A method

4th yesterday. Not much going my way so far. Today, only 3 horses made it to the short-list for this race and this one topped it.

Weth 4.30 Whats Up Woody
Just had a look over there - it's definitely him, though in the (relatively) sane phase rather than the 'total forum destruction' phase which soon follows.

He's still preferable to that ArkleSupreme fella.
i'll guess he's about 15 year old

seen all this crap 11/12 years ago on other forums..thought folk had grown out of it but obviously you get new 15 year olds all the time coming through the ranks.

i'd love an explanation as to why people feel the need to do this stuff..apart from being a bit simple i'm struggling to suss it
You may wonder why I chose a 12 runner race considering my opening post? Well, in order not to exclude classier races I expanded 8-11 to 8-13. Unable to mention this earlier today I'm afraid. Ah well, never mind eh? :)