3 Words You Never Want To Hear...

"The loo's bust." :shy:

"Out of Order" - usually for a lift you want for the 7th floor, the only phone box for 5 miles, the only petrol pump without a queue of 10 waiting, or the cash machine when you've just emptied your wallet.

"Not For Hire"/"Not In Service" - taxi/bus: it's 11.30 pm, it's 3 miles to walk home, and you don't like the look of the bloke getting nearer to you, who appears to be scratching his crotch...

"Hallooo, thur, shweedee..." usually followed by "buy ya dringgk?" from a total stranger, who's on his seventh Jack Daniels and thinks he's Mr. Irrezzishtible.

"A gallant fifth..." :teeth:

"Retain all tickets!" :o 5 minutes after the horses have been washed down, and everyone's reduced them to confetti.
I agree about Coldplay - they're very much a group to slit your wrists to, aren't they? Dreary, dreary, weedy-sounding.