..when I'm less jetlagged I'll dig it out]]; my cousin sent it to me. I've never asked him where he got it from.
Still got mine, Moe. Nathan never got back to me and it's too late for his 34th. birthday now.

I don't think Drone approved :lol:
No rush for it Wolf, I've tried booking some days off for a few of the mid week South West meetings but to no avail. Deaf Jon said for me to leave my job which I replied with 'I will when I'm your age' don't think he heard me though.:D:D
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Too late now mate, you'll have to wait till your 35th. :p

Would be good to see you and Jon again :)
I picked up a 70s postcard of Rummy from ebay for a couple of quid. Will post photo when I get new batteries for camera :)

A bargain at two quid. Must be worth at least £2.99


:blink: dat horse...

cool that the rider is still holding there
I see that Best Mate has been moved from his stable at Cheltenham. Anyone got a photo with him in his original setting? I'll start

A prize will be awarded for the best one - but please bear in mind that I will be the judge and will be including my own.
Not sure why I've put this on the Red Rum thread :lol:

Never mind, both horses are 3 time legends.
Re Nathan Hughes address, just had a PM saying that it's:

Nathan Hughes
Cormack's pocket
Nice thing to have but worth next to nothing unfortunately. Stacky signed thousands of photos of Nathan Hughes as did Brian Fletcher. If uou have one of Red Rum that is worth slightly more :lol:
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