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  1. V

    Britain ruled by banks? (Discuss)

    Total or partial? Probably lay and back in that order.
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    Britain ruled by banks? (Discuss)

    Stop press - The Guardian gets it...
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    Britain ruled by banks? (Discuss)

    A view from the EP, could be just the ravings of a swivel eyed Europhobe, or then again...
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    Britain ruled by banks? (Discuss)

    Agree, charisma free zones both. Like someone said about another nobody, Baroness (why?) Ashton, she's gone from being unknown in her own country to being unknown right across Europe. Know a bit about the CAP (less than you, obviously), having administered export restitution claims for a food...
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    Britain ruled by banks? (Discuss)

    Fair point
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    Britain ruled by banks? (Discuss)

    I think this is a really interesting and well argued thread. Tout Seul's input is fascinating and I find clivex and krizon pretty near the mark in term of the 'English' view, whilst Hamm and Grey, who seem to be looking at the picture from a Brussels/ Dublin, and, dare I say, an almost anti...
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    Britain ruled by banks? (Discuss)

    My thoughts exactly
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    Britain ruled by banks? (Discuss)

    Believe me, I've read Guardian online plenty. With the odd laudable exception, like Simon Jenkins, it is very, very socialist and getting more so. Fair enough, no one forces you to read it; the BBC is more of a concern - I used to think it was a marvellous institution and that allegations of...
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    Britain ruled by banks? (Discuss)

    So no prejudices there, then
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    Britain ruled by banks? (Discuss)

    If it's in the Guardian, it'll be the usual left wing tosh, like the research into the riots they carried out with the equally lamentable LSE Whilst I'm at it, the BBC's coverage of the talks has been one sided and puerile.
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    Chap goes to the doctor's. 'I've come for my test results' 'Ah, yes', says the doctor, 'I have some good news and some bad news' 'Give me the bad news' 'You have three weeks to live' 'And the good news?' 'You see the beautiful nurse over there with the enormous boobs?' 'Yes' 'Well...
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    The King George

    Fascinating thread; thanks to all contributors
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    What Are You Listening To Now?

    Sublime experience; wonderful cameo appearance from Jimmy Page on 'Same Old Rock - worth a look at youtube
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    What Are You Listening To Now?

    Know what you mean, but cd sets now are so beautifully packaged it's like having an album again
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    What Are You Listening To Now?

    Jethro Tull - Stand Up - from the early days: 3 disc collector's edition, £10 from Amazon. Quite bluesy; great songs and superb musicianship
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    What Are You Listening To Now?

    What sort of stuff do you like?
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    Paddy Power Gold Cup Chelt 12 Nov

    If I may say so, you seem to be taking your responsibilities as the forum's resident iconoclast rather too seriously. Making a dramatic, sweeping statement the polar opposite of what the facts and other knowledgeable commentators seem to suggest to be the case is normally the refuge of the...
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    Paddy Power Gold Cup Chelt 12 Nov

    Me too; Burke very bullish on Tuesday, up in the weights but will be thereabouts if replicating his March run
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    What Are You Listening To Now?

    Latest on my 'time to catch up with my misspent youth list' is Eldorado by ELO A work of insane genius All aboard for Roy Harper's 70th birthday concert on Nov 5th....