20 Years old!


Gone But Not Forgotten
May 1, 2003
So, from memory, we set this forum up in 1999, so are 21 this year!

Edit: Thank you to Lesley - we are actually 20 on the 5th December

I'm honestly amazed we lasted this long, considering I just flung a free forum up when Channel 4 gave us about 90 minutes notice they were closing the racing forum there and it all started then.

We've been through some good times, with high membership numbers and visitors, to lows like we have now, but we are still doing ok, much better than some other forums have done, who have fell away over the years. We've had highlights, too many to mention, but Martin going through the card at the hunter chase meeting a few years ago is one that sticks in my mind. I'm sure many people all have different ones, and hopefully the forum existing has created good memories for some, like people meeting up at meetings etc :)

Also had some sad times, when I found out Alan had passed away, I was in total shock for days. It was like a member of my family had passed away, so strange to be so upset over someone I had never met, but who also felt like family. Also saddens me on the rare occasion I've had to ban people. I just can't get why people get so heated on a message board, but then I think we are pretty civilised on here, even the banned ones, as I've seen other forum admins get death threats and allsorts!

I honestly don't know how much longer we will last, I'll probably be dead in another 21 years haha, so we are most likely over the halfway point of our forum life now. It's no secret visitor numbers are falling, but that is true of all forums I think. The internet evolves and facebook and twitter, who took a lot of forum traffic, seem to have peaked a few years ago and are now falling out of favour, to be replaced by the likes of Snapchat and Tiktok.

Where do we go from here? Hopefully people keep posting, we get some new members join to replace the ones that have left, and we keep going. I may upgrade the forum software this year at some point to Xenforo, which is much better and better for SEO too, but I'll see how things go first :)

I do want to say a massive thank you to those of you who are still posting, and even more of a thank you to those who have been here since the start. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the members.

So thats enough rambling from me. Just wanted to put something up for our 21st :) All the best for 2020 to you all.
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Happy new year to you. :)

Well I think the 21 years is down to you as much as anything else. I was on the CH4 one so think I have probably been here that long too which is a very scary thought!!! I can honestly say though, the forum always educates and I appreciate time people take with lesser knowledgeable mortals as myself. There's always something interesting on here. 21 years ago FB and Twitter weren't around/the giants they are now so inevitable changes n posters/postings has happened, but there is a strong core of die hards on here and the word will go round again and new faces will appear, and maybe some of the old ones will come back.

I too was so upset when I heard about Alan, he was supposed to come on a visit to where I was working the week before he died but said he had man-flu....... fond memories of the day at Lingfield in his honour. :)
21 Years old!

I’m another channel 4 refugee, though my bio says 2003, I definitely remember the start! - really doesn’t feel like it’s been this long at all. Xx

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I’m another channel 4 refugee, though my bio says 2003, I definitely remember the start! - really doesn’t feel like it’s been this long at all. Xx

Just to clear that up as I knew it would get mentioned and forgot to go over it lol.

We started using vbulletin from 2003, which will be the earliest registration date for anyone, mine is 1st May 2003 I think.

However, we were around before that using a couple of different forums, one of which is still up but I can't find the link at the moment. The domain registration shows

Relevant dates:
Registered on: 11-Nov-2002
Expiry date: 11-Nov-2020

but we were round before then :)
I thought it was something like that - i don’t really take much notice, this place is like a comfortable pair of trousers - I don’t post a huge amount really, but I do come and lurk a lot still !!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Back in 2002 we had 107 members, and 4202 posts

Today we have

<dt style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline; color: rgb(62, 62, 62);">Threads</dt> <dd style="margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline; color: rgb(62, 62, 62);">15,106</dd> <dt style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline; color: rgb(62, 62, 62);">Posts</dt> <dd style="margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline; color: rgb(62, 62, 62);">576,200</dd> <dt style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline; color: rgb(62, 62, 62);">Members</dt> <dd style="margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline; color: rgb(62, 62, 62);">1,680</dd> <dt style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline; color: rgb(62, 62, 62);">Active Members</dt> <dd style="margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline; color: rgb(62, 62, 62);">163

I joined just before the C4 forum was shut down so can safely consider myself a veteran.

I've been on other forums - I think I lasted about a week on the Betfair forum before giving it up as a pile of shite - but for all the negative experiences on here there are countless brilliant ones, not least the forum meet-ups I attended, especially at the November Cheltenham meetings.

Who knows, maybe this year circumstances will allow me to get to another one.
I too have been here from the days of the C4 safari park. In fact, that was my first interactive foray on the new interweb thingy and this is still the only forum I have ever been consistently active on. It's great that we have some long term veterans here, but am always minded of some of the empty chairs and empty tables when I see athread like this. I'd love if among others, we could tempt Krizon, Steve Miller, Honest Tom, Galileo, Bar the Bull, BobbyJo, Brian H, back again.
Yes, huge thanks to you and Col, and although I don't have anything to say anymore ;), I often revisit incognito and with fondness.

Dear Moggie was one of life's good guys, his passing was such a shock and as you say it was so personally upsetting even tho', I too, never met him.

Some of my other personal favourites were Punter's Pal (way, way back), who somehow managed to have the patience and kindness to email me full details how to rid my computer of a virus and many other useful computer lessons.

Dear Jon (Krizon), I wonder where/if she's still around these days . . . . . I do hope so. Proper 'old school'.

Always happy to see you posting an cappall, tho' I miss Lord H's always humorous and knowledgeable input . . . I used to love meeting up with him at York for the Ebor meeting, but haven't heard from him now for a few years. . . . I think my consistent **** tipping, (and drunkenness) was probably partly to blame :lol:

Delighted to see Slim in other 'fields', entertaining and educating his followers :adore:. . . . a sharp dichotomy in real life to his forum persona . . . one of the smartest, most insightful and articulate followers of the game, and able to write brilliantly. There's at least one good book in him.

Anyway, what a great job you've done over these years :thumbsup: . . . Many thanks and wishing you and all good health and happiness in 2020, and the next 21 years !

I found this reminder below in one of my many 'saved' files . . . . must have kept it in case it suddenly went dark and I didn't know where to go . . . . :) (sorry not sure how to post it other than as below)

Sorry but this forum is closing

posted by Stephen Burn on 12:32 5/12/2000

Sadly, Channel Four has decided to close down this racing forum. We are very grateful to those of you who have supported the forum over the years and made it the liveliest chat site in racing. It will close in the next day or so.
In the near future, we hope to open a new forum which will provide viewers with a direct link to the Channel Four Racing team and the new Go Racing channel.
I can be contacted on 07050 108976 or at the C4 Racing office on 020 781 2770.

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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Tommy L on 12:35 5/12/2000

Sad news but will this new site have registration and can we be kept updated on the new forum via the C4 website ?
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12:32 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Daniel McD on 12:38 5/12/2000

"Near future"

Load of rubbish
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by MarkEE on 12:39 5/12/2000

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12:56 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Rocky Two on 12:56 5/12/2000

Was it something I said?
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Maurice O'Neill on 12:56 5/12/2000

I suppose this was inevitable. Hopefully the new forum will be even better than this one. In spite of my previous thoughts on quitting, this forum has been the best thing to have happened for the ordinary punter for a long time and I am grateful for all the opportunities it has given me to share ideas and banter with new friends.

Could I be the last winner of the 4PP monthly? If so can saturday's results be discounted, making me the overall champ??

I've noted your phone numbers Stephen. I do hope yopu don't mind if I contact you at some point. I've also added my e-mail address above if anyone wants to get in touch that way.

Thanks again.
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Cuthbert Redmullet on 12:59 5/12/2000

It's an absolute disgrace. Why?????
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Colin on 13:02 5/12/2000

Stephen, why are they closing it? It surely doesn't take that much work to keep it going?

Some of you may remember when this forum went down a few months ago, I set up a message board, it is still there and you are welcome to use it as a temporary measure, and it is possible if people wanted it - given a bit of time - I could set one up requiring registration.

The URL is at http://members2.boardhost.com/dvds2000

Of course if anyone else wants to set up a forum/message board, feel free :)

Anyway, sorry to see this board go

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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Steve M on 13:15 5/12/2000

Well I won't won't hold my breath about the new forum but I would like to take the opportunity to thank you Stephen for your tireless support of this forum. I'm sure you had a great number of other things you could be usefully employed in doing but gave this venture a great part of your time and energy. I hope you can find something to do for the three people you hired to work on the site.

To the rest of you, it's been fun guys.

I should think most of us will continue to use Colin's forum for the meantime. Most of you have already found you way to it. See you there. http://members2.boardhost.com/dvds2000

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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Stephen Burn on 13:23 5/12/2000

It is nothing to do with the amount of work involved. As some of you will know, I have been very committed to the idea of the forum and have done my best to moderate it and keep it going. However, Channel Four has taken a decision that it now has to close. In my personal view, the amount of threads which had to be removed under legal advise was causing problems with the forum's credibility anyway. As a corporation, the channel has legal responsibilities as a publisher which those operating individual forums do not. When we launch the new forum it will have a one-off free registration. We hope this will cut down on the more moronic postings which have undermined the status of this forum in the eyes of some at Channel Four. We would have liked the transition from one forum to the other to have been seemless but this is not possible as Channel Four want to close this forum down tomorrow (Wednesday). Good luck to all.
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13:02 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Fast Eddie a fond farewell on 13:23 5/12/2000

...such sweet sorrow. My dear friends and co-scribblers, especially those who have been on here from the start (Scottish Kevin, Steve M, etc.), pre-Burn, in those days when regulation was not needed.

To Kathy and Julie - I will miss you delightful ladies, as I will the less delightful but equally engaging Virginia Ham.

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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Pebbles on 13:24 5/12/2000


I do hope we get the new improved forum up & running soon > this one will be greatly missed by all .......
but why close this one "now" , if there is to be a new one "sometime"..... why the "gap" ????

We appreciate you keeping us informed & leaving your numbers above as a point of contact > maybe, if you didn't mind (and to save us all ringing you !) you could keep in touch via Colins alternative forum ? :))



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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by a tearful Kathy on 13:34 5/12/2000

Terrible, terrible news. It would be nice to know why though Stephen. It is certainly the end of an era on this site so please let us keep the momentum going on Colin's site.

Stephen, you have been great and certainly stuck with this site (and the people on it) through thick and thin - even when you were off sick and defintely beyond the call of duty at times and took a lot of stick along the way. We have certainly had a few giggles and some very serious banter. The subject matter on some of the older threads will stay with me for years to come.

Good Luck and see you at Colin's once this site goes off the air.

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13:45 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by An Capall on 13:44 5/12/2000

With thanks to Jim Morrison who also died without a proper explanation.
This is the end, Beautiful friend
This is the end, My only tommo, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into pebbles eyes...again
Can you picture what will be, So limitless and free
Desperately Dan in need...of some...stranger's T Shirt
In a...desperate land
Lost in Ppeters...wilderness of pain
And all the Rocky's are insane, All the children are insane
Waiting for the 4PP, yeah
There's Gary on the edge of town
Ride the King's Road highway, terry
Weird scenes inside the gold mine
Ride the highway west, julie
Ride the snake, ride the snake
To the lake, the ancient lake, kathy
The snake is long, seven miles
Ride the Steve M...he's old, and his skin is cold
Carlton is the best, Carlton is the best
Get here, and we'll do the rest
The horse with the Rudest Name is callin' us, The blue bus is callin' us
Malc, where you taken' us
The Burn awoke before dawn, he put his boots on
He took a face from the McCririck gallery
And he walked on down the hall
He went into the room where lesley lived, and...then he
Paid a visit to his Maurice, and then he
He walked on down the hall, and
And he came to a door...and he looked inside
Fast Eddie, yes son, I want to kill you
Channel 4...Lawyers...**** you
C'mon baby, take a chance with us on http://members2.boardhost.com/dvds2000/
And meet me at the back of the Fontwell Stand
Doin' a blue rock, On a blue bus
Doin' a blue rock, C'mon, xmas
Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill
This is the end, Beautiful Forum
This is the end, My only friend, the end
It hurts to set you free
But you'll never follow me down to the woods
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of abuse we tried to end
This is the end
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Conan the Librarian on 13:45 5/12/2000

Thank you pPeter
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13:34 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by graham on 13:48 5/12/2000

I'm stunned. I may be a sad git, but I looked forward to coming on here every day, even with the high amount of crap. I've met some decent people through this forum and hoped to again in the future. Gutted.

Stephen, I've no doubt you will be inundated with calls, so thanks for your input... are you at Cheltenham at the weekend. I'll buy you a beer or a tea or whatever!
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14:01 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by HB on 14:01 5/12/2000

What am I going to do at work all day now????

Stephen and the rest of the team - thanks for putting up with us all, and all your help on videos etc.. Hope to meet up one day at a racecourse soon.

Hope the 'new' forum is sooner rather than later.

HB x
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13:48 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by MarkEE to An Capall on 14:13 5/12/2000

Do you work for Viz magazine or somewhere similar. Top song penned in what must have been minutes. A business venture is unfolding in the mist. I'll draw cartoons...you write amusing accompanying verse and Rocky 2 can throw in a few one line gags....The racegoers Viz!!!!! Millionaires mate...we'll be millionaires....
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Trigger on 14:38 5/12/2000

It's a shame but can understand it, been coming on here for a long time now but the amount of idiots has increased so something had to be done.
All the best Stephen and thanks for your past efforts.

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14:56 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Stephen Burn on 14:56 5/12/2000

Thanks for the best wishes. Will miss many of you and hope you'll grace any new forum we develop with your talents.
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Colin on 14:59 5/12/2000


how will we know where the new forum is, and when it opens?

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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Stephen Burn on 15:02 5/12/2000

We'll probably mention it on the box and have a link from the C4 site.
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Homer J on 15:02 5/12/2000

I'm gutted, but I notice that terry hasn't been on yet - there is someone who will need bereavement counselling (no offence Tel!). I'll certainly be dropping in to Col's forum and again many thanks to Stephen Burn and the other C4 racing personnel who have made this site what it is. I've certainly picked up loads of useful bits and pieces in my time.
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by terry to Homer J on 15:22 5/12/2000

Bereavement conselling? Maybe. The wife has been having a go at me for spending too long on the internet and I'm meant to be writing a kids book which is going to be made into a Disney film and thereby making me enough money to buy a horse that will win the Gold Cup three times at least. I'm serious about that actually!! Well serious about trying pretty darned hard anyway.

But I'll miss this place, for sure. I guess you leave a little bit of yourself everywhere you go, and everywhere you go, a little piece of it comes with you.

But you have to keep moving on as there's so much too see and do. I'm sure I'll be around from time to time, wherever and whenever, but this feels like the end of this road somehow. Thanks to Stephen and all at C4 for supporting this place. There won't be another like it unless you guys build it, and racing needs you to do so, for sure.

As for the rest of you - I'll see you around!!!
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by P.P. on 15:26 5/12/2000

Sorry to see the website being closed Stephen, we havn't forgotten you were the only person who made an effort when the sight vanished while you were away, nor have we forgotten how while you were off sick you attempted to answer questions which should have been answered by someone else.
I hope when the new site is opened, the powers that be appreciate the effort you have made for this site to be a success.
The only thing I would say is a benefit is with registration, the half wits and children can be singled out and treated as they should be. It never ceases to amaze how perfectly normal people can change into cretins when they contribute here.
I hope also when the new site is opened more input is recieved by those who have avoided answering questions for so many years.
Most of the site readers and contributors will head back to Colins board, and who can forget the efforts Colin put in the last time either.
Hope you have every success with the new board Stephen, but I just can't help feeling things won't be the same ever again.
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Steve M to An Capall on 15:30 5/12/2000

You are very far from not being weird AC - and less of the "old and cold" while you're at it! You too will be missed.
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Luke on 15:52 5/12/2000

Absolutely gutted about this.I will certainly use an alternative forum but on a serious note it is a bit short sighted of C4 to give up such a lively and popular forum.
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by MarkEE on 16:11 5/12/2000

I am halfway through producing a caricature for a small competition I was going to run on this forum. I shall now run this competition on colin's board for anyone interested in winning the picture.


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16:18 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Brian H on 16:18 5/12/2000

Well, what a great shame. Thank you Stephen for being a champion of the Forum and I hope that it won't be too long before the new one is up and running - certainly in time for the next Home Internationals, we have a title to retain!
I'll be taking a look at Colin's forum and at the newsgroup listed by Jim, but somehow it won't be the same.
Oh well, there's Cheltenham on Friday and Saturday, I'll be there and so, if only it will stop raining, will be a nice horse who must be as frustrated as his owners at the disappearance of good ground for what seems eternity.
Good luck to everyone,
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16:11 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Jay Torbitt on 16:28 5/12/2000

Oh well see you at Colin's site. Best wishes, have a good Christmas and a Happy New Year. Bye
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Neil S on 16:30 5/12/2000

Not a lot I can really add to what's already been said. But thanks again to you Stephen for all the hard work you've put into the Forum which I can honestly say has added a lot of fun, enjoyment and interest to the year or so that I've been reading and contributing.

See you all at Colin's?

Neil S
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16:35 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by KC on 16:35 5/12/2000

Very sad news. Thanks for all your hard work Stephen.
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Brian H on 16:47 5/12/2000

Colin has started a new forum - different to his previous one. This one requires registration and is at:

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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Phil Walker on 17:33 5/12/2000

Well it's been nice knowing most of you on the forum and reading all the different subjects- I hope some of us will stay around for the new forum whenever that starts, and for the time being, visit Colin's new forum.

However I am also wondering what I am going to do at work without the forum. It has been a staple ingrediant of each working day, and let me escape from the never-ending levels of work. Hope you're not away for too long!
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by graham to Brian H or Colin on 17:37 5/12/2000

Can I register under the same name from two computers? I don't want to try now, from work, and find out I can't later when I get home.
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18:13 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by MarkEE to graham on 17:55 5/12/2000

I tried to register Graham and was denied validation. I'm wondering if it is case sensitive with regards to user name (i.e I use 2 capital E's). Anyway you should be able to register from work and access at home no probs. See you over there.
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21:36 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by EJ on 18:00 5/12/2000

I'd mostly like to reiterate the above; this is indeed a sad day for us all in that this forum has, by and large, been a wonderful addition to Channel 4's racing coverage. I've been viewing the threads for two years now, and whilst some of the better contributers have been driven away by those bent on destruction, it's still an excellent place for the serious racing discussions and for those who give serious, thought out tips.

I hope Channel 4 is serious about setting up the New Forum as, from the responses here, it's abundantly clear that most people are pretty despondent about its closure.

May the new temporary forum be a success until a long term replacement is found!

best wishes, EJ
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Colin to Graham on 18:13 5/12/2000

As far as I am aware you just register once, and if you want to post anything you just log in using your user name and P. Please remember I only put it up this afternoon to see what it was like and what people thought of it, and comments good or bad or suggestions greatly recieved!

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17:37 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by graham on 18:17 5/12/2000

It won't let me have "graham". Alredy taken.

It seems that the registering is for all "ez" boards, and those of us who use first names, are going to have to change.

I'll go home and think about it!
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18:30 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Dave/Epsom on 18:20 5/12/2000

Sad news,
Many thanks Stephen Burn for keeping it going for so long,also coming on here defending descions made by arse holes at the top.
Hope the new one is up & running soon,Many thanks, & Good Luck To All.
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Tia on 18:25 5/12/2000

Wow - I'm shocked. I can't pretend I'm remotely happy about it but hey life's a bitch, sh*t happens etc
Nice to 'meet' you all hopefully we'll all bump into each other soon
Everyone - keep a wary eye out for black haired stalker guy
Bye then
luv Tia
(sob) :)
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18:40 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Thelma on 18:30 5/12/2000

I've never contributed to this forum but have viewed it daily for some months now as it gave much to think about to a failrly recent devotee to the sport like me. I'll miss it greatly, and it'd be really helpful if details could be posted for alternaive forums (save for Colins referered to already)

I can feel teh withdrawal symptons already

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18:17 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Pete Mack on 18:38 5/12/2000

Just to add my thanks to you Stephen for your tireless efforts over the past few years. A sad day indeed.
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15:02 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by steve barclay on 18:40 5/12/2000

Well, the end was always going to come sooner rather than later, but it doesn't stop it being a sad day. Thanks to everyone who has contributed, and made this such a lively forum, especially Stephen. Hope to see you all at Colin's new forum, and at the new forum, whenever that may be. pPeter, you are the weakest link, Goodbye!
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18:25 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Midge on 18:55 5/12/2000

So sorry to see the site close Stephen. Its one bit of enjoyment I will really miss.Please hurry up with the new site. Let us all be registered and those who step out of line get kicked. A cool idea! Goodbye all. See you at Fontwell on Dec 30. My email is above if anyone wants to stay in touch.
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by St Pirran on 19:31 5/12/2000

Thankyou Stephen for your efforts and to all the other contributors (of various quality) who have made using this forum an entertaining experience and at times useful source of information.
If anyone needs any help with anything apertaining to racing or computing I have included my e-mail address and will be visiting the aforementioned new forums where I hope to see most of you again until we are back on C4

Be Lucky

St Pirran

ps Tia when do I collect my prize lol
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20:01 5/12/2000 20:13 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Desperate Dan on 20:01 5/12/2000

Terrible news!!Goodbye,good luck,and good health to you all.

Hope we meet again before too long.

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19:31 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Honest Jack on 20:13 5/12/2000

It's sad that the forum has to close. I will miss the debates and information, but not the tips. Most of all I will miss the humour and the warmth of the forum which as a relative newcomer was all too obvious as soon as I joined in.

By my count Channel 4 are currently running sixteen forums and it seems a great pity that this is the one that has succumbed to problems that could afflict most of them.

Stephen's words are "we hope to open a new forum which will provide viewers with a direct link to the Channel Four Racing team and the new Go Racing channel." This to me sounds like a forum I would be less interested in. I want a forum where I can exchange ideas, information and banter with racing and sports enthusiasts. With all due respect I am not very interested in what racing presenters or television channels have to say.

It also sounds like a forum which will take quite a long time to set up to meet the requirements of Channel 4 and Go Racing.
Which is why this one cannot limp on until the new is underway.

Adieu, until we meet again on another forum.

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19:31 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Plato on 20:34 5/12/2000

Its a great shame.Have made a number of friends through the forum and enjoyed the banter and sometimes witty exchanges.Good luck to you all.

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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by NickH on 20:52 5/12/2000

A sad day - hope to meet again
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21:05 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Steve T on 21:05 5/12/2000

An inevitable shame that the worst came to the worst. As has been said, the Forum will be missed and it appears any replacement is bound to take time to start up.

I know how much you were looking forward to the new site last year Stephen, hope it brings you all you were hoping for when it finally arrives.

All the best to everyone, hope to hear from many of you on Colins site.

Steve T
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20:52 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by JTS on 21:06 5/12/2000
(web page)
I echo what Plato has said I've made a few friends and have enjoyed this Forum from the very first day i stumbled upon it so I will miss it badly and I can tell you I'm not atall happy, surely someone at Ch4 could keep it going(or do they want to keep it going?),If it ever does come back(and I have my doubts,letting us down lightly I reckon)will any of us really want to change back this time especially if Colin's Forum takes off even more than it did last time? I'm sorry to have to say this but I thought the Morning Line was going downhill in past weeks and I'm sure a few of you would agree, and now OUR Forum is closing! Ch4 is a shambles at the moment and nobody cares about us, well if they did they would do everything possible to keep this Forum afloat, "if" the new Ch4 Forum comes back then maybe I'll be back in a better mood but I'm really pissed off right now............see you all in Colin's Forum, I'll also keep my website going for those interested and my chat room will ALWAYS be open if any of you feel the need to chat(sorry if I can't always make it)......good luck everyone it's been nice knowing you!

Regards Jim (JTS)
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21:22 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by terry on 21:22 5/12/2000

This is getting a bit like the last colour bits of the Wizard of Oz!!! F**k It!!!!!

Never thought I'd miss a frigging hun, but I'll miss you Jim and your eternal optimism at the fate of the masonic hordes!! Fortunately I can keep in touch with some of you guys and I'm sure I'll be able to find the rest. There really should be a proper place where we can all register and keep in touch if we want to. In the modern age, why should we be at the mercy of the actions of some frigging bloody media corporation??

In the words of the old footie song - United, West Ham, Liverpool!!!
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21:06 5/12/2000 Follow ups to this message:
21:31 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by The 4 Long Pole on 21:23 5/12/2000
(web page)
Hopefully this is so long for now, rather than goodbye, nice knowing you

I dont get as much opportunity to post as i have once done, but I do enjoy readers the contributions, so I hope as many of you as possible use the aforementioned forums until this one returns

with regards

The 4 Long Pole
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17:33 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by JTS to terry (Bhoy) on 21:31 5/12/2000
(web page)
It's postings like yours terry that we'll all miss, some serious and others weird and wonderful but I enjoy reading them anyway, as for the "Hun" bit what can I say? I'll let you off because it's you :eek:)

I hope to see you and all the regulars on Colin's Forum because it would be very sad if we were all to disappear as if it never happened , anyway enough of this let's get our black ties on as it's Ch4's funeral not ours.........
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21:22 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by NED on 21:36 5/12/2000

You can all see by the consensus of opinian stressed on this thread alone,how popular this forum had become.
I am personally gutted by this decision, there was a time when i used to get up from bed in the mornings and go directly to the T/V and put this on, lately the T/V never went on, it was this forum that I read first thing most mornings, I guess I will have to change my habits again,
may I thank STEPHEN BURN for all the hard work he contributed to this site, and the many folk that I have had the pleasure of meeting,I have met lot of folk on this site, and wish you all well for the future
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17:55 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by michael on 22:44 5/12/2000

Thanks Stephen for all that you have done.
Gonna miss you all
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Re: As one forum closes another bursts into life
posted by Honest Jack on 22:54 5/12/2000

Go to the Channel Four Real Gardens Forum where the racing forum now gathers.
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23:02 5/12/2000
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Re: As one forum closes another bursts into life
posted by Dishonest Jack on 23:02 5/12/2000

Not sure it's a long term solution Jack. Pissing off the cricket and the gardening forums his hardly the best long term solution. Channel 4 may pull the plug on all the chat.
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22:54 5/12/2000 Follow ups to this message:
23:12 5/12/2000
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Re: As one forum closes another bursts into life
posted by Honest Jack to DJ on 23:12 5/12/2000

You're right that it cannot be a long term solution. See other relevant threads.

e.g.'We Shouldn't Be Surprised Really' and 'The Problem Is Not Us'
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23:02 5/12/2000
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Re: As one forum closes another bursts into life
posted by graham on 23:16 5/12/2000

I've let the news sink in, and a few thoughts.

Can C4 leave a message pointing people towards Colin's/Ted's/the other sites for those who may not get on here today and will wonder what the bloody hell happened, when they try tomorrow.

This site has been addictive over the last year or so that I've used it, and I will miss it. What the hell am I going to do when I have to stay late at work on a Friday!!, and not forgetting my bouts of insomnia.

I've had the pleasure of meeting a few of the regulars on here and I hope I do again. E-Mail is above if you feel like contacting me whenever you're racing. And to Brian H, I should be at Cheltenham on Friday, so if you see this before the plug is pulled, you know where I'll be about 90 mins before the first, if you fancy a guinness!

Good Luck Everybody


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23:24 5/12/2000
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Re: As one forum closes another bursts into life
posted by James S on 23:24 5/12/2000

Shame on channel 4 - your lawyers must be incompetent and I speak as one.

Goodbye to the intelligent contributors - good luck to DTTW and Steve M , Aidan , LHO and Ajay and all the others who speak a great deal of sense and make me laugh Rocky two

And au revoir to Alan morgan wrong as he was about Montjeu

Good riddance to the idiots who shall remain nameless as we all know who they are.

And roll on Forum Phoenix
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23:16 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by nj on 23:28 5/12/2000

Shame on C4. Let's hope the forum returns shortly. But I fear it will never return in any shape or form. Will miss the informed chat on NH -- especially contributions from Ireland.
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12:32 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Kevin on 23:52 5/12/2000

Just popped in to find out this news. Stephen thanks for all your hard work. Racing can be a small cyberworld. Hope to speack to you all again.

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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Tony Pitcher on 23:56 5/12/2000

Sorry to hear the news SB, thanks for your sterling efforts. Hope to see the new forum up and running asap.
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23:58 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Enq on 23:58 5/12/2000

Cheers Stephen - regards all. See you on 33-1.com
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23:56 5/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Wedge on 00:21 6/12/2000

I'm fairly new to this forum but I'm also very sad to see it go. Thanks to Stephen and to all contributors.

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00:56 6/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by dario on 00:56 6/12/2000

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00:21 6/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Bazz on 01:24 6/12/2000

i have enjoyed and will really miss the forum

long live the new forum.

please please please make registration compulsory.

if my comments about prokofiev contributed well then i am sorry
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01:36 6/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by Alan F to Bazz on 01:36 6/12/2000

I wouldn't worry Bazz Jonjo is not one to take offence and anyway any criticism was made redundant on his next run (acting the monkey) but certainly the end of the forum is very unfortunate.
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01:24 6/12/2000
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Re: Sorry but this forum is closing
posted by surfinsmurf on 08:23 6/12/2000

The Racing Post will certainly be mentioning the demise of the forum. For all its crap threads and inane banter its been a joy to read and to participate in. Why is it shutting down? We shall be asking.
thank you for posting that, weirdly I can actually remember some of the posts :)
So we are 20 not 21, I honestly couldn't remember if it was 1999 or 2000 we started and obviously, just like when I like 2 horses in the same race, I went with the wrong one :D

It is a shame some people have left, but such is the nature of message boards. People have arguments, people don't like some decisions, or life just gets in the way. I'm sure many people 20 years ago were young, free and single, now have kids, mortgages, responsibilities, all of which take free time away from being able to post on forums. Or in the case of us, take disposable income away that they would use for betting, and they stop using places like this. As forums are no longer the 'in' thing, they don't get replaced like they used to, as people use other forms of social media, just like forums pretty much killed iRC, newsgroups and suchlike. My youngest daughter was 6 weeks old when we started, now shes 4 months into a forensic science degree at Uni!

We have certainly had some characters over the years, too many to mention, but I think everyone will remember Phil Waters, he was certainly the member who I had most PM's about and completely divided the forum as to what to do. I haven't had as many pm's and emails about any other member, and honestly it was a 50/50 split between wanting him banning and wanting him not to get banned! I wonder if he's here now posting under a different name.

Will update the title to reflect the real age :)
Last edited:
Congratulations on reaching 20 years. Enormous thanks dvds2000 for keeping the forum going over the years and to Diamond Geezer and all those who run the competitions which are always great fun

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks for the ride Col, we're all indebted to you. I'm another one who has been on here since the beginning and just spotted the original C4 forum name of mine on Lesley's post I'd forgotten I used. Seem to remember I chose to change my forum name with the advent of the new forum but couldn't think of one, then heard a traffic report on Radio Two quoting a lorry driver, possibly a CB enthusiast,who called himself Diamond Geezer,,so adopted it for my forum ID. Was also a member, along with a few others on here, of the now defunct Final Furlong forum run by Ted. Am in occasional touch on Facebook with a few of the original members, I tried to persuade Brian H back on here a while back without success and as far as I know Krizon is still going strong. Of course a few members have passed away over the years notably Alan Morgan, Merlin The Magician and his brother The Cardiffian and of course we never know what is going on in peoples' lives that make them temporarily or permanently stop posting. Must admit I lose interest in racing a bit in the Summer months but spend a lot of time researching horses for the upcoming TTF competition to keep my eye in. Anyway thanks to everyone for your varied threads and posts, definitely a better read than the RP :whistle:
As a relative latecomer to this forum - 2012 - this is clearly the best site in terms of knowledge and friendly chat. So, thank you to all involved for keeping the site going for so long. In the age of the advanced internet, a forum seems incredibly old fashioned, but we obviously love this format. And it’s great that so many still contribute; I think we’re down to 12–15 occasional and regular contributors on another sports forum I frequent (Boxing Rebels). Keep up the great work, all!
Gareth got me posting on here

One of the better online sites that I have spent my time on

Been a pleasure to meet some of you and an honor for all of you to entertain my love of Moscow, Sizing, Flemenstar, Hurricane, Faugheen and too many more to mention
I, too, am a refugee from the old C4 forum. I`ve gained so much in terms of enlightenment and enjoyment from the forum and I`d also like to thank all the organisers and posters for their splendid cuntributions over the years. It`s good to remember all the former posters (shame they wont return) and sad to hear of those folk who are no longer with us. Personally, I cant see what advantages the likes of twitter has over a forum such as this. Long may our forum continue!!
I'll be eating and drinking with Brian H, Bernard (Bernardo) and Slim in a few weeks. I'll try lure them back again. Brian is well, although very discombobulated over Brexit and took out an Irish passport as an act of revenge.
Grey got me involved back ten years ago; my wife tells me of the fortunes I have lost spending time on the forum but as you cant take it with you and the planet is doomed anyway why not enjoy life while we can.
Many thanks all for the fun, information, entertainment and Perpetual for some of the best seats and company at The Festival.