At The Races

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bruce_Savage
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Notice how I put fair indicator not accurate, and people on here think I have mental issues.

There are free eye tests going if you're on the doll, I'm sure many of you could jump at the opportunity but given the lack of drive, imagination and elusive entrepreneurial get up and go spirit in your posts I doubt you will.

I know there is a fine line between traveller & horseman, but I do know travellers show natural fighting tendancies which I've come across on this forum, a lot of people wanting to battle for social popularity which is sad given the internet can hardly be deemed a recommended place for socialisng.

Yet again, no names mentioned by I am free to help with your problems.
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Hang on, Bruce - one minute you're championing the get-up-and-go spirit of some people, but when Dave appears on ATR showing his own form of get-up-and-get on, you put him down - mostly because he wears a tracksuit and not a Gieves & Hawkes suit and doesn't drive an unnecessary 4x4 (assuming your pal doesn't need it for checking on his herd of Holstein cattle?). Not quite championing everyone who shows a bit of self-reliance, are you?
Notice how I put fair indicator not accurate, and people on here think I have mental issues.

There are free eye tests going if you're on the doll, I'm sure many of you could jump at the opportunity but given the lack of drive, imagination and elusive entrepreneurial get up and go spirit in your posts I doubt you will.

I know there is a fine line between traveller & horseman, but I do know travellers show natural fighting tendancies which I've come across on this forum, a lot of people wanting to battle for social popularity which is sad given the internet can hardly be deemed a recommended place for socialisng.

Yet again, no names mentioned by I am free to help with your problems.

Can someone sort this mentalist out? He's doing my nut in and this post is frankly bang out of order on so many levels.

Before you accuse people of being on the dole, ignorant and a social degenerate you should consider whether or not you a) can spell and b) you're not a frickin nutbag yourself.
Before you accuse people of being on the dole, ignorant and a social degenerate you should consider whether or not you a) can spell and b) you're not a frickin nutbag yourself.

Yes, well, self-diagnosis might be aiming a little high ...!:)
Imo people should just embrace Bruce for what he is, a self professed eccentric, who doesn't fit in but yet has the intellect to say stuff they makes other people angry. Or ignore him, one of the two.

And there's no need for the crass observations of 'keep taking your tablets' etc. These lines make people saying them look just as silly as the one's they are trying to wind up.

Ultimately it is discrimination against those with real mental health issues. No need for it.
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Bruce hasn't realised that the Internet has indeed led to a lot of real-time socialising among forum members, including breeding and owning racehorses together, let alone setting out in high spirits for days of bookie-bashing. He seems to be stirring up annoyance among several usually easygoing people, so perhaps the Mods - wake up at the back, there! - might like to ask him to post more in the spirit of a discussion board?
Sounds more than fair to me Krizon. Two wrongs aren't ment to make a right though, people should remember that possibly.;)
I agree with you, Marble - it can come across as baiting, whoever's doing it. We can have some hearty ding-dongs on here (I'm one to talk!) without calling each other cretins for just having opposing views.

Steve... really? You're totally sure there isn't a secret love foal somewhere?

Oh, look, if we're all going to question IDs, I'd better come clean after all these years. My real name is Sky Is Falling, and I'm a half-Cherokee Indian man, six foot three, tattoos, like hunting with a long bow, snake handling, and tribal dancing under a full moon. WLTM anyone with similar interests. PM me.
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Imo people should just embrace Bruce for what he is, a self professed eccentric, who doesn't fit in but yet has the intellect to say stuff they makes other people angry. Or ignore him, one of the two.

And there's no need for the crass observations of 'keep taking your tablets' etc. These lines make people saying them look just as silly as the one's they are trying to wind up.

Ultimately it is discrimination against those with real mental health issues. No need for it.

Point taken Marble - no one should be flippant about these issues.
I hold my hands up; I've been antagonistic in my approach in an attempt to avoid being compressed in my views by other stronger negative organisms that function on this website. There was no need to mention social deprivation amongst members as it’s not a very nice position to be in and I hope none of you are actually in a position where you don’t know when the next £ is coming from but please refrain from calling me mental.

I will take this as a lesson on how to avoid causing conflict, but it's very hard when you don't see the effort put in by fellow members on that subjects or points of view you have. There's no doubt, we have a very highly knowledgeable crowd on this forum but it's a pain in the neck to get them to speak out and positively influence proceedings.

Admittedly it's up to you when and what subject you want to open up in and let those elusive brain waves flowing in creating a good piece of well thought out work, but please if you have nothing better to say then just let the thread die – I’ll get the picture if no one has replied within a few hours or so.
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may I point out that it's you who continually refuses to expand on your theories when asked. I've asked you to clarify what parameters you've used to come up with your "horses" system with absolutely no response from you. If you did respond, I'd be happy to discuss the pros and cons of the system. Any chance of that happening?