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    • Grey
      Grey reacted to pdleech's post in the thread Forum Horse Connections with Like Like.
      We have decided to retire Freedom to Dream from racing; it is clear that his heart (or, more likely, his head) isn't in it any longer. I...
    • Grey
      Grey reacted to pdleech's post in the thread Forum Horse Connections with Like Like.
      After the disaster at Tipperary, my mindset is very different. Why my being confident about Suprise Package at Ballinrobe is bad news...
    • Grey
      Freescape at Killarney. One of the Cheltenham crew was involved with this horse who gave them many days of fun including four winters at...
    • Grey
      Grey replied to the thread Election 2024.
      All true, Marb, provided that the religion or movement into which people put their faith is capable of compromise and cooperation with...
    • Grey
      Grey replied to the thread Election 2024.
      The Irish playwright Brendan Began came at the subject from a different angle, but made the same point, that the Church of England and...
    • Grey
      This is anyone’s worst nightmare. I hope John Hunt and those close to him and his family will find the support they are going to need.
    • Grey
      Grey reacted to Maruco's post in the thread A Day (Or Evening) At The Races with Like Like.
      I most certainly will Art. He still has three or four in training I think Art. The best known are Reserve Tank that was formerly with...
    • Grey
      Grey replied to the thread Is French form under-rated?.
      DO, I share your suspicion. Here is a list of the top European horses in the International Classification Ratings (ICR) for the current...
    • Grey
      Grey replied to the thread Browser problem.
      No error message, just no interactivity. When I click on Reply a box opens but nothing happens when I try to type some text in it. Mind...
    • Grey
      Grey reacted to Marb's post in the thread The Eclipse challengers with Like Like.
      Well I've made it down from the Northeast to near Esher now, albeit I'll miss the first race. Wish me luck guys. I'm here to see a very...
    • Grey
      I have found that I can’t submit posts here using my usual browser, CCleaner. Everything else seems to work fine.
    • Grey
      Grey replied to the thread Election 2024.
      The photogenic Ms Niblett is made of the right stuff, her grandmother is an O’Malley.
    • Grey
      Grey replied to the thread A Day (Or Evening) At The Races.
      I’m pleased to hear that Roddy is still out and about. Please pass on greetings. He did me a huge favour one time by arranging tickets...
    • Grey
      Grey reacted to pdleech's post in the thread Forum Horse Connections with Like Like.
      Freedom to Dream and Suprise Package both run at Tipperary tomorrow. I won't be there. I don't think that's what is making me so angry...
    • Grey
      Grey replied to the thread The Epsom Derby.
      Matsuri looked physically immature alongside the other horses in the parade ring, especially LA, who is so robust you could ride him...
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