Search results

  1. Isinglass

    Cancer Charities

    I don't know about cancer charities in Ireland, but in England the ones who seem to help hands on the most are the hospice ones like Marie Curie and Macmillan Nurses. You must have an equivalent? The people who work for them do extra hours on pretty poor pay and really give of themselves to...
  2. Isinglass

    PWC Birds

    ha ha, good one Del Boy! :)
  3. Isinglass

    PWC Birds

    You are right. It is funny isn't it how some of the people who were the most attractive at school turn out to age quickly. And some who have that slightly cherabic face, and voluptuous figure turn out to be quite overweight very soon. But of course when guys look at a pretty woman they are not...
  4. Isinglass

    Bloodstock News 2010

    I don't think there is a book on either Kri. As an aside note on racehorses, racing and bloodstock. I was chatting to the owners of the bookstore often seen at Newbury and Cheltenham and they said that they have closed their outlet at Cheltenham because business has been so bad lately, they...
  5. Isinglass

    PWC Birds

    I'd like to see photos of the guys who were voting on these girls, and hope that they demanded the same chance to rate their colleagues. Having worked, once, for a firm like this, I'd also like to say that this was typical behavior from a bunch of accountants who were more comfortable with...
  6. Isinglass

    Departures 2010

    I love him, a real stamp of a horse. I learned to ride on QHs. You've got more to hang onto! Thanks for sharing Ven. :)
  7. Isinglass

    Bloodstock News 2010

    Thanks Kri and Ven, I love history in general and racing history in particular. :) Because I was very intrested in Isinglass and was researching him I went and looked over the old estate that the stud used to emcompass. You can find the remains of the railway line they built for taking things...
  8. Isinglass

    Bloodstock News 2010

    So many small breeders I know are getting out, and I quit a year ago. It wasn't just the expense with little payback, I began to hate not knowing and not being able to do anything about what was going to happen to the horses we produced. Some got lucky and got their chance with decent owners &...
  9. Isinglass

    Bloodstock News 2010

    My favourite, although of course I was not around when he was, sadly. I have held his skeleton though! It's a weird sensation. It's closed to the public, you have to make an appointment to see it but a small room full of some reticulated racehorse skeletons and some in a massive wooden dresser...
  10. Isinglass

    Departures 2010

    Too true ..... grateful one of us can still have a nice thought. :)
  11. Isinglass

    Life sucks ...

    Oh, poor dog, sounds very nasty! I'm not sure what insects are around this time of year, but we have some sleeping wasps in our sheds. Maybe one of those got her. Or even midges. They were still about biting me until a few days ago. One of my horses who has never been allergic to them has now...
  12. Isinglass

    Life sucks ...

    Great news about Dougal and sounds like we will have reports of more adventures for you and he! Oh no Moe! Does seem it might be the dye in the wrapper. Funny enough I have a low functioning liver, genetic, and I suffer form ink dye in newspapers and magazines - and yesterday I ate some...
  13. Isinglass

    Departures 2010

    Ah shite! really liked him, was a bit of a local hero. Hope he is okay but does not sound great.
  14. Isinglass

    Arse Cup

    Yeah, you are right about this, however it was nice that she highlighted BB when everyone else was saying there was a big star there, namely Denman. Obviously Denman is, and the crowd were there to see him, but there was a huge lot of people round BB as well, and shouting for him. And also...
  15. Isinglass

    Road to the Stayers Hurdle

    He's like Elvis, such a showman. It's like he waits for something to come to him then he flicks his tail and goes on. Does of course idle and maybe one day he will get his timing wrong, but I doubt it, He's a pro. Doesn't even blow after a race.
  16. Isinglass


    Very pleased for Diamond Harry and connections, always nice to see a small yard win a big prize. Did not back him, admit I worry about his jumping. I backed Burton and Denman. I was thrilled for Denman, was lovely to hear the roar for him on the track and in the third place Winner's Enclosure...
  17. Isinglass

    Life sucks ...

    Moe, always sad when you know there is a date looming when you will lose an old friend. Whippets are all legs aren't they? My friend's reminds me of a large spider when attempting stairs! Hope yours (and you) finds a nice warm place. I know what you mean about hibernating ....... :lol:
  18. Isinglass

    Life sucks ...

    Everything crossed for news on dear Dougal. Must admit the thought of the fur-less one all tucked up in your lap or in his kitty hammock did make me smile. But sounds serious that he continues to lose fur, hope his bones are okay. The winter, especially if severe always causes concern for...
  19. Isinglass

    Departures 2010

    I was at Newbury today, awful about Massini, Tom George was devastated, and of course so were connections. Such a game and talented young horse, all gone in seconds. They did try to save him and thought they were making progress for awhile, but his back was broken. Tom is a good trainer and like...
  20. Isinglass

    Our Pets

    Thanks Ballydoyle, I will figure out how to use the photo thingie ..... eventually. :lol: The lab and cat are adorable next to each other. My dog used to snore too. One of the vcats does and often my husband or I think it is the other of us, until we look and see said cat fast asleep, little...