I don't have a problem if someone comes across a book and gives it a recommendation on here.
I just think this is a blatant ad and against the spirit (and the rules?) of the forum.
Just my opinion, though.
Just as DO probably isn't, I'm not offended but as this is now being discussed (which is what horse racing forums should be about) my thoughts are that you join this forum a couple of months ago then you post only once when you create a thread to advertise your book.
imo this should now be down to the mods to give their view.
I’m sorry if the post regarding my book Sprint King offends you.
Posting this wasn’t a attempt advertise my book, it was simply done to let the members of this HORSE RACING forum know this book exists.
If I wanted to blatantly advertise my book I would announce that it’s available on Amazon, however the fact it has already been a best seller on Amazon requires no advertising.
Again apologies for any offence caused.
I don't have a problem if someone comes across a book and gives it a recommendation on here.
I just think this is a blatant ad and against the spirit (and the rules?) of the forum.
Just my opinion, though.
I'm so calm I'm not far off comatose, trefflich.
There are so many things in life these days to get exercised about but what next?
I'm due in a recording session soon with my old duffers' group. Would I put a link to the outcome on here? Never in a million years. It would be - to me at least - disrespectful to the forum which has been part of my life for about 25 years.
Agree.I see a big difference between someone coming on here to promote their dud tipping service and someone saying “I’ve written a book about my brother, who was one of the more interesting characters to be involved in racing “.
I gave a mention and link to a short story of 10,000 words I published a few years ago in the lounge, as a few of us were talking about a subject my story covered.
I have no problem with the creation of this thread, but each to their own.
I heard the Bay city rollers were making a comeback
A lot of the old pop groups are still doing gigs in minor venues, almost all with different performers from the original.
They're a bit like Trigger's brush.
Throw down your sword!!They've also worked out that the more sub-groups (Wishbone Ash anyone?) the more they can go to the well
Our own SteveM has had several books published.
I don't believe it would ever occur to him to advertise any of them on here.
My cousin has had a few books on [what I would call] obscure pop groups published but there's no way I would plug them on here either.
But if the forum has no issues with it who am I to gainsay it?
Life is too short. I just thought it would be against forum rules.