Betting on reality T.V shows...

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Hillarious I think.

Someone wins a bushtucker trial on I'm A Celeb, the odds go shorter, someone has a stinky crap on camera and you could get 33's five minutes later.

I have not watched I'm A Celeb for years but my dear mother told me David Haye had a good chance last week (Usually always right on these matters, and even the horses too when she has a look on the big race days), so I checked the odds on him and saw he was 10/1. We jointly had a tenner on for a laugh at 8's in the end. He's now as short as 3/1 with one firm. Bristow looks the main danger imo.

Anyone had any funny experiences of betting on this stuff?
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I had made a good few quid over the past few weeks on laying in the eviction market on x factor. I had a good few quid on Elle to win it at evens over a month ago when she appeared to be the only one who could actually sing. LAst night blew all my eviction winnings out the water when she gets kicked out in sixth, while a couple of tossers, one who can sing, and one who wouldn't know a middle c if it came and rodgered him senseless are still in it. No more reality for me I'm afraid...
The best betting medium out there. Underestimates how moronic the general public are.

Only problem is, it's a bitch to get on.

Jahmene a ridiculously short price to win X-Factor. Think Union-J could have a late finish to collar him.
Limahl is a crazy price at around the 100 mark..must trade shorter later in the week

comes across as a very likeable chap..too old to win probably
Stick to yer horseees Ec1!:)

Haye like a non entity lately, not sure he's bothered about winning. Seems like he has just gone for a holiday rather than trying to do anything to remotely win at present

In short, fecking infuraiting if you've backed him, albeit just a tenner.
Stick to yer horseees Ec1!:)

Haye like a non entity lately, not sure he's bothered about winning. Seems like he has just gone for a holiday rather than trying to do anything to remotely win at present

In short, fecking infuraiting if you've backed him, albeit just a tenner.


Linda Robson to go tonight ..had a tickle at 3.8

i made the mistake initially with Limahl of actually judging it on how nice someone is..when its got nowt to do with it:lol:

I think Eric will go tonight
Rosemary lost herself some fans last night...i don't think enough though to remove her tonight

I expected Eric to be odds on tonight..he's trading at i'm backing him to go ..yet again

loving this show..particularly after last night..the betfair market was well wide of the mark.
Rosemary lost herself some fans last night...i don't think enough though to remove her tonight

I expected Eric to be odds on tonight..he's trading at i'm backing him to go ..yet again

loving this show..particularly after last night..the betfair market was well wide of the mark.

Who do you see winning it now EC?

I have to admit I didn't know a great deal about David Haye's personality beforehand, and expected him to be a cocky big headed chap, but he's surprised me and I'm sure many other people with his politeness and genuiness.

Wish me and mum had got more on at 8's:) - Its interesting nearly every person kicked out has said they want (or think) he will win.
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I've backed Hugo to win as i think he has changed people's view of him..i've got 16/1 but obviously its a shot in the dark as he is getting more popular but is there enough of a swing towards him?

The most popular person in there is undoubtedly Ashley but there is no value now..Rosemary blew her chance in one outburst..she was fav in some polls.

one thing i've noticed is how far out betfair has been..last night for instance Hugo traded at 1.6 ish at one point..i should have just layed it because although its hard getting the right one gone i was sure Hugo would get through.

tonights is really hard..I think Hugo will be safe again...the obvious call is yet again Eric but he is very short and imo there isn't much between him and the boring pair David & Charlie..they haven't done owt wrong but at this stage people tend to keep those that offer most to the show.

I think Eric is offering more than those two..Ashley won't go and i don't think Hugo have gone for David to leave tonight at 8.0,,,Charlie has all the eastenders vote and will get away with it imo.
try to redeem a bit tonight.

finely balanced

Eric seems to just keep going and i can't help but wonder if the guys he backed himself with to get in the last 6 are doing some major ringing in. I think he's been great in there but can't see him actually winning with big hitter Eastenders voters looking after Charlie and girl band fans looking after Ashley

At this point in time as long as no one does anything wrong the fanbase kicks in and what you have actually done in there is insignificant/irrelevant as was shown last year when the invisible Dougie beat Mark from Towie..just because his fan base was a lot larger...Mark was easily the best contestant then but got absolutely buried in the last two vote against a boybander

So based on fanbase ...both Ashley and Charlie look like the finalists..if that happens Charlie should take that vote easily...which goes against the current polls that have Ashley way more popular

David has not really done bugger fact apart from the tasks the only time he has said anything is in the bush telegraph..and thats been in a boring commentator style.....but obviously eye candy for the ladies...think his time runs out tonight.

I'm having a bet on David to go tonight..3.6 ish at the moment
A lot of people will only vote in the final, and if David can make it that far, I'd fancy a lot of people will choose him over the girls. I think thats when his vote will really kick in. Can't beleive the questions Ashley was getting wrong in her trial last night, it was quite unbelievable, even for an Amercian!

I don't like Charlie, comes across a bit smug to me.

Davids the winner if he gets to the final imo. Granted he may appear a bit boring but I'd rather that than just have a bunch of circus clowns in all the time like Helen.
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i'm only saying how he comes across to i matters not when they get to the last two what they have done..its who has the biggest fanbase

Charlie will have the biggest fanbase..those voting will be a large % young females who watch eastenders...last year taught me a lot about this show..fanbase is key in the last 2
I think you're right, he may seem boring. Not the worst crime in the world but he needs to snap out of it in order to win maybe.
I think you're right, he may seem boring. Not the worst crime in the world but he needs to snap out of it in order to win maybe.

no..i don't think it matters now...did you watch last years?

just on what the two finalists had done and how they came across in the show..Mark was 1/20 to win..the other youth from the boyband was a complete biff..all you got from him was .."ok Dude"..Mark lost to him comfy

.if you are a soapstar and do bugger all..but nowt get last 4 no probs..thats why Helen is such an idiot..she lost all her Corry support and went one night after a Doctor Who no one watching the show had ever heard of.