Alverton On E-bay

I knew I was aiming at both feet at the same time, Jools! :lol: Mostly to make the point about tail-docking of live puppies not being quite the same as hacking off a dead horse's tail. Nope, I think I've shot meself twice more now... :lol: :lol:
Mee too, Pee - I was going to go off on one about docking but then though 'Why?' and couldn't be arsed.... :P

Where d'you want to go on hols, then.. ?
Originally posted by krizon@Apr 4 2006, 06:37 PM
I'm a bit surprised at you, Kotki-Inca: as a vegetarian and an animal rights supporter (and I mean that in a non-confrontational way, though you are supporting their use for entertainment by joining as a member of a racing forum), I'd have thought that ANY use of ANY animal parts was anathema to your philosophy.
Hi dear

Animal Rights supporter doesn't mean extremist who agonizes over everything. The horse was already dead when it's tail was hacked off - it didn't feel any pain. This would be the equivelant of somebody selling a lock of George Best's hair. Even if Besty was dead at the time, he wouldn't feel or say anything so why should anybody give a sh!t?

I'm looking at my beloved dog at the moment and I'm thinking two things;- When I give that dog a bath, I'm killing fleas but if I'm honest with you, I can't force myself to feel terrible about it. When he dies (that will devastate me for a bit I guess) I'm not against using his body to create some dusty soily substance over a long long period of time.

Our membership on a racing forum has incited a grand total of zero people to follow and support racing. Unless a fellow forumite threatens to top him/herself if we leave this forum then we can't really be held responsible for sustaining the sport. As a matter of fact, my sidekick went on such an anti-racing tirade in some other place that he doesn't bother turning up there anymore (he retired from there to focus on resuming his racing career). If that anti-racing tirade shifted somebodies philosophy to the extent that they're going to run on the Aintree turf this Saturday just before the off then our membership of forums couldn't be interpreted as anything like supporting horse racing.

I choose not to kick off here because whilst it would be interesting-ish to begin with, it gets very boring in no time. But to clarify to those who question my position, I think horse racing and the way it's ran sucks. But it isn't going away anytime soon so whilst it's still here, I may as well see how long I can reign supreme as Champion Hurdler.

That Fred Winter gun, now that's some mad sh!t!
Originally posted by PDJ@Apr 4 2006, 08:27 PM
Jools, I fly out next Tuesday!!
Ha - you heard about Soviet Song' s sensational gallop !

Have a great time mate
I was watching one of those auction programmes the other day and they had an otters tail mounted on the end by some sterling silver. The contestants paid £40 for it but the whole auction room seemed so disgusted by it, that there were very few bids. Why would anyone in the Victorian era want to mount an otters tail on a piece of silver?

Someone in the audience asked, "who would use it?"

The auctioneer replied tersely "a live otter!" <_<
Originally posted by Songsheet@Apr 4 2006, 08:13 PM
I was going to go off on one about docking but then though 'Why?' and couldn't be arsed....
Ditto, Jules!

Kotkijet/Brave Inca - you're talking a lot of sense on this thread, I find myself strangely agreeing with you!!! :lol:
Originally posted by krizon@Apr 4 2006, 07:05 PM
Brian - hardly! Horseshoes don't actually have to be cut off a freshly-dead body, do they?
I was taking the mickey and referring to the tens of thousands of shoes that Arkle wore when he won the Gold Cup all being displayed proudly around the world.
Kathy, I was on holiday in North Devon in 1963 when a fraffly tweedy woman stomped into the pub in which I and some friends were having lunch (the only pub meal it served being the ubiquitous 'chicken in a basket'!). She sank a swift pint and then stomped back out to her van, which had a number of dogs in cages in the back. I asked her what they were. "Otterhounds!" she barked, before telling them all to shut up, and clattering off.

I had no idea that otters were hunted (I was still living in Africa at the time, and didn't know its relatively few big game hunters were well outnumbered by enthusiastic British small game hunters). I felt terribly sad that these charming river creatures were still being persecuted in the 20th Century. There seemed to be no end of creatures that, once I mentioned them, someone shot, trapped, hunted, poisoned, or gassed. We bewail people shooting elephants and lions for trophies (I know I do), but it was amazing how apart from obvious vermin - rats - certain types of British society viewed so much of its wild life with disdain and despatched it as often as possible. Squirrels, voles, moles, stoats, ferrets, foxes, rabbits, hares, badgers, otters, mice, owls, starlings, sparrows, crows, rooks, jackdaws, jays, magpies, wood pigeons, carrier pigeons - all the 'wrong' sort of creature (God really buggered up those seven days creating things of the air and the earth, didn't He?!).

As the Victorians admired killing things for 'scientific purposes', and saw nothing wrong with hunting and shooting an enormous variety of birds and animals, possibly the otter tail represented an especially persistent, hard-to-catch one that had avoided its pursuers for some time.
Thanks, Krizon.

I can understand, to some extent the Victorians mounting these items in solid silver and displaying them prouldy in their hunting rooms, but I suppose I was quite pleased that in an auction room in 2006, they really don't hold any real value. I am hoping that, as there are so many more animal lovers in this world of ours, only a really serious "collector" would want some part of an animal, such as an otter's tail displayed in their lounge.
I see tons of these things passing through auction rooms. They don't appeal to many. One thing that is collectable and fetches big prices when done well is the lovely art of taxidermy, the proper ones behind glass. Some of the best fish ones fetch huge prices.