It's now much colder and blowing a gale but out walking the mutts this morning, it was almost springlike for a bit and down by the river I spotted a pair of moorhens, a heron, quite a few pheasants, a pair of duck on the little pond by the wood's edge and the usual suspects such as crows, magpies and buzzards.
In the mare's yard, the birds are already staking their claims as to where they want to build their nests and it's positively noisy there first thing!
But the funniest moment of the day was first thing. After feeding the mares, the next on the list is Boop the cat - she gets fed in the feed room. I thought I'd heard a bit of noise in there as I passed the door but didn't stop to check it out. Cat is always waiting for her grub as I open the door but, strangely, no sign of cat. I look around, still no cat. Right by the door is a black dustbin for any rubbish and as I look down, a white paw shoots out of it, and the lid rises about 3" as Boop makes another effort to escape.
The lid hadn't been on properly, she's jumped on the bin to get to her food area, fallen in and the lid had flipped back neatly in place. I can't stop laughing, because she's mad as a snake and on lifting the lid to let her out, she's puffed herself up in a right bait and does not take kindly to be laughed at.....