Arc 2009 - travel advice


At the Start
Jan 7, 2008
Following a very enjoyable trip to Paris last year for the Arc, myself and my parents are heading back again this year. I was looking for places to stay and spotted the Marriott in La Defense. Last year we got on the wrong bus from the track and ended up in Port Maillot instead of Port d'Auteuil. Does anyone know if the buses go frequently from Port Maillot to and from the racecourse as the Marriott is on the tube to Port Maillot and could be very handy to get into the centre of paris in the evenings. Marriott is €109 a night but if anyone has any other ideas I'd be delighted to hear. the place we stayed in last year was a bit cheap and cheery and wouldn't mind spending around €100 a night on the accomodation.
You can get a free bus shuttle to and from Port Maillot run regular and last one back around 8pm and if your on the Maillot line its easy and quick to get anywere in the centre of paris , some good resteraunts in the Notre Damme area
La Defense is a bit out of the way but would be no more than one or two changes on the metro and an hour at most from the course.

We stayed there for the International Weekend last year - don't go in Les Quatre Temps too often though, very easy to get lost but La Defense is basically the main business area of Paris.
Im also seriously considering making the trip this year, something i have been meaning to look into for a while now. I must put arrangements in place after Galway, so any suggestions and advice in here will be most welcome.
La Defense is a bit out of the way but would be no more than one or two changes on the metro and an hour at most from the course.
La Defense is a bit quiet at night because basically an office district, even if some of the architecture is impressive. It's one stop away from Maillot on the RER.

And it's quite close to the track, much less than an hour away. There's a bus from it that leaves you just across the river from Longchamp, about a 15 minute walk, but I'd treat your parents to a taxi instead.

Sorry, I'll rephrase that. If I were you I'd treat your parents to a taxi instead. :)
If you're going to the Arc there is one single GOLDEN rule you must follow. Never, ever try to head back home on the Sunday. It will ruin your day. Instead stay over the Sunday night and head back on the Monday.

Remember the Arc is generally run as the second to last race, often late off and even when it's on time around 5.30. Getting away from Longchamp is a nightmare. Take some comfy shoes and stroll back leisurely to Porte D'Auteuil is by far the best way to do it.
Thanks for the advice guys. As I'm with my parents we won't be hitting the tiles at 1am so won't have a problem with those dodgy establishments. And my father hates getting taxis. It must be an old fashioned thing. no idea why but prefers to walk short distances and get buses/trains. don't ask me why!! And we were one of those that went home on sunday evening last year. It was fine. We had a 10pm flight and everythign went very smoothly. Left straight after the Arc. but this year we will head back on the monday morning.

It's a great weekend I must say and outside a couple of non-events of races, the racing is top notch with plenty going on. I'm not in love with the track or its facilities but then I like getting my hog roll in Cheltenham and I just can't see the French doing it that way!!
well, everybody hates getting taxis in france. I am not my parents but we always stay in Auteuil, and walk to the track and back from there. takes about 25 minutes but is lovely when weather is nice (which it mostly is) and great to wind down after an emotional day at the races.
I'll be there this year as well.

La defense I'd consider, as you can get some pretty good deals on hotels there during the weekend as business travellers not around. It's really not too far away, and as you wil be with your parents, I'm having somewhere closeby to stumble back to isn't a priority.

Cantoris, I actually stayed in the Pullman in Versailles for New Years eve, and whilst that may be a little too far, you can find some really nice places for what you would pay for an average hotel in central Paris; depends on what you are after.

I generally wait until a day before to book hotels now, and find a lot of availability for some really nice hotels at half price. To see what i mean, check out sites such as and compare rates for the next couple of nights with the Arc weekend.