A question ...

You'll just have to have it as a jumbled up list, no matter how I do it, it won't allow any type of tabular format, even though I transferred them as lists!
lol - I got that too, glad I didnt try to put it up - if you couldnt,Id NEVER have managed it !!! Its interesting isnt it - there are horses from countries that Id never really considered !!
Birth Country		Total	%[/b]
Ireland			1658	48.4%
Great Britain		1157	33.8%
France			444	13.0%
USA			70	2.0%
Germany			46	1.3%
New Zealand		22	0.6%
Australia		6	0.2%
Poland			5	0.1%
Argentina		3	0.1%
Italy			2	0.1%
Japan			2	0.1%
South Africa		2	0.1%
Canada			1	0.0%
Czech Republic		1	0.0%
Holland			1	0.0%
Slovakia		1	0.0%
Spain			1	0.0%
Switzerland		1	0.0%
United Arab Emirates	1	0.0%
Zimbabwe		1	0.0%
[b]Total			3425	[/b]

Birth Country		Total	%[/b]
Ireland			1615	47.8%
Great Britain		1072	31.7%
France			528	15.6%
USA			68	2.0%
Germany			54	1.6%
New Zealand		18	0.5%
Australia		6	0.2%
Poland			3	0.1%
United Arab Emirates	3	0.1%
Switzerland		2	0.1%
Argentina		1	0.0%
Belgium			1	0.0%
Denmark			1	0.0%
Italy			1	0.0%
Japan			1	0.0%
Slovakia		1	0.0%
Sweden			1	0.0%
Zimbabwe		1	0.0%
[b]Total			3377	[/b]

Birth Country		Total	%[/b]
Ireland			1616	47.3%
Great Britain		1078	31.6%
France			544	15.9%
USA			80	2.3%
Germany			60	1.8%
New Zealand		16	0.5%
Australia		3	0.1%
Poland			3	0.1%
Argentina		2	0.1%
Belgium			2	0.1%
Czech Republic		2	0.1%
Holland			1	0.0%
Italy			1	0.0%
Slovakia		1	0.0%
South Africa		1	0.0%
Sweden			1	0.0%
Switzerland		1	0.0%
United Arab Emirates	1	0.0%
[b]Total			3413	[/b]
Oh, brill, Gareth - many thanks for unscrambling that lot! And thanks for a good try, Shadz, appreciate that. Now, please bear in mind that, following Redhead's original question, I didn't say that there were more French horses in British NH racing, but that the top yards had pretty high percentages in theirs - before anyone points out that there are lots more Irish and British beasties. However, it's interesting to see the gentle upwards curve of the French influence.

Troods: yes, I'd never reckoned on Slovakia as jumps country, tbh, but there's an interesting miscellany there, for sure.