A dilemma!

Well I thought I owed everyone an update!

I respoke to the girl involved and she agreed that we should take action. I then spoke to the previous employee who although reluctant to be involved realised that as she herself had two teenage daughters, something should be done.

So initially I contacted the new CEO of the Point to Point Authority. He couldn’t have been kinder or more sympathetic and promised to look into it. I then rang ACAS who although sympathetic only suggested the girl keeping a diary and then confronting him - you can see how that would be played out!

Anyway I had decided.to bring it up at the next Pointing Area Secretaries meeting in November to see if we could set something up. However today I got a phone call from aforementioned CEO who has been in .touch with the BHA who feel it is entirely within their jurisdiction to take action upon me reporting it. So I will speak to the girl again tomorrow and ring the BHA on Monday. I am hugely impressed by their stance. I really wasn’t expecting anything. But if we can stop this happening again in the future then it is an excellent result. Apparently there has been another similar case in a different part of the country too which is being investigated.

But thanks guys for your input. It was never going to be an easy subject to talk about but I really appreciate the support on here.
That’s great that they are taking things so seriously, fingers crossed it continues that way and there is a good outcome for you all.

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Further update.
The BHA did get involved ringing me and taking a recorded statement over the phone as well as with this other girl. And then I believe they have spoken to the individual and issued a warning (which is all I think they are able to do). But for me it’s a massive deal that they took it so seriously and made me feel like I totally did the right thing reporting it.
I also raised the issue at the recent Point to Point Secretaries Association meeting I attended a few weeks ago and there is now going to be a public awareness made within the Pointing Industry that there is a helpline for people to call should they ever need to. So hopefully I have achieved a small victory in that any staff who are put in similar situations don’t feel that they have nowhere to turn.
I'd say that's a pretty large victory Jinny. Well done you for having the conviction to see this through.
I got a phone call from the BHA on Monday. They finally spoke to the bloke last week. Unfortunately the girl who had flagged this up to me didn’t want to go on record as she still works there but they had her recorded interview as well as mine and known there was at least one other. Added to that her boyfriend is very controlling and doesn’t know so the BHA agreed to anonymity. Of course he completely denied it :lol:but then that was obvious. The BHA lady was great. She has told him he must complete a safeguarding course online and if he refuses then they will take action and he won’t be allowed to enter horses in Point to Points. If he were a licensed trainer, he would be investigated further and potentially lose his license. If it happens again and he is reported, as this is on record, then it will be used as evidence and they will go to the police.

He obviously knows I am behind this but as I said on the phone had he not continued with this girl, they would never have heard about it as I never reported it at the time and wasn’t going to. Even though I lost my job over it. But prevention is better than cure and even if he denies it, it will have given him plenty to think about and hopefully change his behaviour.

Im quite impressed with the BHA - and I didn’t think I’d ever say that!
Equally as impressed with you, jinnyj.

Hopefully those that come after you, won't have to deal with the same sh*it as you and the other two girls. Proud of you taking such a firm stance - wel done.
Good for you Jinny. These things only come around if someone is as determined as you've been. Good for you for seeing it through, and well done getting what seems in the circumstances a reasonable outcome from the BHA.
in the famous words of Edmund Burke

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"

(it's not completely clear this was Burke, but he's usually creditted with it)
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