Ask the BHA and St Leger Competition


At the Start
Dec 2, 2008
Dear Talking Horses,

Ask the BHA
Just a reminder that the Ask the BHA initiative, where for a limited period of time you can ask our BHA specialists ANY question you would like about racing, is now open.

Visit here for how to ask us your questions:

St Leger Competition
In addition, we are running a fantastic St Leger competition where you can win 2 County Stand tickets for EVERY DAY of the festival. Enter here, and good luck:

Grasshopper- yep, saw that question. Have already sent it on, looking forward to the answer to that myself, I'm totally behind you on that one (speaking as a racing fan).


No different to parliamentary democracy then Colin. I'm not sure that Rob can't make his senior managers etc answer questions, all he can do is pose them
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I just feel his time could be better spent, Warbs.

It's a bit like the Jehova's Witnesses knocking at your door all the time.

They are not prepared to listen either.
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Bloody hell, you're a cyberspace 'time and motion' monitor now!!!

It's always possble that Rob might actually have a bit more sympathy towards the plight of the racing fan than the organisation whom he works for? Afterall, I can think of plenty of organisations I've worked for where i was more than critical of their complacency and arrogance. Not every employee always buys into the assorted corporate mantras with the same degree of conviction that it's management would like remember. Without wishing to prejudice Rob's position, it's certainly been my experience that some of the more critical opinions held against certain organisations tend to be those of their own junior to middle ranking staff
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Dear Colin,

This initiative is now 3 days in and I would just like it noted that EVERY question we have asked so far has either already been answered, or is in the process of being researched.

I have contacted every single person who has emailed us and either responded to their question OR informed them who is looking into it and promised a response.

That's all questions, 100% all of them, each and every one.

So if you would care to justify your comment "But what is the point if you only answer the questions that suit you?" I would be very interested to see how you reached this conclusion.

Further to this, we have already been asked some VERY tricky and challenging questions, and in each case i have complimented the asker and stated that these are the kind of questions we opened this initiative for, and I am looking forward to the answers.

I am afraid that your comment has absolutely no justification at all.

We receive some comments on this forum which criticise the attitude of the BHA and your perceptions of our prerogatives as an industry body. As much as I don't agree with some of them I completely respect your rights to your opinions, and try to take them in good humour and join in the banter.

But I can assure you that in the instance of this initiative your comments abour cherry picking our questions are utterly unfounded. They are currently giving some very senior people some serious headaches, and will be answered in due course, and I say good on you all those who have asked such questions!


For all that I have little faith in the BHA's ability to make a meaningful difference, I can confirm that I today received an e-mail in response to my question. It wasn't an answer, but it was confirmation that it is being considered.
Good luck to the BHA with this initiative. The chances are it won't be a long term project unless it is well received, owing to resource constraints and the growing tedium of replying to questions already asked before, so people should make the most of it while they can.
Rob, thanks for the direct and personal response.

My attitude has been formed from the experience of someone from the BHA coming on here before and asking for questions and they were either deflected or avoided.

I can't be arsed to ask again.

I still suggest your time could be better spent elsewhere; I direct you to a thread on The Racing Forum entitled "Is This Gambling?" inspired by the win of a horse, who having had just three unplaced runs in maidens was alloted a mark of 67 for a nursery, was heavily backed and won.

If you at the BHA could address yourselves to this sort of problem instead of spamming forums with this PR campaign, I, for one would be less unhappy with the way the sport is being run.

Kindest regards,

Colin - what is it exactly? They are trying to reach out to racing enthusiasts, and appear to be answering all questions. I am far from a fan of the BHA, but surely this is to be applauded? Yes, they have a lot of work to do in other areas, where their policies and ability to enforce rules is appalling and embarassing, but what has that got to do with this initiative?

Also, what is the difference between Rob providing a link to the BHA website and your signature? If the former is spam, then what does that make the latter?
My signature which includes a link to my website is within the rules of the forum and is what it says on the tin.

The BHA initiative is a PR exercise and pretends to be something that it is not.

However I have had my say on this issue and have contacted Robin by PM explaining my apathy towards the subject, and as far as I am concerned the matter is over.
I believe the matter is over when the topic is closed.

Again, there is no difference between you posting that link to that website and Robin posting a link to the BHA site - both are within the rules, and it's always good to see links to all things racing (I have no idea what yours links to) but to criticise Rob when you are doing exactly the same is hypocrisy of the highest order.