20 Years old!

Would you believe I don't remember that. I need to look that up.

Glory to Paris the horse was called. You put it in here at 14s.

Another one is Danny’s shout for the County Hurdle. Literally banged the drum about Mohayeed for this for months. Won at 33s on the day, not sure what he put it up at.
Glory to Paris the horse was called. You put it in here at 14s.

Another one is Danny’s shout for the County Hurdle. Literally banged the drum about Mohayeed for this for months. Won at 33s on the day, not sure what he put it up at.

Read the whole version of that thread back. Jesus I was very very angry in 2017. Some cracking posts from an capall and Grashopper though!
Can you remember what was the first price you took and what prices you took along the way?

I was actually trying to find that among my files earlier this evening. No doubt some anorak will have the stuff saved somewhere but I think I took 14/1 after Kempton and had several bets at various prices from then on down to 9/2.

I do recall I cleared over 160pts on the result (taking bets to a point and a half-point along the way).

One very sad aspect of the whole affair was that I'd been telling everyone at work to get on since Kempton and most of them did. At the time, I was car-sharing with a colleague who wasn't remotely interested in racing but a couple of days before the race he realised he was the only one of 'the guys' not on so gave me £20 and asked me to back it for him. I got him 13/2 and when I handed him £150 on the Wednesday he took it off me without even a cursory "Thanks". Just took the cash and walked away. I rarely spoke to him again.

I'll see what I do have in my records.
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An all too familiar tale. One lad I worked with counted out the money in front of the person who had the bet for him!
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I also recall Jinnyj putting up one she'd heard about, a 2yo filly, possibly first time out. I was 'pally' (platonic) with a [female] colleague at the time and told her I was backing it. She handed me a tenner and asked me to back it for her. I took 20/1 ew BOG online and it skated in at 33s.

The next day when I handed her the cash I honestly thought for a minute I was on to my hole. Alas, a warm smile and "I owe you a drink" was all that happened. :(
I think Martin's put some exceptionally good bets up over the year, I can't find the post where he went through the card, or just about, but that was some tipping!
I remember making a lot of money when Lord Noelie won the RSA. Someone had been banging on about it all winter.

Lovely thread this btw. The thought of DO trading ratings for rumpy pumpy is a new joy.

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I think Martin's put some exceptionally good bets up over the year, I can't find the post where he went through the card, or just about, but that was some tipping!

Was there not some big multiple payouts that night?
I remember making a lot of money when Lord Noelie won the RSA. Someone had been banging on about it all winter.

Lovely thread this btw. The thought of DO trading ratings for rumpy pumpy is a new joy.

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I’m not so sure... ;)

Mind you, if I manage to back something at millions to one thanks to one of you guys....

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Mind you, if I manage to back something at millions to one thanks to one of you guys....

The following treble should pay about 1,000,000/1

Year 2026

President USA: Nikki Haley
PM: England and Wales: Keir Starmer
(32 County )Taoiseach: Helen McEntee.

Gimmee a call in 2027.
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The two I remember best were the un de sceaux/Vatour ante post double (slim) and the combined number of festival winners for mullins/Elliot/hendo a couple of years ago (cant remember who put it up).

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The two I remember best were the un de sceaux/Vatour ante post double (slim) and the combined number of festival winners for mullins/Elliot/hendo a couple of years ago (cant remember who put it up).

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That one hurt. Most of the forum was on at 20/1 despite a few members telling me I was wrong about the races! I had €150 @ 20/1 with Bet365 but because the person had previously had an account the bet was voided and I ended up with nothing. The Karma Gods were good to me though and Mo's selections helped me land 4 places in a permed each way Lucky 15/acca and myself and a good friend of mine split around €5k.
The two I remember best were the un de sceaux/Vatour ante post double (slim) and the combined number of festival winners for mullins/Elliot/hendo a couple of years ago (cant remember who put it up).

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UDS/Vautour was good to me as well. I'd like to think that I voiced my appreciation at the time but, just in case, thanks Slim.

I'll take the credit for the WM/GE/NH winners.
Some savant put up Sunderland to be relegated at 14/1 in the year that they dropped. Can't remember who.
The two I remember best were the un de sceaux/Vatour ante post double (slim) and the combined number of festival winners for mullins/Elliot/hendo a couple of years ago (cant remember who put it up).

I remember the UDS-Vautour double. The odds actually lengthened after UDS fell on his chase debut, but I didn’t manage to get on until after he’d made amends on his second start. Arkle-JLT in 2014?

Sent from my SM-J415FN using Tapatalk
Lovely thread this btw. The thought of DO trading ratings for rumpy pumpy is a new joy.

A slight over-reading of what I wrote but offers from appropriately drop dead gorgeous blind nymphos who own breweries will be given careful consideration...
I still can't believe sometimes that, after spending most of my adult life having no one to chat to about racing, I can now do so on a daily basis. Started off on an AOL forum that shut down and then ended up on here and another couple of forums. I really am most grateful to the people that put time and effort into such places, albeit holding them totally responsible for the fact that my house is a complete tip, housework having gone out the window a long time ago.
I still can't believe sometimes that, after spending most of my adult life having no one to chat to about racing, I can now do so on a daily basis. Started off on an AOL forum that shut down and then ended up on here and another couple of forums. I really am most grateful to the people that put time and effort into such places, albeit holding them totally responsible for the fact that my house is a complete tip, housework having gone out the window a long time ago.
How do you find it having no friends who like racing?

My bucket list to go to the festival. Unlike some though, I don’t have the cojones to go by myself. My friends will go to Aintree with me, because it’s local and a **** up. But other than them texting me for tips, twice a year (National and Cheltenham) they have no interest in it. Does annoy me, I’d love to visit some smaller tracks, but the thought of standing there on my own doesn’t excite me.
How do you find it having no friends who like racing?

My bucket list to go to the festival. Unlike some though, I don’t have the cojones to go by myself. My friends will go to Aintree with me, because it’s local and a **** up. But other than them texting me for tips, twice a year (National and Cheltenham) they have no interest in it. Does annoy me, I’d love to visit some smaller tracks, but the thought of standing there on my own doesn’t excite me.

I grew up in a house where dad always had his [illegal] bets on a Saturday. I did join the East Midlands Racing Club and, through that made a friend called Pete who took me racing a couple of times a year. We'd do things like The Hennessey, Gold Cup etc. Some flat racing. He was also a bookies runner and I'd sometimes go along to meetings where he was working and do my own thing. When he sadly died I used to go on my own to Cheltenham and there was always someone to chat to; I never felt lonely on a racetrack. My marriage broke up and I met my partner who, although he isn't as interested in the history of racing in the way I am, had always gone racing a couple of times a year so we started going together. We joined the Midlands Racing Club that had several meetings a year but that, too broke up. I still miss it terribly as we used to meet so many trainers and jockeys. Couldn't both go to Cheltenham last year [new puppy; couldn't leave it] so I went on my own, but did meet up with a friend who always goes on the Tuesday. Will probably do the same this year. From the very first time I went racing [I used to take the children to Uttoxeter which isn't far away] I've always felt totally at home on a racetrack.I guess it's easier for a woman to chat away to people than it is for a bloke! We sometimes go to Kelso because we can take the dog, and over the years we've chatted to one of the first aid guys who always tells us all the local gossip. I always find people very chatty and friendly round the paddock because they're there to see the horses and they're usually quite knowledgeable.
I grew up in a house where dad always had his [illegal] bets on a Saturday. I did join the East Midlands Racing Club and, through that made a friend called Pete who took me racing a couple of times a year. We'd do things like The Hennessey, Gold Cup etc. Some flat racing. He was also a bookies runner and I'd sometimes go along to meetings where he was working and do my own thing. When he sadly died I used to go on my own to Cheltenham and there was always someone to chat to; I never felt lonely on a racetrack. My marriage broke up and I met my partner who, although he isn't as interested in the history of racing in the way I am, had always gone racing a couple of times a year so we started going together. We joined the Midlands Racing Club that had several meetings a year but that, too broke up. I still miss it terribly as we used to meet so many trainers and jockeys. Couldn't both go to Cheltenham last year [new puppy; couldn't leave it] so I went on my own, but did meet up with a friend who always goes on the Tuesday. Will probably do the same this year. From the very first time I went racing [I used to take the children to Uttoxeter which isn't far away] I've always felt totally at home on a racetrack.I guess it's easier for a woman to chat away to people than it is for a bloke! We sometimes go to Kelso because we can take the dog, and over the years we've chatted to one of the first aid guys who always tells us all the local gossip. I always find people very chatty and friendly round the paddock because they're there to see the horses and they're usually quite knowledgeable.

Nice post, thanks for sharing. I might look into a racing club up north, see if there is any.
Least you’ve had partners who are willing to go with you. Mine has now stopped questioning me watching racing as my returns have luckily paid for a complete new heating system in the house. Even on days/weeks it’s not going well, she doesn’t whinge as she knows eventually I’ll have a couple land. Although if she saw my anti post bets for Cheltenham I think she’d have a fit. As understanding as she is, she will not go to any race days.

Might bite the bullet one year and pluck the courage to go Cheltenham on my own. I just fear I’d be the only mid 20s male their on his own and their for the racing, and not to stick 200 quid up his nose and have 15 pints.

Can see how you’d meet people though. Met an old bloke at Aintree years ago, told him Finians Oscar was a certainty in the novice hurdle, he won at 3/1. I was then going to put most the winnings on Charbel in the next, he talked me out of it and insisted on San Benedto. San Benedetto came is at 11/2 and we shook hands and went our own ways. (I did also back Charbel at odds on)
There is a Northern Racing Club; ours joined with it but, as it's based more round Haydock we just couldn't get to meetings. I'm on lots of facebook groups as well; racing nostalgia and stuff like that. Would she not go racing on some sort of ladies day? I know a lot of people knock them but it was the only time any of the girls where I worked took an interest in racing.
How do you find it having no friends who like racing?

My bucket list to go to the festival. Unlike some though, I don’t have the cojones to go by myself. My friends will go to Aintree with me, because it’s local and a **** up. But other than them texting me for tips, twice a year (National and Cheltenham) they have no interest in it. Does annoy me, I’d love to visit some smaller tracks, but the thought of standing there on my own doesn’t excite me.

Theres a lot from here go to the festival, why not see what day most are going and see if you can arrange to meet them? I think theres quite a few meet up anyway :)