BBC Coverage


At the Start
Jul 22, 2004
I'm not usually one to whinge too much about tv coverage, because any is generally good for the sport, but the BBC's today so far has been nothing short of embarrassing. I think its gonna hit a peak when this feature about Andy Stewarts son comes on...
Funny that the Gold Cup is the pinnacle of the sport and yet winning the National always seems to be the highlight of a rider`s career. I suppose it depends upon what channel one is speaking to.
Mick Fitzgarald is pis ing me off interrupting during the commentary.:mad:
He is everywhere looks like a job for life.:p
Mick Fitz has gone beyond saturation point....ATR, Channel 4, BBC an interview every second day in the RP....need a break....

As for their betting experts....:rolleyes:
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I just pray the cameramen don't do today what they did yesterday at the start of the Topham, and follow the leaders as if it's some kind of flat race! - they even missed out the Chair ffs.

The coverage isn't aimed at diehard racing fans like ourselves, we have to accept that. Hence all the human stories... But that's no excuse for not showing them all jumping the fences!
Did you know Mick Fitzgerald considered sex to be an anti-climax compared to winning the National?
Funny that the Gold Cup is the pinnacle of the sport and yet winning the National always seems to be the highlight of a rider`s career. I suppose it depends upon what channel one is speaking to.

No, it depends on the jockey. They all want to win this one, and if they do it's the highlifght of their career. The fences are rarely used, unlike the Gold Cup fences, and they are more fearsome. It's much more of a test of a riders courage and skill - in THEIR opinion. Anyway for some of us the GN is and always will be the pinnacle of the sport, handicap of no!
Interview with Jim McGrath here, some amazing quotes, "don't plan anything cos you'll just get muddled up", don't think it matters really Jim, you only see what you want to see anyway, wonder if Authorised will be cruising in the National?
On Gold Cup day winning the Gold Cup is the highlight of their career. On National day winning the National is the highlight of their career. C'est la vie.
They choose these people for their ability to keep spouting to camera, regardless of the quality fo what they are saying
I think its gonna hit a peak when this feature about Andy Stewarts son comes on...

Can't believe that got higher billing, as it were, than the piece on Graham Lee. Who, you know, actually has something directly to do with the race...
don't think it matters really Jim, you only see what you want to see anyway,

He didn't tip Al Eile in today's Telegraph did he by any chance? as he spent about a quarter of the race commenting on where he was, what a lovely position he had, and inviting any former jockey who happened to be anywhere near a microphone to comment on the horse, which sounded desparately like 'please tell me I'm travelling well'
He didn't tip Al Eile in today's Telegraph did he by any chance? as he spent about a quarter of the race commenting on where he was, what a lovely position he had, and inviting any former jockey who happened to be anywhere near a microphone to comment on the horse, which sounded desparately like 'please tell me I'm travelling well'

Ha - even my Mum picked up on that
I generally like Balding, but why did she just ask the winning jockey, in the greatest half hour of his life, to show his bad teeth to the world?
Well done Ms Williams for not giving the BBC the angle (they clearly wanted) of the price or the fact she is the second female trainer to win the race...
I thought that, but wouldn't blame the BBC, this whole gender thing is purely a personal crusade of Balding's and no one else's. My God I thought she was going to chain herself to Ginger McCain a few years ago over Carrie Ford. I tire of it frankly and wish she'd give it a rest
Her "you can afford to have them done now" line was cringe-inducing too, on many levels, not least: why on earth would a jump jockey get his teeth done before they retire?