BBC Coverage

And she's never interviewed anyone queuing for the toilet.

If there's just one piece of Thommo I'd pay to watch again it was that debacle at Chester, not least of all for the palpable look of unblanched horror on the faces of the women he pounced on. You were half expecting him to tap on the door, push it open and start conducting an interview with some poor gal splayed all over trap 1 as cameraman an sound recordist followed him in.

I seem to recall that when the cameras first cut to him he opened up with something like "I'm here outside the ladies toilets". I mean at this point surely any half decent Director would have cut, but he was allowed to continue, remorsely picking his way up the queue, whilst enquiring about the well being of anyone who'd just completed their task. Imagine, you spend all that money to dress yourself, put on the best show you can, only to sneak out of toilet to find Derek Thompson waiting with a live camera broadcasting your lavatory experience to the nation. And then just top it off he wants to interview you, having totally shattered all your dignity.

There was that incident with the Henderson daughter too wasn't there? Can't remember what he said precisely, but it was the way he reacted as soon as he clocked her, you could almost hear him thinking Whoaaaa, and he shot off after her leaving his abandoned interviewee mid sentance (Alan Partridge stuff). As i say I can't remember what he said, but the horses name was relevant to a double entendre that allowed Thommo to ask her to comment on how good she was at sex.

Oh yes, Thommo the ever consumate vulture spotted his chance, and without a moments pause to consider if it were appropriate or not dived straight in with his comment "Is it named after you?"

In fairness, for such time as Thommo is on our screens every racing presenter in the land (with the possible exception of McCrirrick) must be safe. I mean how could you discipline, yet alone sack Balding if she presented a hearing with a montage of Thommoisms
"This is Derek Thompson of Channel 4 racing.
We know you're in there.
You are completely surrounded.
Come out with your knickers around your ankles, and your hands above your head.
There is no point in trying to escape.
If you don't come out by the time I count to three.
We're coming in after you."

Ah still creases me up thinking about it.

I also remember a week later he taps a trainer on the shoulder to conduct an interview. The trainer spins round and bursts out laughing. Thommo mirrors the jovial nature and laughs back (for no apparent reason) and asks his first question (racing related this time). The answer was something like this;

Saw your piece at the ladies loo last week (laughs out loud). My God I'm surprised they've let you loose again so soon.
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How absolutely shocking was the coverage this weekend? The absence of Balding just showed what an embarrassment the rest of the team is. Is there any other sport that is presented in such an amateurist way as currently is the case with the BBC?

John Parrott interviewing Aidan O'Brien.....JOHN FECKING PARROTT!!!
It was a fucking disgrace. Willie was embarrassing and Rishi even more so. The pair of them together are a bloody comedy act, yet they're not remotely funny. Why does Willie insist on making sweeping pronouncements assuming the mantle of "expert's spoken, no more to be said", especially when what he is saying is utter tripe?!

Oh, but I did laugh when Aidan O'Brien called Rishi "Ritchie". Class!
I'd have liked to have seen the look on Willie's face as they watched the re-run of the Fillies Mile when he not only completely missed the slap across the mush received by Lady Darshaan, he tried to imagine it happening some stride or two afterwards, which Persad had to correct him on, on air.
Carson was just bizarre. Shouting at people going the wrong way whilst live on air? I think Bartlett was winding him up most of the afternoon too, which led to Carson's priceless, indignant "I'M PAID TO SPEAK" moment.