Best Country In The World


Banned member
Jul 20, 2006
Personally i think these surveys are rubbish...not least because no country in the world is homogenous

Love the somewhat understated comment about Zimbabwe

Ireland is named 'best country'

Dubliners have reason to be cheerful, the survey finds
Ireland is the best place to live in the world, according to a "quality of life" assessment by Economist magazine.
The country's combination of increasing wealth and traditional values gives it the conditions most likely to make its people happy, the survey found.

Ireland was followed by Switzerland, Norway and Luxembourg. All but one of the top 10 were European countries.

The USA languished in 13th, while Britain was 29th - the lowest of the pre-expansion EU nations.

1 Ireland
2 Switzerland
3 Norway
4 Luxembourg
5 Sweden
6 Australia
7 Iceland
8 Italy
9 Denmark
10 Spain

The survey was prepared for the Economist's "World in 2005" publication, with the remit: "Where will be the best place to live in 2005?"

Researchers took into account not just income, but other factors considered important to people's satisfaction and well-being.

They included health, freedom, unemployment, family life, climate, political stability and security, gender equality and family and community life.

The Economist said: "Ireland wins because it successfully combines the most desirable elements of the new, such as low unemployment and political liberties, with the preservation of certain cosy elements of the old, such as stable family and community life."

The magazine admits that measuring quality of life is not a straightforward thing to do, and that its findings will have their critics - "except, of course, in Ireland".

Breakdown in Britain

The Republic has made significant gains from its membership of the EU, earning the soubriquet Celtic Tiger for its economic progress.

Commentators say it is widely admired by the EU's newest members, and has become a model for what they hope to achieve.

Although European nations generally do well in the survey, the continent's major industrial powers of France, Germany and Britain finish 25th, 26th and 29th respectively.

The researchers said although the UK achieved high income per head, it had high levels of social and family breakdown.

The worst of the 111 countries to live in was considered to be Zimbabwe, "where things have gone from bad to worse under [President] Robert Mugabe".
Spain for me but I'd like to see places like New Zealand and Sri Lanka.

Things are too expensive in Ireland.
Why Suny?

Norway, Sweden and Ireland in the top half dozen suggests climate was way down on the priorities list. Swedes are also taxed more than us. The list is shite imo.
Originally posted by Bar the Bull@Nov 30 2006, 05:32 PM
High taxation can mean better social services, roads, education, etc.

I remember reading something that taxation and happiness are positively correlated.
I find both staments simply absurd.

It is obvious that people spend their money much more correctly than plitician do for us.

Higher taxes means unemployment,companies out of the region and lass money for the state.

It is an evidence that lower taxes increase the recaudation.

I dont know anybody being happy paying taxes.

It is also essential the mechanism to see what they do with the money.
That is why I said can.

I have squandered hundreds of thousands of pounds on drink, drugs, slow horses and fast women.

Had I been taxed more, there might be more money in the NHS.


Maybe countries like Sweden do a good job of public expenditure. Maybe having good schools and roads makes them happy.

Or maybe the fact that all the women are rides is a bigger factor.
I once saw one of these surveys carried out by a scottish university that came up with;;


As the best place to live in the UK

Is it?

I have my doubts....
Maybe countries like Sweden do a good job of public expenditure. Maybe having good schools and roads makes them happy.

Or maybe the fact that all the women are rides is a bigger factor.

The first part is now being turned back.

The second part is hugely overrated

In addition, the people are nice but as exciting as Sven

And it has a bloody high suicide rate....
Originally posted by Euronymous@Nov 30 2006, 05:19 PM
Why Suny?

Many reasons

the sum up is:
the country is a bad joke.

Politically the situation can not be worse at the moment.

Terrorism problems.
Separatist problems, some regions thinking they are the owners of the rivers, other think they dont want to pay taxes.......

Economic development is not sostenible.

The level of corruption is similar to many southamerican countries, not only econmically or in courts.

The cultural level of the people and the educational system really low for a supposed first world country.

Foreign politic hard to describe.

The level of happiness of the people in their work really low.

the level of criminality and the problems to come with the inmigrant affair will make the incidents in Paris last year to look a play for children.

Some other very good things ,the weather very good although sometimes too dry and good food , but the country is a joke.
Originally posted by Bar the Bull@Nov 30 2006, 05:44 PM

I have squandered hundreds of thousands of pounds on drink, drugs, slow horses and fast women.

Had I been taxed more, there might be more money in the NHS.
That money was spent much more intelligently than in hands of politicians.

The taxes would have been spent in more official cars with choffer for incompetents, or to pay innecesaries unemployment salaries for them to have more votes or many other stupid things.
I imagine you have a similar situation, but here the money is spent in the financiation of political parties and sindicates, also for subside inept films for actors who are in agreemennt with the goverment or to have medical services for people who has not paid his taxes.

The more money you have in the pocket the better it will be used.That is a general rule that very rarely fail.
Sweden for me.

It has a very high standard of living which can be in part attributed to the states policy of high taxation and the willingness of the public to pay them.

In my opinion the streets of Stockholm are safer, cleaner and much more pleasant than those of London, Paris, Rome or dare I say it Dublin.

The high suicide rate is arguably because it never goes light in the winter in the Northern parts of the country.
If you asked me which great cities i have visited would be a while before i remebered my three days in Stockholm.

And being Stockhom. Thats not because i wa having a great time boozing....

It might be safe and clean. But so is Geneva

Stockholm is no;

London or Paris

Or Berlin, Madrid or Barcelona
As someone who got out of Ireland and who has no interest in going back I am depressed to read it is the best their is....

But then the grass is always greener.
Ireland's a great place to be successful in........but beyond that, I can't see how it compares too favourably with other places but then the grass is always greener. Plus, given the comparatively smaller size, much as there is a sense of community, you're never too far away from the hub of things in the capital either. It's easy enough to get from A to B [provided you have your own transport, of course]

I would have thought areas of the UK would be ok [not the poxy Midlands though]

Switzerland must be ok if you can afford to live there.