The confessions of a forum addicit


Senior Jockey
May 5, 2011
This has been on betfair for a few years but still very funny enjoy.

The first time I logged onto the Betfair forum was just over three years ago. At the time it seemed like a perfectly innocent thing to do, after all, what possible harm could come from exchanging a few pleasantries with my fellow horse racing enthusiasts? Or opening up a thread and being able to discover in an instant what everybody?s top 10 favourite breakfast cereals were? No harm whatsoever as far as I could see. Yet here I am today sitting naked at my computer. Bald and 76lbs overweight. Anti-depressants in one hand, mouse in the other, Frantically clicking the refresh button to see if anyone has replied to this thread. My children are threatening to report me to Childline, after they discovered that due to my ever-increasing gambling debts, they would once again be enjoying a make believe Christmas this year. My wife has just walked out on me after forcing me to choose between her and the forum, and I have to ask myself, maybe it wasn?t so harmless after all?

It was only two days after joining Betfair that I first clicked on the link. I remember it was a Saturday afternoon. I had just watched the first 6 races of the day and there was a 45-minute gap until the next start. So with nothing else better to do, apart from listen to the inane, squeaky voiced ramblings of Willie Carson as he walked up and down the course with his big pointy stick. I thought to my self, why not?

As far as I could tell, by simply entering the forum, I had accidentally stumbled upon the secret meeting place of the most knowledgeable horse racing experts in Britain. A place where professional gamblers, tipsters and blacksmiths, would gather together to exchange genuine insider information, and threaten to beat each other up. Every other thread appeared to be a gateway to riches. With confident declarations of ?WHEELBARROW JOB? and ?LUMP ON THIS?, I knew I had made the discovery of a lifetime. No more would I spend my days trying to decipher a formbook that may as well have been written in Braille, no more would I spend my days lost in the gambling wilderness. The Betfair forum had become my Tom Tom. At last, I was finally on the road to success.

The very first thread I read that afternoon was entitled ?MAXIMUM 5 STAR BET OF THE DAY?. Apparently, according to the writers? information. The horse had been burning up the gallops at home, and even though it was badly handicapped, the jockey was a woman! The poster was still absolutely convinced the horse would walk it. The poster was right. As soon as the stalls opened, the rest of the field sprinted down the straight as though being pursued by a polish butcher with a meat cleaver. While the horse I had backed, popped on his sunglasses, tilted his headgear to a racy angle, and proceeded to stroll casually for home without a care in the world. Even stopping occasionally to neigh at the crowd, before eventually trailing in a well beaten last.

It was at this point, as I wiped away the remains of the half eaten pot noodle I had just hurled at my laptop, that I made my second discovery of the afternoon. In the time it had taken the losing owner and trainer to go and collect their winnings, a total of 14 threads had suddenly appeared on the forum, declaring the startling news that ITS ALL**!!!? Now while I had always suspected that the sport of kings wasn?t entirely honest. To suddenly discover it was less straight than George Michael, taking a midnight stroll on the common, came as something of a shock.
However it was already too late. The next race was about to begin and a further 8 separate tips had already been posted. A quick look at Tim UK`s how much have you won, thread. Confirmed my belief that the pockets of every other forumite were literally bursting at the seams. Therefore I knew, that the only way to recover my losses was to deposit more funds and let the chase begin.

I was wrong! By the end of the day I had backed and layed a total of 98 horses and completely done my knackers!
I will never forget the feeling of staring breathlessly into space; body bathed in sweat, overwhelmed with a sense of guilt, my heart pounding so hard I could feel it pulsing in my ears. It was a feeling I had experienced many times before. Only this time, it wasn?t because I had just spent the afternoon downloading midget porn.

So the journey had begun. Day after day, week after week. The unbelievable highs as those elusive winners powered their way to victory. The despairing lows, as the forum continued to crash after yet another upgrade.
However it wasn?t just the inept standard of tipstering I had become addicted to. It was the Betfair community itself. Suddenly I would find myself logging on first thing in the morning, simply to discover whether Infomaniac had been for a dump yet! Or last thing at night, just to reassure myself that Limerick Mick and his horse, had arrived home safely from yet another days globetrotting.

Gradually, over the months that followed, and as my funds continued to dwindle, I slowly began to change. At first it was barely noticeable. For instance, instead of saying hello as I met up with friends and relations, I would find myself making a huge smiley face to indicate I was pleased to see them. Or upon hearing an amusing anecdote I would no longer laugh, I would simply utter the word LOL. Or if it were particularly amusing, I would tell them it was so funny my arse had fallen off. Also, as the forum insecurities began to take hold, my online paranoia began to manifest itself into my home life. Such as the times my parents came to visit and began boasting about how successful my brothers had become, Instead of just shrugging my shoulders, I would immediately accuse them of ramping their selections, brandish the yellow card and ban them from the house for a month.
Or the day I had a minor disagreement with my neighbour. After he discovered I was responsible for spreading the rumours, that his nubile teenage daughter was actually a middle-aged truck driver called Bob. Who was merely pretending to be a girl, so desperate men like myself would lavish him with attention, and sign up to his website! Whereas previously I would have entered into a calm and rational debate with the man, whilst hoping to persuade him that my point of view was the correct one, and to kindly release his grip on my testicles. Instead i began shouting that he was a MUG and a MUPPIT, before arranging to meet him in a nearby pub car park, where I intended to beat him to within an inch of his worthless life.
Once out of hospital, and as my debts, and online habit continued to grow. So did the concerns of my family. Who despite my insistence there was nothing to worry about. Often went to unbelievable lengths to tempt me away from the forum. The first such occurrence was during the late summer. I remember the speakers had broken down on my computer, and as my radio was in the next room, I had spent most of the day tapping my feet, while reading a selection of lyrics that had been posted on chitchat. I had just begun to read the second verse of ?I?m too sexy? by ?Right Said Fred? when there came a timid knock at the door. Even as I write this, I can still picture the tear stained faces of my wife and children, as they gently took my hands, and told me our beloved cat had died. However later that night, as I tapped away at my keyboard, while listening to the sounds of my 5 year old son digging a ?Tiddles? shaped grave in the garden. I couldn?t help thinking how suspicious it was. That a cat that had been in excellent health for over 21 years, would suddenly pass away as the Big Brother final was about to begin. I tried to reassure them that if Nikki were to win I would buy them an even better cat, but they wouldn?t listen.
Or the time during early December, when my young son and daughter ran excitedly into my study, and asked if I would take them into town to see Santa Claus. Once again I suspected it was a ruse. After all, what self-respecting person still believes in a flamboyant, rosy-cheeked, fat faced old man? Who does very little, apart from cost people money, sit on his backside, and eat copious amounts of pies for most of the year? Nobody apart from channel 4 and Mrs McCririck! I tried to explain to them that daddy was busy, and that unless my purple loan was approved, or Paul Eddery, managed to ride the winner in the first race at Wolverhampton, then there wouldn?t be any presents! And the only people who would be visiting our house on Christmas Eve were the bailiffs! But again they refused to understand. Deciding instead to burst into tears, before running away shouting ?MUMMY?.

Things finally came to a head just a few days ago, on the evening of my wifes birthday. As I had been fairly busy on the forum that night, monitoring a pair of particularly interesting threads entitled, ?who is your favourite Cheeky Girl?? and ?which hand do you use to wipe your ar$e with?? I decided to send a text to my wife asking her if she would care to come upstairs and take a look at the e card I had just mailed her. I was just about to press send, when there she was, naked and smiling at me from the hallway.
In many ways my wife is a wonderful woman. A 31-year-old, former Filipino bargirl who travelled to England just over 10 years ago, with dreams of becoming a waitress. The first time we met was during a friend?s stag party. As soon as I saw her walk onto the stage, carrying a bottle of lubricant, and begin firing a succession of ping-pong balls haphazardly across the room, I knew she was the girl for me. Two months later we were married, and now here she was, naked, carrying a racket, and begging me to take her to bed. It was only 3am, but as it was her birthday I felt I really couldn?t refuse.

5 minutes later as I lay breathless, and my wifes rabbit continued the job I had begun, all I could think about was the forum. And how many posts I had missed in the time I was away. I told my wife I was going to get a drink of water, but even as I grabbed my laptop and crept ashamedly down the stairs and through the back door, I was certain she suspected the truth.
That?s when it happened. I had just finished typing that my chosen method was to stand up, lean completely forward, and use a reverse, double-handed sweeping technique, when suddenly the light was turned on and my wife started to scream.
I can only imagine how it must have looked, to open the shed door in the middle of the night, and discover your husband sitting precariously on the edge of the lawnmower in his undercrackers, explaining to a group of strangers how he prefers to wipe his ar$e.
I tried to tell her that it wasn?t how it seemed, and that rather than being on the forum, I was simply ordering a turkey from tesco`s and looking at some porn, but the damage had already been done, and despite my protestations and pleas for forgiveness, the very next morning she had packed my belongings and was gone, taking the children and the new cat with her.

It is for this reason that I have decided to cancel my Internet connection and leave the forum forever. You may think this a touch extreme, but I urge you to heed this warning. As you sit down with your families this Christmas, and suddenly feel the urge to log onto Betfair, just to see who?s online, or what everyone has just had for dinner! Please. I beg you not to, it just isn?t worth it.

Although on second thoughts, who the hell am I kidding? See you all tomorrow
Amusing and worrying post at the same time.

I've been on the forum for 9 years and I don't think I have hit 100 posts. It's inevitable that you end up in a screaming row rather than a debate.

Although I rarely posted, the classic moment was when I was accused of ramping a price of a horse, that went on to win.

It is a matter of balance, but I do wonder whether you should be gambling if you spend more time on the forum than actually studying form.
It's quite intersting as i look on there after midnight usually and its the same names repeatedly posting utter garbage they must be on there 16 hours aday.So although that may seem tongue in cheek i think it actually applies to quite a few on there.
I even went back in there just a second ago - and made a comment (had totally forgotten my name on there is trollsareblonde ;) ) and reminded mylself how weird a lot of them are.... :D
Like some other TH members, I also post on Atacanta from time to time. I used to post on Final Furlong, but not for a long time, though still in touch with a couple of members via email. We did have a grand outing with FF a few years back, though - a night at Oxford Dogs in a hospitality box with buffet, followed by a day at the Paddy Power, which was terrifically good craic. Be nice if there were enough mainland-based British members on here to form a day out like that - I know the Irish contingency gets together a fair bit, but the British socialising leaves room for improvement.
I rarely post on here nowadays but do try to check in most days. I also glance in around once a week at TRF, FF and Atacanta.
Betfair occasionally but only to wind some idiots up and another forum that i post under a different name.
I'm going to wind down after I move so will see less of you all. I think Hamm was right - it's No Forum For Old Women and best left to young guys and a few gals. It's been informative, usually good fun, and often very helpful indeed, but I won't have the time. Will probably just do a Desperate Dan and try to compete in the occasional comp.
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I go on 3 racing forums (here, FF and atacanta), HHO, the ex-racers one occasionally and i have been known to stick my nose in on the betfair one too.

To be honest, though i read a lot - i tend to lurk more than contribute, i dont know much at all about betting, but i do like the banter and messing about that goes on.
Somewhat hijacking a thread maybe but on average how many other forums do you post on?

Oh dear, I've just done a quick count-up. It's rather a lot.

Here, TRF, Jumping For Fun and Neigh for racing (in descending order of how often at present).

Plus one forum for lovers of indiepop.

Plus one forum for the BBC Micro.

Plus one forum about Tiswas.

Neigh aside, I'm on each at least once a week. Could someone remind me what the world outside looks like again, please? :blink:

I look at other sites a fair bit, but don't post. I used to post on Africam, which has live streaming vids from South African safari parks, but it was against the tide of loads of Americans swapping recipes for pumpkin pie and cooing about their grandchildren, so gave that up and now just peek in at the warthogs and heffalumps.

G/C: there's a forum about Tiswas? :blink:
Oh yes indeed, Krizon! When ITV1 showed that Tiswas Reunited show back in 2007, pretty much all the members of the Cage that night were sourced from the pages of the forum.

Twenty-nine years since the show was cancelled, the forum is still thriving with people reminiscing about it** - including many people who appeared on it, such as the wee kid in a rabbit suit who used to sing Art Garfunkel's Bright Eyes in a very, um, idiosyncratic manner.

In common with a lot of shows from that period, the whole business of trying to unearth episodes thought destroyed or lost forever occu-pies (see what I did there) the thoughts of many forumites, with barely a fifth of the original episodes surviving intact in the archive and only one from the pre-Sally James era.

Hopes are high, though, that once the BFI has finally raked through the entire collection of videotapes bequested to them by the late Bob Monkhouse, any number of lost episodes will be found and released. As well as the owner of one of the first VCRs in the country back in the late-60s (several of them, in fact, left to record for all perpetuity!), Monkhouse was also an ardent fan of the 'Was and may well have recorded numerous episodes.

Isn't the internet wonderful!


** Oops! Just tried to log on and it looks like the site is down today for maintenance. What were the chances...
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Well, 29 years and more ago I was working as a camel herder in Saudi (sentenced to 20 years, 1972-92), so missed the show entirely. I had no idea it had grown such a following, but yes, Bob Monkhouse seemed to have recorded just about everything recordable - I recall that after he died, people were ecstatic about the legacy he'd left and his body seemed hardly to be cold before they hoped to raid his archives.

And now I'm left tantalised by the manner in which 'Bright Eyes' might've been rendered!

And whether there might be a Muffin the Mule fansite... now, I do remember one or two of those, seen on a friend's parents' tiny b&w tv, the screen about the size of an egg carton. There were some archive shots of that a night or two ago, with a very mature woman with a fraffly Beeb voice presenting as Muffin lolloped about on top of a piano she was playing. I think he was 'handled' later on by a much younger woman, still old enough to be the watching kiddies' mother, rather than closer to the peer group. At least telly nowadays has actual children participating - it's come a long way in appealing to the right target, that's for sure.
There were some archive shots of that a night or two ago, with a very mature woman with a fraffly Beeb voice presenting as Muffin lolloped about on top of a piano she was playing.

Annette Mills was the singer and pianist - sister of Sir John Mills (too many important films to mention), grandmother of Susie Blake (member of Victoria Wood's ensemble for years), auntie of Hayley Mills (Polyanna and stuff) and great-aunt of Crispian Mills (frontman of Kula Shaker).

Verily the showbiz equivalent of Timeform's "family a good supplier of winners", no? :)

Only other forums i post to are the midget porn forum run by Grasshopper and an antique collectables forum which speicalises in iron lungs and victorian incontinence equipment
:lol::lol::lol: Thanks, Jeremy, 'twas brilliant.

I wonder what Matthew is doing now and does he ever watch that superb rendition?

My pleasure, Colin! Once heard never forgotten.

Matthew is now a sales director and fireman:

...but is also as heavily involved with the Tiswas forum as anyone, being one of the moderators. Some of the footage of his singing on Youtube was uploaded by him, too. There's another fabulous piece of footage out there of him deconstructing Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall", which I'm sure I'll dig out at some point.

As Tarrant used to say, "This is what'll replace Waggoner's Walk!".

The sharing of information in the modern era is important and necessary.
Essentially 'new information' is 'news', and therefore the internet must strongly (and is) be the biggest provider of new information and/or news in the world.

When you factor in all the outright news outlets, T.V, radio etc, my only concern for the modern era is we as the human race are bombarded, perplexed and desensatized by a constant never-ending flow of information: certainly I am at times.

If you actually try to take in, consume, understand and feel certain types of information you're told via the web or news outlets, (as I try to when I see them as important), but consume too much, I think in the end it hardwires itself into the system and we start becoming purely computerised devices, without the human emotion and spirit that has seperated us from some of the other animals to have roamed this earth since it's creation.

When I had a conversation with my mum yesterday about this she agreed with the above assertion, although she did say in here opinion most people only tune into parts of news they care or have a specific interest in, e.g. stories that have a direct impact on them in some form. As for forums, well they're a work in progress.
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