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  1. T

    Owch.... Ouch, ouch, ouch!
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    The confessions of a forum addicit

    I rarely post on here nowadays but do try to check in most days. I also glance in around once a week at TRF, FF and Atacanta.
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    Aha! Thank you. A whole new world is starting to open up for me.
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    I've just become the proud owner of a Samsung Galaxy S2. I'm now going a bit app mad, so can anyone recommend any? Not for anything in particular, just ones that may be interesting and/or useful. On a similar note, I've downloaded the RP app but can only get the cards. Should I be able to get...
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    Chicks left motherless.

    I've got a blackbird family in my garden who have been here since we moved in 4 years ago. Mr Blackbird in particular was always very bold and I got into the way of throwing him some seed whenever he appeared. Every morning now when I go out the back door he appears for his breakfast and then...
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    Physiology of a Horse

    Bar - you might also find this article about heart size and genetics interesting.
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    Chicks left motherless.

    Mealworms (the dead variety which might make it a bit easier if you're at all squeamish) can be bought from supermarkets now. Even bird seed is good. Athough they don't feed it to their chicks it keeps the adults going so they can devote their time to finding food for the chicks.
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    Jocks in trouble..........

    ALan Lee has picked up this story in The Times today. Sara Cumani is quoted as saying 'We haven't heard from him. We've no idea where he is.' Fallon's explanation was that he had been caught in traffic after visiting his children in Wigan and that his mobile phone battery was flat. :rolleyes:
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    Is it time to dump the whip?

    Towcester racecourse has now applied to the BHA to have all its races next season run without use of the whip unless for corrective purposes.
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    Making the weight

    We've all read and heard abouth the lengths jockeys will go to to make the weight however I've never come across this before. And am I mistaken or did he used to ride over here...
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    Bloodstock 2011

    This is something you can do with it: :blink:,sport,football,robin-van-persie-horse-placenta-massage-is-the-talk-of-the-premier-league
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    Ballydoyle Horses 2011 Discussion and Comp

    Galileo ex Sitara please.
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    Wisdom teeth

    Have you been back to the dentist Luke? I had all four of mine out around 10 years ago and about a week later got an infection which was, to say the least, a bit painful. A course of penicillin soon sorted it out though.
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    Wisdom teeth

    I had all four of mine out around 10 years ago. Corsodyl mouthwash can help healing after dental surgery although it tastes pretty bad. (I was a dental nurse many many moons ago).
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    Road to the Gold Cup 2011

    I'd love to see both Denman and Long Run in the Hennessy next season. Too much to hope for probably......
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    Arse Cup

    I wasn't hearing things then!
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    Arse Cup

    Did I hear Ted Walsh calling Thommo a dick on the morning line? Or was I hearing things?
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    Having another baby

    Congratulations Harry.
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    Get well soon Diamond Geezer

    I'm sure these doctors do it deliberately.Baby Triptych has been given a consultant's appointment for 3.45 pm on Thursday 17th March. Grrrr. And I feel guilty for being annoyed. Hope everything goes well for you DG.
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    Black Caviar

    I don't take a great deal of interest in Australian racing but I've had my attention drawn to Black Caviar's win earlier today. Surely Ascot will be going all out to tempt connections over here after this?