Abu Dhabi?

On holiday a few years ago with two girlfriends, we were told in no uncertain terms that we would not be bothered at all as there was so many plain clothes police no one would dare harass us. Have to say I felt safer there , and on two subsequent holidays there on my own, than I did in my home town. The only rime we noticed any kind of 'attitude' towards us as Westerners was at the World Cup racing, where we had absolutely no chance of getting near the paddock and it was made pretty clear we should give up trying when we did try.
We didn't have an issue with that at all when I went ( mind you, that was 8 years ago!) they couldn't have been politer to three random British females ( who were wrapped in the plastic from the sponsor boards because of the thunderstorm - maybe they just thought we were weird and needed humouring !) even when we took a wrong turning on our way to the loo and ended up in the bit where the normal people were - all the people I came across all through my stay were lovely :)

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