BHA Fixture Cutbacks

I know it's popular to knock the twilight meetings at Wolverhampton & Kempton but last winter I had a spare hour on Thursday nights before the wife and child arrived home from swimming and I had no hesitation watching it.
I'd rather be watching any racing than much of the evening's dross provided by the Beeb or half the cable channels I have. Dear God, there's some awful rubbish around - although the firm gluteals on show in 'Spartacus' have been entertaining enough.
Well Venusian the point would be how many people go into a betting shop primarily to bet on racing - quite a lot I suggest .

I agree with Barney Curley FOBTS are appalling things along with fruit machines I would ban them .
Nic Howard of the BHA has announced today the delay in publishing the 2011 fixture list due, he says, to the uncertainty of the prize input from the Levy. So it may be some time until we know which meetings have been cut and which courses have slimmed down their calendar.
Well Venusian the point would be how many people go into a betting shop primarily to bet on racing - quite a lot I suggest .

I agree with Barney Curley FOBTS are appalling things along with fruit machines I would ban them .
I think we should have a referendum on that, personally I would rather ban Barney Curley.
Well Venusian the point would be how many people go into a betting shop primarily to bet on racing - quite a lot I suggest .

I agree with Barney Curley FOBTS are appalling things along with fruit machines I would ban them .

Ardross, you could equally well argue that it's the FOBTs (which I detest as well, btw) that enable many betting shops to continue as viable businesses.

I repeat, there is no justification whatever for racing to get any share of FOBT profits. It's just as ridiculous as another idea I saw the other day, namely, that bookmakers should be paying levy on bets taken on horse races run abroad.
Ardross, you could equally well argue that it's the FOBTs (which I detest as well, btw) that enable many betting shops to continue as viable businesses.

I repeat, there is no justification whatever for racing to get any share of FOBT profits. It's just as ridiculous as another idea I saw the other day, namely, that bookmakers should be paying levy on bets taken on horse races run abroad.

I agree entirely. Racing should be looking to make itself a more attractive medium to bet on rather than trying to get pieces of other pies.

Most shops would be dead and plenty of people out of work without FOBT's.

As I've said before, it's folk like Curley which make people bet on FOBT's over horses. You know that number 18 on roulette isn't going to be non tried with out the back before being punted to win on it's fourth spin.