A method

Vulgaris Magistralis

At the Start
Jan 1, 2013
This is one I developed a long time ago and it has served me admirably.
I have a look at all h/caps of 8-11 runners and choose the one with the highest OR in it.
Then, using a modified form of VDW, I rate the field for two criteria only.
I highlight the top three in both and ignore the rest.
Those highlighted are rated for one more thing and I can now rank them.
The highest total ranking is the selection. Could not be easier. :blink:
Should less than eight runners go to post then choose the next best race.
One point win @ sp seems the fairest way of keeping score.

Ling 3.40 Aquilonius
This is one I developed a long time ago and it has served me admirably.
I have a look at all h/caps of 8-11 runners and choose the one with the highest OR in it.
Then, using a modified form of VDW, I rate the field for two criteria only.
I highlight the top three in both and ignore the rest.
Those highlighted are rated for one more thing and I can now rank them.
The highest total ranking is the selection. Could not be easier. :blink:
Should less than eight runners go to post then choose the next best race.
One point win @ sp seems the fairest way of keeping score.

Ling 3.40 Aquilonius

could you show us step by step using todays race as an example?
There were 6 highlighted horses in this race. That is not always the case. Quite a few times there has been just 4.
In racecard order they were
Mia's Boy
Super Say
Fennel Bay

After factoring in the other element's rating, The highest total ranking was my selection.
See what you can do yourself with this race? :)
Sounds interesting but as with all things like this it is only half complete as no comparison is done against prices on offer which will mean this is effectively betting blind. Taking extremes would you back all top rated at 1/4? There has to be some price comparison to be successful. You could have excellent horse racing analysis but it won't benefit you until you add in the additional step of making selections based on prices.

If all your top rated are 10/1+ then you probably will do ok but as soon as they start getting shorter you need to know if the prices are worth it.
What is VDW?

Google Van Der Wheill..if you get on to one of the forums where there is a thread..don't make any plans for about 3 months..start reading.

At end of 3 months you will be well versed in VDW..stuff like Little Owl in 198x..being a bet..then not being a bet etc...you can then go door to door.. as per Jehovahs witness's ...spreading the good word and talking down to anyone who thinks its after timing at its finest;)
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A Form evaluation method that claimed to pinpoint if there might be a winner in a particular race ( a decent-Class race).
It originated in the letter page of the old Sporting Chronicle Handicap Book; I remember well the heated debate it caused.
To this day I remain convinced that Van Der Wheil was a construct -- and the alias of -- the editor of the Handicap Book's letter page in order to generate controversy and subsequent sales of the paper. ( Was his name Tom Ryan, I'm not sure I recall correctly?)

Anyway, google Van Der Wheil -- there's loads of stuff on the intarweb about the method.
This is a cracking method Vulgaris, especially good at Cheltenham imo.

4.00 Crackaway Jack-Fiveforthree-Medinas-Meister Eckhart

Nice Tri-cast Vulgaris=£9,191.:blink:
I know it was EC :thumbsup:
If anyone is really interested in the Gospel of VDW let me know. I'll direct you via PM to the most active thread. Beware though. It is VERY long.
I never read this until now but I backed Aquilonius with a view to getting out in running.......Only just went and messed up using my bot but came out winning 69 quid but only because it lost. I had clicked twice instead of once I reckon and had laid it for over 700 quid.......all I can say thank fook it got beat.
I can't understand this system but I'm glad someone pointed out what VDW means because I hadn't a clue.

Nothing worse than someone firing up initials and expecting everyone else to know waht they mean'''''''''''''Like FOAD stronger letter to follow
I never read this until now but I backed Aquilonius with a view to getting out in running.......Only just went and messed up using my bot but came out winning 69 quid but only because it lost. I had clicked twice instead of once I reckon and had laid it for over 700 quid.......all I can say thank fook it got beat.

this is classic vdw posting:)
I've been waiting to see if there are nr's in this race as only 8 are set to go. I have to go out soon so here are my top three with the selection in bold.

Ling 3.10
Satwa Laird
I can't understand this system but I'm glad someone pointed out what VDW means because I hadn't a clue.

Nothing worse than someone firing up initials and expecting everyone else to know waht they mean'''''''''''''Like FOAD stronger letter to follow

you been punting since the sixties and didn't know what VDW was??

did you never buy the handicap book newspaper each week in the 70's?;)
I can't understand this system but I'm glad someone pointed out what VDW means because I hadn't a clue.

Nothing worse than someone firing up initials and expecting everyone else to know waht they mean'''''''''''''Like FOAD stronger letter to follow

Van Der Wheil, or the Flying Dutchman as he was also called? He first made his impact on the British betting scene in the letters page of the old Handicap Book in 1980. His letters continued all through the 80's - informative, challenging, and also provoking a great deal of heated discussion.
VDW was a great believer in consistent form; nothing very startling in that. He looked for his winners from the first four or five horses quoted in a reliable betting forecast. Again not the most revolutionary idea in the betting world. But then he introduced his method for assessing a horse's ability. As far as I am aware, he was the first to do so - previously the notion of ability was a matter of personal opinion, but the Dutchman changed all that.

He was able to give ability a numerical value, based on facts not opinions, and in the intervening years a whole anthology of systems has been spawned using the VDW factor for ability as the main source of inspiration. And what was this ability rating? For anyone who may still be in doubt, here is the VDW secret.
He added up the amount of money a horse had won for winning races (not for being placed), divided this by the number of races won and then knocked off the final two figures. The resulting number is the horse's ability rating. So, if a horse has won £50,000 in five races, then it has an ability rating of 100, or if another has won £88,000 in eight races, its rating would be 110, that is ten points superior to the first one. Fortunately, all the figures required for working out the ratings are supplied in a convenient way in the Racing Post.
The only races VDW used with his method were high-value ones with medium sized fields.

Regarding consistent form, taken over a horse's last three runs, VDW simply added the form figures together, so that 111 gave a rating of 3, the most consistent, and 000 a rating of 30, the least. Therefore, taking the first five horses in the betting forecast, he would work out the three most consistent and if one of these had the highest ability rating, then that was a possible bet. But there was more to it than that. There was always talk of a 'missing link' which caused endless discussion and argument in the Handicap Book's correspondence page. What the link was I have never been able to work out. Perhaps there wasn't one, unless it might be the individual temperament of each punter. VDW once gave his complete formula, as follows: - Consistent Form + Ability + Capability + Profitability + Hard Work = Winners.