Back On Track

...which he had to, in all fairness. Don't forget I'm a massive Oscar Park fan as well!

There was a heart stopping moment maybe a circuit or so out when he appeared to do the same as he did when unseating at Kempton - he launched himself at the fence from a long way out but got away with it, didn't even make a mistake jumping it.
I know he didn't have anything to beat but I was quite taken by that performance. His jumping was superb which will stand him in good stead at the Festival, and he'll go there with a win under his belt from last years Festival. With the race shaping like a very average renewal, and with him having a low profile prep he could well be value for the SA Chase at big odds.
I am obvioulsy very biased as I am living with landlark, the worlds biggest Oscar Park fan, but I have to say I was quite impressed as well, and would echo what Maruco said. I think there was much improvement in his jumping from his first to his second chase, and as he is to run once more before the Festival to gain more experience, I would say the dream can live a bit longer for time being. Jimmy is obviously on at even longer odds than Headstrong, and with some more money too norty
Well I damn well hope he wins as that will be the best fiver I ever spent :P
He certainly seemed to be enjoying himself out there today didn't he? and was very willing for Seamus
I just hope to God he doesn't over-jump on the day and UR, he's so enthusiastic :rolleyes:

I'd love to see Seamus have a Festival winner too, after all he's been through in the last few years
It would be wonderful for David Arbo too, to add a 'championship' race to his handicap win last year