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Gone But Not Forgotten
May 1, 2003
Cheltenhams almost here, more people use the forum, but hardly any register and take part. Come on guys, if you are reading this and haven't joined it takes 2 minutes and you can take part in the threads, even if you don't feel like you want to post, being a member removes most the adverts!

I don't spam you, usually 2 - 3 emails a YEAR (one will be this week though), which isn't much, I get more than that a day from some sites! There really isn't any reason not to sign up. Using a free email address? gmail, hotmail etc, just email me to get your membership approved, usually in minutes.

The forum only works when people are joining in :D
I have just registered today and i have to say it was a very difficult process getting a reply or a password. It might be worth looking at the registration process just in case its actually stopping more members subscribing. Of course it might be myself who cannot follow instructions.
I have just registered today and i have to say it was a very difficult process getting a reply or a password. It might be worth looking at the registration process just in case its actually stopping more members subscribing. Of course it might be myself who cannot follow instructions.

I genuinely can't find any emails from you apart from the one today. Unfortunately, we get spammed to death when I remove the manual authorisation, I get around 30-40 spambot registrations every day, if they were allowed to post, the forum would be flooded with Viagra adverts in minutes :(
Having to email me if you aren't using a domain or ISP address is a pain in the arse I know, but me having to remove 100's of spam posts every day is too, and pisses members off when thats all they see when they login. Usually, and I know it didn't happen in your case, people are approved in minutes, or a few hours max after they email me, my apologies that the process fell down this time :(
It could clearly be myself who has messed up, if it is then i do not mind looking silly, I just did not want potential new posters facing any problems registering. Using my past experience of the internet, it is probably user input dvds that has caused my issue.
is there any reason why firefox has suddenly started warning against logging on here, saying it's an unsecure connection?
is there any reason why firefox has suddenly started warning against logging on here, saying it's an unsecure connection?

I'm stealing all your details :D
There was a DNS problem this morning and the DNS servers have been changed, so possibly something to do with that, I just tried and it let me in with no warnings, is anyone else getting the same?
W have a new member jonny 40 he is registered but says he can't post as he has tried..
If he hasnt emailed me that will be why. Im out at the moment, will try to approve him from my phone, if not it will be tonight ��
Just wanjted to say welcome to the forum to those who have emailed over the past couple of days since I put the thread up, if you have mailed me and not had a reply feel free to resend in case I've missed anyone, as far as i know everyone who has been in contact are now approved :)