

At the Start
May 2, 2003
Of the first 90 lots to pass through the ring, 53 are either Not Sold, Withdrawn or Vendor buybacks. Top price is 57,000 but that's a real exception - many are going through on one bid (again, probably not sold but bought back in by 'arrangement'!) of 800gns and it looks dire...

Over production is finally kicking in..
That is a depressing set of figures you have just given. Coolmore and co often used the excuse that "the market" will govern the production....well its certainly going to start to if this is an indication of the future!!
Worrying indeed yesterday Aidan but not unusual, as Dec yearling sale always slightly 'dodgy'. Foal sales are where the wheels always come off!
I see the LUCKY OWNERS - MILES colt was withdrawn, Kathy - hope he's OK and he's out because of the market and not because of anything unfortunate!
At last, the long-awaited and long-overdue market correction seems to be coming to pass.

As with house prices, I've been looking at the never-ending escalation in yearling and foal prices over the last few years with increasing incredulity.

These sky-high prices bear little or no relation to either the prize money which these horses are likely to be racing for, or any increase in the pool of potential owners.
Witht he price of feed and the price of transport etc, I think a lot of trainers' fees will be escalating this year, so with a lot of other costs like vets's bills in an ever upward spiral, owners are going to buy fewer yearlings and keep fewer in training. tough times for breeders, but yes, a correction was overdue
Defnitely going to be a case of having foals who are correct and with either winning siblings or out of winning mares who make money. Anything else will crash and burn...
Hardly surprising in all truth..

First day at Goffs was an all-out disaster as well, with a clearance rate in the 40's..
It is depressing. We really want to breed something decent, it is our big dream, but we feel so bad for all of those who will never get their chance on a track because there are just not enough owners to go around. I cannot help feeling guilty every time we bring one into the world or send it off to the sales. We try to keep track of all of ours.

I would love to be an owner breeder, with enough money that we could breed to keep and race rather than sell and hope for the best for all concerned.

For sure there were some bargains there this week, definitely a buyers market.
Top lot was 470,000 yesterday bought by Coolmore who also bought the Monsun colt...cannot remember them purchasing a Monsun before.

Do the mare sales start on Monday?
The Mares section of the sale started today...rather a lot going through unsold but highlights so far:

AMA - non-winning daughter of Miesque, by Storm Cat: 1.8M gns
BETA - Listed-winning half-sister to Bago: 1.7M gns

All snapped up by John Ferguson!

Satwa Queen, Indian Ink, Wake Up Maggie & Paradise Isle still to come tonight...
The blasted video thingy isn't working for me - seems stuck on Lot 1889, before all the fireworks started. Is anyone else having more luck? (The video was broken on Saturday too.) :angy:
Indian Ink 2M gns, to Shadwell...Wake Up Maggie 300k to Jamie McCalmont...Paradise Isle 130k to Charlie Gordon-Watson...
Good stuff. All done for the day, nice to see a few stallions and potential stallions at the end.
Darley also bought Satwa Queen for 3.4m...the money they have spent on bloodstock this year is almost frightening.
It's about time Tatts upgraded their webcam system and sent out a decent picture where you can actually see the horse in question properly and the feed isn't too delayed!!
Ours sold fairly well as already said Wake Up Maggie £300,000 going to California to continue racing. Expensive £180,000 to Australia from what we were told. And Paradise Isle £130,00 who is going to Vesteys stud to become a broodmare. Not bad turnover considering they were bought as yearlings for £20,000. £40,000 and £17,000.

There were a few of us out last night as my good mate Steve looked after Sander Camillo and was celebrating after getting his £3,200 headcollar money......