2010 UK Fixture List

It was a theory that we were half counting on with the greastest racecourse never built Kriz!!!. We figured that families on holiday and experiencing something of a 'happy, feelgood factor' wouldn't necessarily distinguish between lower grade racing and higher quality stuff in return for an good evening out. Therefore a card of class 4 or 5 handicaps with say 12 runners in a field with seven races meant that a pin sticker would have a decent chance of experiencing the thrill of at least one winner at about 58% probability. Provided we got the pitch right, then that would underwrite a majority of the success.

I note also that it was the laydeez night (but then we seem have these every month now). As i said elsewhere (and much as though it sticks in my craw to agree with McCrirrick) I stll believe there's an angle here if racing could be made sexy. The designer drinks industry have used this for years.

Attractive young girlies = males = crowds = spend

Now obviously you can't filter people out at the gate using a subjective quality threshold. "sorry madam but you're a bit on the ugly side aren't you?", but there are examples of night clubs and other venues who let women in free (so much for equality!!!) purely based on the understanding that if they get a reputation as being the place where people go, then this will act as a magnet, and ensure demand.

Just try this experiement. Nominations for most 'feminine racecourse' (and don't say Beverley:rolleyes:) That is to say the course which is most sympathetically laid out and presented with the view to making the female customer in particular feel comfortable

I'm tickled by the idea of a 'class divide' in Surrey stock-broker belt mind you. "Oh look at him, he must be a junior under-writer dressed like that - ha hah hah". Where exactly does Lingfield draw its catchment from. It's a bit of hike really isn't it. I wouldn't have thought it big enough to have a core catchment in its own right, not really 'Larndon' being wrong side of the M25. Brighton's what? 30 miles away? It's this that always made me feel that Barry Dennis really couldn't have picked a worse course to do his free entrance thing (well he could, but Lingers would have been right up there in your top half dozen where it was least likely to work).

There are, believe or not, working class people in Surrey. I know that for you lefties, surrey is probably bracketed with Israel as an evil region that, but its not quite that simple im afraid. Lingfield, being just off the m25, has a catchment area right up through SE london and kent....
Alright stockbrokers have to have domestics and people to clean out their swimming pools for them i suppose, or the baggage handlers at Gatwick (mind you, that's Sussex isn't it) but we're hardly talking about grim working class here are we, and the idea that it can't be because it borders the edges of affluent south London suburbs or the sprawling industrial masses of rust belt west Kent.

Try and find me any socio-economic indicator you care to look for Clive that doesn't have Surrey in the top two deciles (and I'm erring on the side of caution, I'd imagine they're all in the top decile). I'd be surprised if you could find a single one, other than 'access to affordable housing' which is an indicator of wealth and priviledge anyway
Jesus H Christ, I thought this was a racing forum. The most popular subjects nowadays seem to be class divides and the constant 'rich' v 'poor' battle, or ridiculous conspiracy theories that wouldn't be out of place in an episode of The X Files. God give me strength!
Warbler...there are council estates in Guildford, Reigate and across the whole region.

Just as there are four bedroom detached houses in socialist paradises such as Durham or south wales
Jesus H Christ, I thought this was a racing forum. The most popular subjects nowadays seem to be class divides and the constant 'rich' v 'poor' battle,


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

(not sure I can claim to have written myself mind you, but we reflect the mood of our times):whistle:
Krizon - The working classes usually are the most mannerly - I believe this tradition stems from when the "upper classes" used to be allowed to beat and flog etc. those, who in their minds were below them.
In fairness Schatten Fuhrer does have a point I believe.

Threads do disgress from time to time, (although in most cases they meander back on track), and there was perhaps a little bit of an explanation in terms of different pricing policies that courses adopt and whether it excludes people etc as well as the socio-economic mix of racecourse attendees, but this one could digress beyond salvation if we aren't careful. Try and bring it back to the principal issues at hand please

(says he who joined in :whistle:)
Going back to ann earlier point, do you think that the fixture list bears any link to the prize money drop?
Why, Colin, would it do that? Bearing in mind that prize monies have only steadied or dropped a bit at the lower end of the scale, to punish modest horse owners even more for their foolish aspirations! The top scale has continued to rise, in some cases very dramatically, so one has to be careful about assuming one impacts on the other. By the way, do we know which courses are picking up the extra meetings?

I must admit that some of the trainers and other racing workers I spoke to didn't seem too concerned at all - they say there will be only so many horses fit to race in so many races, anyway, so maybe our concern that it's adding to over-racing is a little premature.
Only the very simple gut reaction.

The pie is so big, more slices equal smaller slices.

I did say it was an instinctive answer...the cider is beginning to have the desired effect.
So the 5% comes off the bottom prize money, plus take a bit more to move to the top. So as that increases. If that is the case the drop in prize money has not been evenly distributed.