BHA to charge owners more

So now can you see why I take issue with your assertion that entry fees are on average £70 a race?

We've already established on this thread that AW entry fees are considerably lower and, it would appear, bumpers and some novice hurdles. But if you have a middle-of-the-road handicap chaser, as many owners do, then £70 per entry is a valid average and I stand by it. These races were nothing special, for god's sake, just run-of-the-mill 0-125 handicaps.

And that's why I'm so annoyed by Coward's £100 figure which would only apply (possibly) to AW/bumper horses.
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I'm sorry but your last sentence is utter nonsense. I too agree that the figure quoted of £100/year is on the skinny side but again, your assertion that it only applies to AW/bumper horses is simply not true. Did you not see the figures I put up for novice hurdles, novice chases and handicaps from just the one card?
I'm sorry but your last sentence is utter nonsense. I too agree that the figure quoted of £100/year is on the skinny side but again, your assertion that it only applies to AW/bumper horses is simply not true. Did you not see the figures I put up for novice hurdles, novice chases and handicaps from just the one card?

Entry fees are only a small part of the costs of owning a horse. So whether it's 10,20 or 80 is immaterial. Jockeys Fees, travel, vets, administration and general training fees make up over 95% of the expenditure. When you are running for purses of £1,500 or less you should be paid to turn up!!
Shadz, what's the transport rate per mile now, do you know? I have the feeling that the Lidderdale yard charged us £1 a mile in 2009/10, but I've no idea what it is now. My friend, who still resolutely and over-optimistically clings to PTD, thinks it's now around £2 a mile, but I'm not sure. It makes a farce running further than 50 miles from your front door, whatever it is.

OTB: I don't dismiss any part of the expenses involved as 'immaterial' when there are so many, from registering your colours, down to the gratuities to the lass or lad involved. It was heartening to see 'ordinary' (as against the feelthy rich) become involved in syndicates and racing clubs in the past few years, but I fear that passing on the 22.5% hike will see many of these decide it's not the cheaper option after all. Joining something like (example) Heart of the South Racing down here in the south of England is nearly £700 per year - that's got to rise in 2011, and while it represents barely one month's expenditure for a sole owner, it's still a lot for the retirees at which most of these clubs aim. You start talking of £995.50 p.a. so you don't have to ask for a grand, and eyes start popping a bit!
Entry fees are only a small part of the costs of owning a horse. So whether it's 10,20 or 80 is immaterial. Jockeys Fees, travel, vets, administration and general training fees make up over 95% of the expenditure. When you are running for purses of £1,500 or less you should be paid to turn up!!

Oh Christ, don't I know it!!! It's not the vets, travel, farrier or training fees etc that are going to be subject to the 22.5% hike in Weatherby's fees though, which was what we were on about. Anyway, entries are only a part of it - there are also the costs of annual registration of colours, lodging hunt certificates (if they are also subject to the hike - they damn well better not be!!!), name registrations, colour registrations, partnership/syndicate/leasing registrations, sponsorship registrations and so on and so forth. Remember Weatherby's charge for everything.

Mind you the main issue at the moment is that the cost of haylage, hay, feed and straw is going through the roof, haylage/hay is double the cost of last year in some places. My monthly feed bill is not pretty.

Kri, it entirely depends on who you use. I've been paying £1/mile but if you went to a large firm like LRT I'm sure you'd easily pay £2/mile. It also depends how many you are travelling - I've been paying £1.50/mile for two horses travelling together. I paid £375 cash to move 8 horses 75 miles a year ago (they all went in a nine box).
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Cheers, Shadz/Flame. Carol was arguing yesterday that it was now £2, but rather than get into an argument where I wasn't sure of the latest info, I just said I'd find out.