Advice/help sort

It's the Bona Vacantia personnel telling me should have, should do etc. Well the one I spoke to this time is. The one I spoke to last year told me I had no rights etc and couldn't /shouldn't have done anything.
I’ve been thinking more about this. I frequent a platform called Reddit (for my sins!) and there are sub forums on just about every subject you care to think about (and an awful lot more that you definitely wouldn’t!). Anyway I went on there for some advice a few years ago and have found it useful especially for stuff like my framing business queries and also when I had a problem with my Saab convertible.

Anyway there is a sub forum on there called r/LegalAdviceUK. And there are some very knowledgeable people on there. It wouldn’t hurt to post on there and see what people suggest. I know there are several lawyers that frequent it (if they’re not legally trained they will indicate they aren’t) but it’s worth a shot?

Its actually a fascinating platform to be on...the Tinder one can be hilarious and I can waste hours on there laughing.
I need some advice/help.

So, I have a Vax Blade 3 Vacuum Cleaner and it works fine but I can't charge the Battery. My question is how do I find out if I need a new charging unit or a new Battery. Logically it should be the former because the Vac does work but how to be sure?