A Warning To All Forum Photographers

Yes I've just read the replys on five live & I'm gobsmacked :o
To be honest I only know Louise as Louise due to me joining this site in Dec 05 so I have no knowledge of what she has done in the past but I found her replys to the thread totally unacceptable :angry:
That's a relief Diminuendo I thought for one awful moment that someone had nicked them and was trying to sell them on there .

I thought it was a good place to make a start, before building a website. I can price my own photos, I get a fair amount of storage and they cannot be downloaded. I am looking into a website, but there is no rush.

Quite a few people on here have said on many an occassion that I should try and do something about my photos and now I am, in a small way. You lot know who you are , so if it doesn't work out, it's all your fault!!! :lol: :lol:
Diminuendo, I have seen that photo thread on the BBC, I didnt look at them all and from the couple that I looked at I didnt really think anything, but there is a very distinctive and memorable one of Andreas amongst your collection that did look familiar on her posting but I had no reason to think that it wasnt above board.
I am a member of the bbc messageboard my user name there is seren,I havent changed my name as such except to add an A, the reason for this is simply that I was an original poster on there from the start but over recent times it has lost its appeal with bickering and one upmanshipship so I just dont bother to post except to people that I have got to know on there, I did recently say that I was posting on another forum, but if anyone annoying looked around they would be looking for seren, and wouldnt be quite sure if serena was me or not, I would be dismayed if any of the annoying characters from there registered here because they recognised a familiar name, only the people who I would think were an asset here would be told.

In case you wandered about the reception that you recieved it is because of this Barney Chuckles character he changes his name frequently and is known to wind some of the posters up, thats why they were suspicious and obviously jejquade has been posting there for some time and has been running competitions etc.
I will keep an eye on her in future and if I see anything else that needs adressing I will let people here know,it was wrong what she did and I will say something on the board if you wish, they know me so perhaps it will be taken more seriously and I wont be accused of winding them up.
I've just had a look at the link to the turfpix & I can't believe how cheap your photo's are Dims :) I've often looked through the RP photo's for sale & most of those are £10+ I genuinely can't see the quality difference between those offered at that money & yours at penny's, I know where to come for my prints once I've talked OH into giving over more wall space :lol:
I think that Tout Seul has a serious point and no doubt Col and the mods can consider it . The need for urgent action however was demonstrated by what happened to Diminuendo's work

The following is on the Irish Independent website (I don't think I'm breaking their copyright rules by posting their copyright rules???), which basically means (to me)you can download stuff for your own personal use or put a link to the article without actually republishing it. Of course posting a link to any postings on here is a bit meaningless at the moment while guests are not allowed to view the board and if they are allowed use the board then the term and conditions are rendered pretty much meaningless.


Copyright and Reproduction Notice and Limited Licence

The information, content, graphics, text, sounds, images, buttons, trade marks, service marks, trade names and logos (the "Materials") contained in this website are protected by copyright, trade mark, database right, sui generis right and other intellectual property laws, under national laws and international treaties. You are granted a limited licence solely for your own personal, non-commercial use to refer to, bookmark or point to any page within this website, and to download the Materials contained on this website to a single personal computer, and to print a single hard copy of the Materials contained on this website for your own personal reference, provided however that all copyright, trade mark and other proprietary notices are left intact. The grant of this limited licence is conditional on your agreement to, and compliance with, all of these terms and conditions of use. Any other use of the Materials on this website, including any form of copying or reproduction (for any purposes other than those noted above) modification, distribution, re-publication, extraction, re-utilisation, incorporation or integration with other materials or works or re-delivery using framing technology, without the prior written permission of Unison.ie, is strictly prohibited and is in violation of the proprietary rights of Unison.ie.
Aldaniti, there is no way I could charge what the RP and other sites charge. They pay large sums of money to photographers with loads of experience and far better cameras. I am just a small fish and I thought by keeping the prices down I could attract customers and so help a worthy cause etc. The only problem I think I have is that the site where they are based does not get a lot of traffic, hence the need for a website in due course.

What I have to try and do is to try and capture a slightly different angle from the pros, to show the other side to racing, not just the posy winners pics and the action shots. It amazes me when watching the festival, how many photgraphers were all lined up at the last fence , all getting the same pics. Uncle Goober has shown a diffrent angle on his pics, like the walkway ones and the photos of the horses going away up the hill. They are great and different. It's all about capturing a moment, a split second moment, and sometimes it takes some planning.

As for the copyright rules, thanks again to everyone for helping out. It certainly has been a learning curve!

Serena, thanks for the info regarding the BBC site, that helps.
Dims, Let me know when you have your site up & running (PM me) I'll be more than happy to put it under my siggy on the various other forums I go on.
Aldiniti, my photos are not copywritten and never will be as they just aren't good enough (unlike Diminuendo's and Uncle Goobers!) and anyone is is free to use them anywhere they like. I was just flattered when Helen at Greatwood has asked if I had taken any photos at their open days and they have used them on their website two for two years running.

When Craig from TRF used photos of mine for his syndicate website I did ask for them to be removed, but that's just because I didn't like him. :P

Diminuendo, when your website is eventually up and running, let me know and I will put up a link to Brendan's website and another one I have put together. That's the least I can do after all the photos you have kindly supplied me with.
I need a lie-down after reading all that over on the BBC website. Can't quite believe having been given a second chance over on here, she wants to antagonise things all over again. A proper apology wouldn't have been hard would it along the lines of "I'm really sorry I nicked your photos - I've been a complete prat and I wouldn't dream of doing anything so stupid as lying about it ever again!"
Here is the reply from the BBC after I complained about the thread....

Dear BBC Reader,

Further to your complaint about some of the content on a BBC community site
(reference number P8091776), we have decided that it does not contravene the House Rules and are going to leave it on site.

Thank you for alerting this post.


The complaint button should only be used to alert the moderators to content that may contravene of the House Rules.

General questions, comments and other feedback about BBC content cannot be responded to or passed on via the complaint tool. If you have a general comment or question please do not use the complaint button, post a message onto the messageboard instead or use the 'contact us' button on the main web site page of the subject you are interested in.
In case anyone is under a misapprehension, all photographs are cpyright whether taken by an amateur or a professional and there is no need for the copyright mark to be displayed.

The copyright laws even work to the extent that if you were to commission a portrait of a loved one from, say, David Bailey, for £2,500 he would still own the copyright to the picture.
Kathy I think you are being too modest re your photos, I vividly remember that first Peter Osgood one you posted taken in the dark at a range of two kilometres :P

Copyright is an unwritten law.

Your 'pub front' observation was very funny krizon :D
Originally posted by Lee Chater@Mar 30 2006, 02:17 PM
Kathy I think you are being too modest re your photos, I vividly remember that first Peter Osgood one you posted taken in the dark at a range of two kilometres :P

:D @ Lee

I have to admit that was one of the better ones. :what:
Originally posted by Lee Chater@Mar 30 2006, 03:17 PM
Copyright is an unwritten law.

Er, well, nor exactly - copyright law originated in the United Kingdom from a concept of common law; the Statute of Anne 1709. It became statutory with the passing of the Copyright Act 1911. The current act is the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
I stated that Brian as meaning that you don't have to put a copyright symbol on your work and including the symbol is merely confirmation.
In other words, there is no need for it to be stated that it is copyright.
It looks like she has done it on other threads on that website too, she has even accepted credit for the photos as if she took them herself! Although she will try and wriggle out of that one too as once on the thread (of 7 pages) she said that some of the photos weren't hers, using her trusty line "taken from someone I know off another forum".

Edited by Ardross - reason notified to member
It's not just Diminuendo's photos she's using either - some of Arkwright's pictures have appeared on there as well.
Many years ago, someone copied 14 items of my work and sold them at shows in the N of England and after consulting a Solicitor, he told me to consider it a compliment and forget it !!

He had the ferking cheek to bill me for the consultation to which I replied - treat it as a compliment that I consulted you and you can forget it. TRUE

The guy who did the copying died very soon after ;)