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      moehat replied to the thread Charlotte Dujardin.
      The horse was heavily bandaged; I assume dressage horses are bandaged because dressage puts a lot of strain on their tendons ( at least...
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      moehat reacted to jinnyj's post in the thread Charlotte Dujardin with Like Like.
      Honestly I’ve watched it a few times. I’m not saying any of it looks good. But there are only 2-3 that I’d take her to task over when...
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      moehat replied to the thread Donald Trump Assassination.
      From what I’ve read this was round about the time of George Floyd’s death and her position as a public prosecutor made her campaign...
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      moehat replied to the thread Donald Trump Assassination.
      Project 25. Which, in his speech, he said he knows nothing about.
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      moehat replied to the thread Donald Trump Assassination.
      Did anyone listen to his speech yesterday? Mike and I just sat watching the tv shaking our heads in disbelief.
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      moehat replied to the thread The 2024 Longshot Thread.
      Good 4th. Remembered you tipping her just before the race started so got 25/1.
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      moehat replied to the thread The 2024 Longshot Thread.
      Marb: didn’t we decide to keep an eye on Syd Hosies runners a year or so ago? I looked at his runner and didn’t bother to back it ( I’m...
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      moehat replied to the thread Donald Trump Assassination.
      ‘International pledges for climate action under the Paris Agreement are set to move global temperatures from 2.4 C of warming down to...
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      moehat replied to the thread Donald Trump Assassination.
      And what did Trump say will be the first thing that he will do as president? Drill, drill, drill. So much for global warming. Make...
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      moehat replied to the thread Donald Trump Assassination.
      I heard part of Trumps speech on Ch4 News. He was talking gobbledegook
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      moehat replied to the thread Donald Trump Assassination.
      I was just trying to point out that my dislike of Trump doesn’t come from things that I’ve read on the media which might or might not be...
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      moehat replied to the thread Donald Trump Assassination.
      Did you hear him question whether a woman reporter who asked him a question was on her period? Or saying that he always had peppermint...
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      moehat replied to the thread Donald Trump Assassination.
      I think a lot of this started with Trump getting his supporters to chant ‘lock her up’ about Hillary Clinton ( who, I believe, was...
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      moehat replied to the thread Donald Trump Assassination.
      Why would an intelligent person even ask about using bleach to combat covid other than using it to clean your work surfaces with?
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      moehat replied to the thread Donald Trump Assassination.
      America is about to have him as president again as a climate change denier. And a friend of the gun lobbyists ( although I’m sure that...
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