Wisdom teeth


Senior Jockey
May 2, 2003
Got a couple taken out last week and they were difficult
-after ten days there is still pain and discomfort.Anyone else have them out ?.
I was k.o.'d totally for the extraction of mine in my 30s - they never came out - they lived way down in the gums, and one was at an angle. One of them kept trying to creep through, so the dentist said it was better if they came out. They left craters the size of the Kimberley Hole, which didn't close for a month. I had to keep swilling them with salty water and to ensure no 'debris' remained in them after food. I found the areas very sore and swollen for a couple of weeks, Luke, then things got a bit easier. I was left with a numb chin for about a year - it eventually wore off by tingling a lot for some months!

I know what you mean by the pulling, dragging and crunching - dreadful. I didn't experience that with the wisdoms as I was unconscious (thank God), but I did when I had two eye teeth yanked out at 14. The dentist actually had his foot braced against the chair, shook all over from the effort, and sweated profusely. By the time the second one was being hauled from its long, healthy root, the novocaine had worn off and I kinda gargled a request for some more. He then displayed his trophies to my mother and exclaimed, "If I'd known the roots were going to be this long, I'd have put her under!" Thanks, buster, now you tell me.

Keep swilling with slightly salty water, Luke, especially at night. It will help to close up the holes/swelling, and keep infection at bay - it's a pretty serious dental op, in fact, so you should expect to still have swelling and soreness for a bit longer. Sorry!
Oh you poor thing, Luke. Krizon's advice sounds good. Just keep it clean and let the craters heal in their own time. When I worked in Max Fac (Oral & Maxillofacial), the surgeons told me that the mouth is the quickest healing part of the body. There is also a natural anaesthetic in saliva, so keeping that flowing will help too.

I have been lucky in not needing mine to be removed, but they were very troublesome when growing in. My temperature went through the roof and my whole digestive system was upset for ages. Granger might be experiencing some discomfort. It made me realise why teething babies are so miserable and thankful that I didn't have a whole mouthful to grow again.

Mother Nature seems to have got it wrong with teeth, doesn't she?

Hope you heal quickly, Luke.
Max Fac - and there was I hoping it was the cosmetics company, and we ladeeze might be in for some free samples! :whistle:

I agree entirely about teeth, Red - the bit of the bod which evolution forgot. We should just have nice, smooth rims, like tortoises, without all the individual bits which can go wrong and, like elephants, renew the thing every few years until we're 100.
I had all four of mine out around 10 years ago. Corsodyl mouthwash can help healing after dental surgery although it tastes pretty bad. (I was a dental nurse many many moons ago).
On my second bottle of Corsydyl.Was never into painkillers but I know understand why people get addicted to Solpadeine.
Yes, brilliant stuff, especially the super-strength soluble. I used it long ago when having a lot of severe back pain and sciatica for two years (nice... ), when I came off my real med for that, which was called Indocid and would probably have numbed being shot by arrows.
Have you been back to the dentist Luke? I had all four of mine out around 10 years ago and about a week later got an infection which was, to say the least, a bit painful. A course of penicillin soon sorted it out though.
They gave me a four day supply of antibiotics to make sure I didn't get an infection.When the problem was initially diagnosed I got an infection under the chin-absolute hell.I think a return visit to dentist might be called for.
Had mine out when I was 14 or 15, the dentists said I was very young to be having them out. No problems really, left the hospital with a numb face, few days off school and sorted.
1993 in London I got on a bus to go to dental hospital but the thoughts of missing a night of chasing women in Camden Town made me get off the bus a few minutes later.