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  1. Tanlic

    Royal Ascot 2024

    Half the time they have so much talent in the yard they don't know thémselves añd Aiden just says we couldn't be happier with where he is at the minute.
  2. Tanlic

    Royal Ascot 2024

    He had a 57 day break that's true but the he had exactly the same length of break,57 days, as he did before winning at Santa Anita
  3. Tanlic

    Royal Ascot 2024

    I find it strange that Ryan Moore has an interview in the racing post today mentions several of his mounts but nothing with regards AR
  4. Tanlic

    Royal Ascot 2024

    I'm sorry did you miss the 2023 Derby ?🙄🙄 He was stone last and going know here then albeit too late took off like a rocket down the outside passing a dozen horses to finish 3rd. Granted he went off the boil after that but that can be put down to an immature 3yo . This season he looks a...
  5. Tanlic

    Royal Ascot 2024

    The more I watch White Birch v Auguste Rodin the more I am convinced there is no way Aiden's dual derby winner can reverse the placings. Aiden mention his 4 for Royal Ascot in an interview and never gave him a mention which makes me thinks he is not confident of his chances. Second guess him...
  6. Tanlic

    Hunter Biden Pardon

    Mail in ballots are a joke but the left refuses to use a more secure method. In the UK you need your ID like most countries. No one has a clue what is going on including Trump but at least he wants a more secure way of knowing........unlike the dems who want illegal immigrants they allowed...
  7. Tanlic

    What are you backing Today? Part 2

    Drifted to tice it s original odds. Wasn't anywhere near ready and just out for a bit of education and the layers knew it
  8. Tanlic

    Hunter Biden Pardon

    all that and people believe they are incapable of election cheating
  9. Tanlic

    Hunter Biden Pardon

    All these insults and threats are part of a game played by candidates out to win elections this Now he's one of the front runners for VP
  10. Tanlic

    Hunter Biden Pardon

    Plus Len and I have been insulting each other for years and never fallen out
  11. Tanlic

    Hunter Biden Pardon

    This is Chit chat it's got nothing to do with horse racing........theres another section for that I suggest you open your eyes and look before you leap
  12. Tanlic

    Forum Functions How to send a private message

    Changed send a private message to start a conversation. Which genius thought that one up
  13. Tanlic

    What are you backing Today? Part 2

    I've gone for the Appelby Buick treble having backed their 2 first timers yesterday. This Royal Officer cost 1million guineas so hopefully he too can make a winning start He has drifted since I backed him such is life
  14. Tanlic

    Good afternoon all....

    Never had the pleasure of meeting him but other jockeys I knew always spoke very highly of him back in the day. He's not from money and is a self made man who lives hand to mouth with training low class animals with a low strike rate. How he survives is beyond me but some of these trainers...
  15. Tanlic

    Hunter Biden Pardon

    How could Biden get the votes he got when he couldn't hold one decent size rally. 25 news companies from 27 spent fortunes attacking Trump day after day and he still beat Hillary so to swing it next time mail-in voting. Trump complained it could be open to fraud and should not be used before the...
  16. Tanlic

    Hunter Biden Pardon

    Really? How dumb are you....he meant he never coined the phrase but the left as usual find a way to twist it. The reason he never went after her is 2fold. Bill and she were good friends before he got into politics and secondly he wanted to spend his time usefully not chasing revenge.
  17. Tanlic

    What are you backing Today? Part 2

    John Quinn has booked Patrick to ride Red Mirage and he is not the type to waste the man's time. Good enough for me
  18. Tanlic

    What are you backing Today? Part 2

    Great Jockey :D
  19. Tanlic

    What are you backing Today? Part 2

    Don't want to aftertime but I've had a cracking day so far. However I've gone overboard on Transcending @ 11/10 at Leopardstown. My worry is Colin Keane is my jinx. I reckon 7 out of the last 10 times I backed him he has been beaten.
  20. Tanlic

    Hunter Biden Pardon

    No chance getting back into office is all the revenge he needs. Name one time he was vindictive against Bill and Hillary? You can't because he it ismply is not in the mans nature..........The media keep putting videos up saying he has sworn to get revenge but when you watch them he says no such...