Hunter Biden Pardon


Senior Jockey
Dec 6, 2011
Bangkok Thailand
Who are the Bidens kidding?

Joe Biden has said he will not pardon his son.

This is a ploy fool the American people that he didn't interfere with prosecuting Donald Trump

I reckon Joe and his army of crooked Democrats know the fix is in.

I'd have money on it's already arranged that Hunter will not get any jail time

Therefore no need to Pardon him
Isn’t it the case that he won’t be given time anyway as a first offender, same as with Trump?
no the average was 12 years. If he does get jail time Biden could commute the sentence if still President but chances are if timing didn't allow Trump would commute the sentence anyway. He is not known for for being vindictive and after what Joe has gone through he would be very he was with Hillary who he could have gone after. I think Hunter is a lucky man.
no the average was 12 years. If he does get jail time Biden could commute the sentence if still President but chances are if timing didn't allow Trump would commute the sentence anyway. He is not known for for being vindictive and after what Joe has gone through he would be very he was with Hillary who he could have gone after. I think Hunter is a lucky man.
Did you ever see the documentary about the way Trump treated some of the local people in Scotland when he built a golf course there?
Everyone who ever testified, who ever brought evidence against Trump on his felony charges, should be very worried if the lunatic gets back into office. He will certainly go after them.

He’s vindictive. He’s a vindictive man. He’s a very vindictive man. And an out and out nasty bastard.
No chance getting back into office is all the revenge he needs. Name one time he was vindictive against Bill and Hillary? You can't because he it ismply is not in the mans nature..........The media keep putting videos up saying he has sworn to get revenge but when you watch them he says no such thing.....Anyway Biden is incapable of ever winning an election on his own he just sits in his bunker eating ice cream while the crooked media spend hours and hours convincing dumb people that Trump is a monster
Trump and his loons think any evidence, any trial against him, is a “hoax”. Sounds like you do too, Tanlic.

He will go spoiling for revenge. We all know this.

And this:
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Trump and his loons think any evidence, any trial against him, is a “hoax”. Sounds like you do too, Tanlic.

He will go spoiling for revenge. We all know this.

And this:
Really? How dumb are you....he meant he never coined the phrase but the left as usual find a way to twist it.

The reason he never went after her is 2fold. Bill and she were good friends before he got into politics and secondly
he wanted to spend his time usefully not chasing revenge.
Imo the dumb people are the ones that think he isn’t. Have you heard the way he speaks to women? Or doesn’t that bother you?
How could Biden get the votes he got when he couldn't hold one decent size rally. 25 news companies from 27 spent fortunes attacking Trump day after day and he still beat Hillary so to swing it next time mail-in voting. Trump complained it could be open to fraud and should not be used before the election but the Dems insisted on it low and belhold some places saw an increase of 11 to 14% in votes cast compared to 2016....says it all

As far as locker room talk goes it doesn't bother me one bit. Women of course never say such things. Yeah right in your dreams they don't

Trump has more women in top jobs then any other developer in the USA does that bother you
A shame the insults have started. I came on here to exchange views on the horse racing. Not to read about Hopkins, Trump etc. There's always Twitter for that shit !
A shame the insults have started. I came on here to exchange views on the horse racing. Not to read about Hopkins, Trump etc. There's always Twitter for that shit !
This is Chit chat it's got nothing to do with horse racing........theres another section for that I suggest you open your eyes and look before you leap
Everyone who ever testified, who ever brought evidence against Trump on his felony charges, should be very worried if the lunatic gets back into office. He will certainly go after them.

He’s vindictive. He’s a vindictive man. He’s a very vindictive man. And an out and out nasty bastard.
Yet he said pre election win that he would put Killary in prison yet seemed to forgive her. Hunter will spend the odd weekend picking up rubbish by the side of some motorway. Its a deflection away from his laptop,the kiddy fiddling,corruption of his family and drugged up porn vids.
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All these insults and threats are part of a game played by candidates out to win elections


Now he's one of the front runners for VP
All these insults and threats are part of a game played by candidates out to win elections


Now he's one of the front runners for VP
It is just a game. It is those pulling the strings who call the shots. CIA,FBI, Big Business, Weapon manufacturers etc. Lobbiests. Did you know that most representatives have a handler who is acts on behalf of a specific country and tells them how to vote and endorse on a daily basis? That is interference on a massive scale yet they make a huge thing about other countries influencing domestic policy etc.
Tanlic - you and I have exchanged differing views over the years, but you do not get to insult me by calling me dumb. You can pack that shit in right now.

The FBI investigated HC’s use of private emails, whilst in office, and found no evidence of mishandling classified information. Trump was powerless after that report.
Mail in ballots are a joke but the left refuses to use a more secure method. In the UK you need your ID like most countries.

No one has a clue what is going on including Trump but at least he wants a more secure way of knowing........unlike the dems who want illegal immigrants they allowed into the country to vote
I suspect that Biden is holding out for assurances that he and his family will be exempt from prosecution for all of their multiple crimes before he walks away to a home for the bewildered.
Mail in ballots are a joke but the left refuses to use a more secure method. In the UK you need your ID like most countries.

No one has a clue what is going on including Trump but at least he wants a more secure way of knowing........unlike the dems who want illegal immigrants they allowed into the country to vote
You mean the very Trump who was phoning round trying to get people to miraculously find non existent votes to help him win an election that he had lost?
Why do you think Dems are adamant about having postal voting but Republicans are dead against almost every other western country you need ID which shows up if you use twice or dead. Combine a predudice press 28/2 reporting crap about Trump. And some dodgy voting and an ice cream eating cave dweller becomes President....the will need more than that this time..of Biden quits Kamala V Trump they will need plane loads of fake votes to stop Trump again
In Trump they will have a coke drinking cave dweller. One who is trying to destroy democracy itself.