DG - if you've got a bird reserve near you, may I suggest that they may have some ideas for Mrs DG in 'encouraging' the sparrer 'awk to fly and perch elsewhere. Or a call to the RSPB could be useful. I personally don't know how they're to be discouraged. Seeing your garden bounty attracts tasty fast food for it, it's no doubt delighted you've moved to the area! My neighbours had their pond fish regularly speared by a heron until they passed three or four pieces of twine from side to side across the pond, which put the bird off.
Some suggestions are to put bird feeders inside a chicken-wire caging, about the size of a single garden shed, so that only the ickle birdies can fly through - robins, sparrows, finches, etc. It doesn't look particularly elegant, but they are protected from any airborne attack and over time, the hawk may just give up and perch elsewhere. Good luck.