An interview with a professional gambler...



Ok so firstly Slim I want to thank you for doing this interview. I know you're usually really busy drinking and abusing people on Twitter

No problem

Right so we've not heard from you in a year. It's now two years since you went out on your own. What's changed in the last 12 months?

Such a boring question. Any year with a World Cup is a buzz. The summer flew because there was so much action. I turned over the GDP of North Korea between Punchestown and Royal Ascot.

Are you still making it pay?
Yes but it always changes. You get massive upswing and downswing but that secret it to stay liquid and always pay those that you owe.

I've heard a rumour that you don't keep records of your bets. I've read all the betting books from the great minds of the game over the years. Are you seriously telling me you bet for a living and don't have a spreadsheet

Firstly, anyone that writes a betting book isn't making it pay any more. I have absolutely no idea what my P/L is this year or last year and nor do I care. The only figure I'm interested in is how liquid I am. Lads tie themselves in knots on whether they are making 6% or 8% on staying chase on soft ground in months starting with "M". But here's the clue, it doesn't matter. Just concentrate on betting your next winner.

Is your last remark not a Malinsky saying?

Yes it is. For anyone that doesn't know David Malinsky was probably the smartest gambler I ever had the privilege of dealing with. Although I do love saying that my Vegas man dying was the greatest bad beat of all time.

Are you still betting US Sports?

Look, you know I'll bet anything but without Malinsky's input my passion for betting it is gone. I mean I never thought American Football was a good sport to start with so not betting on it means I literally couldn't give a **** who's playing never mind bet on it.

Ok so we need to get this out of way. Why are you such a metal case on Twiter? I've counted 1,563 people you have abused since the last time we spoke.

(Audiable sigh) I'm so ******* sick of defending my Twitter account. It's in defensible. The platform beings out the worst in people. At my worst I've got a chip on both shoulders and haven't a good thing to say about anyone but that's not me. I wouldn't talk to anyone person how I tweet.

Hold on now. Are you saying that you regret what you tweet?

Everyday I walk out of the house I regret what I tweet but let me be very clear here, everything I tweet, I mean it, right or wrong. I send every tweet in my own name and if I say something wrong it's there in black and white. I'll make no apology to people I've called out.

So you're latest rants are against the Quants. Why are you so aggressively against them?

I wouldn't say I'm aggressive. Maths has taken over betting but it won't win. I've seen countless examples of cunts with degrees laying bets based on maths and doing it in. Think about it. If I want 2k on a 2yo what maths model is going to help you?

This feels like a different Slim to two years ago. You seem to be more focused on calling balls and strikes than hating on ex-emloyers

Yeah that's something we can agree on. I definitely wasted way too much energy on that. Anyone I meet in person makes me think twice about positions I've had. If there's one thing I've learned it's that face to face meetings is the only way to get your point across fairly.

Is it true when you're out drinking now you never shut the **** up and lads can't get a word in?

Yes that is correct. It's just that everything I say is so important to my mind.

Getting back to betting. Where are the angles?

Everyone is so obsessed with modelling sports. You can not and never will be able to model Irish and UK racing. Early prices are soft and I'll always beat them. This year I'm not doing to waste time on yank sports and concentrate on smashing racing.

Is the WhatsApp group still going?
Yes. Nick is always typing and I want Ben OUT

Any winner for us?
They'll be on the Will Win Thread. I met several people at Leopardstown on Saturday and it was a reminder of how great this forum is and how many good people I know because of it. I get great pleasure in backing winners and having lads on here on with me. Let's do more of that.

Nice words to end Slim. Now get off my ******* thread...
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Good read Slim, on the money re figures. Everyone likes to think theyre Patrick Veitch (minus the zeroes) with their monthly tallies.

Stay solvent, stay in the game.
Intriguing. I know it's mostly tongue in cheek but there's a lot of value in those comments and being a bit of a contrarian at times myself I appreciate them.

Love Slim's alter-ego but still not made my mind up whether it's the gambler or the interviewer.

Where can we find you on Twitter if we want to abuse you?
Intriguing. I know it's mostly tongue in cheek but there's a lot of value in those comments and being a bit of a contrarian at times myself I appreciate them.

Love Slim's alter-ego but still not made my mind up whether it's the gambler or the interviewer.

Where can we find you on Twitter if we want to abuse you?
