Anyone Been To Buenos Aires?

After someone I know (I hesitate to call the slapper a mate now!!) came back from Argentina about 3 weeks ago with more than she went with I'd strongly recommend that you either leave the locals be or make sure you never go bareback!!! :laughing:
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Apr 11 2007, 01:38 PM
After someone I know (I hesitate to call the slapper a mate now!!) came back from Argentina about 3 weeks ago with more than she went with I'd strongly recommend that you either leave the locals be or make sure you never go bareback!!! :laughing:
Gracious me Dom - is this the 1950s ? Have you become Mary Whitehouse

I am surprised to read such condemnation from the racing world which judging by the amount of gossip on here is rather lax on the morals front . :P
That is a fair point from Ardross. The racing 'community' operate to a different moral code to most of the rest of society.
Erm, yes - that they do....... :suspect:

However having to pick up a dose of antibiotics after a week's holiday isn't the greatest achievement in the world!!
Grrroaannnnn.... :D

Reminds me of sitting in Boots last time I was waiting for my asthma inhalers. Young chap, very nice-looking, blonde, good teeth, sits beside me. After a bit, his mate asks him in a public-announcement voice, "So, when did you know you had gonorrhea?" :dork: Ah, 'scuse me while I just edge up to the next chair, sonny...