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  1. icebreaker


    Oh, you sick twisted piece of s. To reference the 1940's -- and by inference the war against fascism -- against me who has steadfastly advocated the right of Jews and of the state of Israel to live in peace goes to show how warped your brain really is. And how dare you associate yourself with...
  2. icebreaker


    No, you're representative of pond life.
  3. icebreaker


    But you pushed a report on anto-semitism at me when I had only referred to anti-Israel speak. " interview of Mr Corbyn on the subject of anti-Semitism". Go and fuckoff and try reading yourself before opening your mouth.
  4. icebreaker


    True dat. It is a fair observation, tho', that the Hard Left only ever accuse white people of racism and nobody else. When Blacks or Islamists display (very regularly) an inverse racism it is always excused or even validated on grounds of historical mitigation.
  5. icebreaker


    Anti-Israel hatespeak was the term I used in my post -- not anti-semitism.
  6. icebreaker


    Saw it on da telly. All of them crying tears of atonement over their "white guilt" -- a totally imagined mindset of course and one without foundation. All of them condemning racism too but at the same time, by their silence, willingly sanctioning the anti-Israel hatespeak of their leader and his...
  7. icebreaker

    Bet365 guaranteed profit Barcelona v Arsenal

    That's a fast track to your B365 account being shut down, Dave.
  8. icebreaker

    Euro 2016 betting thread

    Oh Wow, Wales ! Get in there boyo's !
  9. icebreaker


    And your method of dealing with terrorists would be ? Perhaps enroll them on trans-gender studies degree courses to turn their darling little minds away from all that old -- you know -- beheading lark? Or maybe implement Obama's solution of jobs-for-jihadi's ? I prefer Israel's solution.
  10. icebreaker


    It was the anti-semitic speak of Corbyn that was the issue. And if it wasn't ( ie, anti-semitic), strange that one of his few remaining loyalists __ Emily Thornberry, Shadow Foreign Minister -- phoned the Israeli ambassador today to apologise for her leader's remarks.
  11. icebreaker


    That postal vote segment that swung it last minute towards Greens in Austria was very suspect .
  12. icebreaker


    So now it's a war-crime/warmongering to defend oneself? :blink:
  13. icebreaker


    Because it doesn't deserve the criticism. The criticism it gets constantly from certain quarters is nothing more than a thinly veiled hatred.
  14. icebreaker


    And this on a day when a 13-y-o Israeli girl is knifed to death in her bed whilst sleeping by a Palestinian terrorist.
  15. icebreaker


    I'm seriously beginning to think that that party is being taken over by a certain grouping (six letters; begins and ends with "M") and the acolytes of that grouping. The Labour Party now seems little more than a Hamas PR machine, and one that regularly and consistently bashes the state of Israel.
  16. icebreaker


    Oh, I have no doubt but that precisely this was the "plan".
  17. icebreaker


    It's quite unbelievable, isn't it ! If what he said reflects what he thinks, then he should resign immediately. If he did not intend it to read as it does, then he is a Grade A fool and should be sectioned.
  18. icebreaker


    Not good enough.
  19. icebreaker


    That's a mighty deduction to make. Where's your proof?