75 Hours Without A Smoke

Originally posted by Brave Inca@Feb 7 2006, 03:29 PM
On Saturday, just after the Hunter chase at Wetherby, I had my last smoke. Hopefully forever because basically, my lungs are shit and my mind has turned to mush (almost).

I'm trying to count it hour by hour so when I build up a large figure, it will seem silly to waste those hours of good work by caving to the cravings.

Primarily, I'm posting this so that I have a responsibility to keep on my deed lest I get my character defamed by some internet racing folk.

But if anybody has any tips on giving up smoking or would like to enthrall us with their own stories on same, then please do! It would be most welcome :)
No tips from me m8, as im trying to stop and keep failing :( , but welldone to you and i hope you carry on without needing to get a fix.
I was driving to a German town called Buren,where one of my Video stores was located,it was a Tuesday,around 1300hrs.

Storm,my German Shepherd was with me.

At the Paderborn turn off we had to stop at a set of traffic lights and my lights went out,only for a few seconds,but i heard the voice (well before the National lottery,1984) It's almost your turn,it said.

Storm,my German Shepherd said ffs,are you ok,shall i drive?

Having recovered somewhat,i indicated to Storm that would be ok,but the voice said,"you need to stop smoking or you will be dead in a few weeks".

By this time,my dog Storm was almost as agitated as i was,but the voice went on,"if you stop right now i will guarantee that you will not have another episode such as this".

My dog Storm said, to me "only a fool could ignore such good advice".

I have never smoked since. 1984-2006
it's all true,i swear,well almost,the bit about Storm asking if i wanted him to drive is untrue.

He never asked,he just did it.
Storm was getting agitated as the lights had changed five times by the time you'd finished your reverie, Derek!

BI: you have a VGSOH from the sound of it, and some rather good personal insights - 'caring'! :lol: Best thing is - ask to visit an oncology ward in your local horsepital, and take a peek at all of those dying smokers retching up their muck and blood in the final stages of lung cancer. Tell the nice nursey you're trying to quit, and it might help. Then leave your last packet o'fags with one of the gasping doomed... they might as well light up before lights out!
Tante kri,
joking apart.

It was in 1984 that the incident happened (removing the bullshit).

I was on my way to visit one of video locations and i did have an attack that rendered me unable to drive for around a couple of minute (lots of angry motorists beeping their horns) and it WAS due to smoking zillions of fags.

I have not smoked since then.
Passed 100 hours now and my lungs feel a little better already.

Cheers Krizon

My Grandad can see the reaper due to smoking and I've been afraid to even visit him.

Cheers reasons

I was in the gym a few months ago and the BI of three years ago would have had me for breakfast. That was when I began to think I'd have a problem in years to come. Your story was an insight as to what could be in a few years time and frankly, I don't think I want any of that.

Looking forward to the big 200 now
Derek - terrific that you stopped smoking, after Storm took over the driving!

My mother, who's survived in a fashion to a room-bound 89. smoked from the age of around 13 to September last year, BI, when she battered herself with a couple of bad falls, rendering her fit for only the hospital, followed now by permanent care in a nursing home. Not having had a fag for nearly six months, she no longer needs inhalers, isn't wheezing, and no longer has a SERIOUSLY irritating, habitual, ek-ek-ek-sounding dry cough! (A bit like the noise the Martians made in 'Mars Attacks!') You will be so much lovelier to know, I assure you! :)

Keep strong...
Keep going Brave Inca. I've now been stopped since January 4th. I can't say its been easy bit it is getting easier. I still have my moments when I think 'Oh just one cigarette won't do any harm, just one' but have resisted temptation so far.
147 hours and the idea of having a fag makes me sick. Though the idea of having a chunky blunt sure is tempting. Even if it's tobacco free, it will still harm my diddy lungs. I guess I just have to learn how to bake.

One thing I find that helps is sleeping as much as possible. It's pretty hard to smoke when you're unconcious and the nicotine free hours just clock on. Though I guess this would be pretty difficult for those poor saps who have jobs (ha!).

This morning (cheeky bastard), I was woken up by a phone call from my old school. My nephew was caught smoking for the second time this week and was ''quite rude'' to a teacher who told him to stop. Our kid's kid picked a bad time to put me in a mood. I'm going to give him such a kicking when I pick him up :teeth:
Okay, in three hours' time, Brave, you'll have not smoked for 150 hours. That, may I suggest, is a nice roundy sort of figure at which to look in the mirror and confirm to yourself, "I am now, officially, a non-smoker." Just not smoking for another month or two won't make it any different. You've handled it, and I think you should now not think in terms of the fags you haven't fired up, but that you're just not bovvered any more. Apart from the final bit of physical therapy you can visit on your nephew...

CONGRATULATIONS! Now you can eat and drink a whole lot more, and die of obesity or alcoholism, but with a perfect set of lungs! :D
Thanks Krizon

But looking in the mirror is difficult these days because of my moustache. That and I won't feel comfortable calling myself a non smoker until my cilia starts working again. The lung custard still needs help from force 5 coughs to get to my mouth.

Thanks also for giving me alternative ways to end my life prematurely. Unfortunately, obesity is a long way off since I barely weigh in at 9 stone soaking wet and as much as I want to choose death by alcoholism, I fear that a drink would get me smoking again :(

I'm thinking about learning how to bake, then eventually becoming a paranoid scizophrenic before topping myself in a nice tory cabinet minister kind of way. (Nitrate soaked orange, womans leggings, that sort of gig) Or I could get married whatever's quicker.
Can't you just be like most people, Brave, and go through your smoking hell, your drugs hell, your sex fiend hell, your thin hell, your moustache hell, your non-drinking hell, sell your story to the papers, start on your selling your story hell, and then round all over again? It'd take your mind off ciggies...
What would be the point?

The papers would be more interested in 'The horse who can talk!' sensation and trivialize my real problems.
Look, BRAVE INCA, if you turn out to be a mere human all along, and have just been spoofing this forum that you're a horse, I for one am going to be mighty angry, and deeply, deeply disappointed in your cruel deception. I am an elderly spinster, living in a tiny hovel among distressed gentlefolk, and the most exciting thing to have happened to me in years is to have found a genuine talking horse on here.

Now, look, I just don't think you've really been smoking, have you? How would your hooves manage to scratch those matches into flame, or use a lighter? I think you're just being a little bit naughty in pretending you've been smoking, and while I've played along with the game, I think it's time for you to get back onto the oats and bran, and leave the noxious weed to silly humans. Do you like Polos? I will send you a box of them, since you may be bored, and can harmlessly indulge in a little pleasant indoor sucking.
Originally posted by krizon@Feb 10 2006, 04:44 PM
Do you like Polos? I will send you a box of them, since you may be bored, and can harmlessly indulge in a little pleasant indoor sucking.
That is such a patronizing stereotype. Just because Red Rum ate Polos, doesn't mean every horse eats Polos. What do you take us for?

Now, look, I just don't think you've really been smoking, have you? How would your hooves manage to scratch those matches into flame, or use a lighter?

I get my scribe to blaze up for me? Buh! :nerd:

Oh course I'm really a horse! I mean, we are on Talking Horses after all.

151 hours :D