BNP on Question Time


Banned member
Jul 20, 2006
Whats the view?

I think its fine. Their dismal views have to be countered and quite frankly the arguments against their world view are robust enough. Regardless of their recent "successes" political extremism is generally disliked and treated with suspicion by the British.

Treating them as pariahs (as many in Labour seem to be determined to do) broadens their appeal.The conclusion of many will be that they are running scared....

Before anyone gets on about racism and sympathies for mass genocidal murderers getting an airing, should be remebered that the anti semitic islamist promoting Ken livingstone has been a regular guest and has Tony "Mao is the 20th century's greatest leader" Benn.
I have no issue with it at all. They are entitled to be included, given their percentage of the popular vote, and the fact they have members in the European parliament.

Plus, it will give everyone a chase to see what a shower of myopic, single-agenda half-wits they really are.

I must confess I had a chuckle to myself when the top-man in Unite Against Fascism suggested "it's not legitimate to give them a platform".

It's irony on a base level, but I liked it.
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just accidently tuned into a Muslim radio station whilst looking for radio 2:blink:
I've never heard such absolute bollocks in all my life.
Will keep the station on memory in case I need a laugh.
Allah will get me a good job:lol:
There are several billion people who believe that Jesus, Mary, the saints, God, the Buddha, or a vast array of gods will also answer their prayers, Harry, in case you'd forgotten, or perhaps didn't realise.

I can't see the problem with any recognised political party appearing on QT or any other radio or tv show. They represent the voice of a slice of the electorate, as do any number of the guests who've appeared on it in the past, including Screaming Lord Sutch.
There leader Nick Griffen seem's to to anser Questions' unlike most polertishions I look forward to it.
By the same token George Galloway is also very good, If you added Tony Benn and Ann Witercombe' along with Paddy Ashdown, and Arther skargill the 6 of them would be the best ever, I'm sick of hereing from so called comunity leaders, were are out numbered out gunned we are the silent mirority it is time the the people were herd from and not preached to.

They did not wont to come here and dig coal out the ground for £27 a wek did they.
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There leader Nick Griffen seem's to to anser Questions' unlike most polertishions I look forward to it.
By the same token George Galloway is also very good, If you added Tony Benn and Ann Witercombe' along with Paddy Ashdown, and Arther skargill the 6 of them would be the best ever, I'm sick of hereing from so called comunity leaders, were are out numbered out gunned we are the silent mirority it is time the the people were herd from and not preached to.

They did not wont to come here and dig coal out the ground for £27 a wek did they.

Trooly inlitening Andi :ninja:
There leader Nick Griffen seem's to to anser Questions' unlike most polertishions I look forward to it.
By the same token George Galloway is also very good, If you added Tony Benn and Ann Witercombe' along with Paddy Ashdown, and Arther skargill the 6 of them would be the best ever, I'm sick of hereing from so called comunity leaders, were are out numbered out gunned we are the silent mirority it is time the the people were herd from and not preached to.

They did not wont to come here and dig coal out the ground for £27 a wek did they.

I make many spelling mistakes..but I have to say thats my favourite spelling of "politicians" ever Andy :cool:

I have read your post a few times now..once sober..once pissed and once high...and I still not really getting it tbh :D

For all the fact I have little time for the BNP, i have equally little time for some of the organisations listed here, and agree with their point (just the one) about how they are singled out for criticism as racist (which is obviously true) but these other organisations are not.
Nick Griffin comes across as a very competent question answerer to me..but he also comes across as someone trying to dress up the BNP as respectable when they clearly aren't

I would agree..other organisations do not get the same treatment as the BNP when they clearly should do

the most disturbing aspect is not the existence of the BNP..but the fact that many people are voting for them
The difference between the organisations the BNP has listed in the link you've put up, Hamm, is that these are not political parties. You can't vote any of them in to govern the country. One treads a fine line between 'race' and 'culture' - I may well, for example, have been born in Africa (I wasn't, but many friends and relatives were), but white 'Africans' don't share the same culture as indigenous black Africans. Most white Africans are Christian, not animist, they won't share the same geographical and demographical heritage, and they don't share a historical belief in the myths and legends of African folklore. Therefore, if one is going to enjoy the clubbiness of a shared culture, one forms organisations which reflect mutual understanding - the Freemasons didn't exclude black Africans in Africa, but most black Africans had no interest in the Freemasons, because, culturally speaking, there was no shared historical heritage. However, white and black Africans do share business, professional, and sporting organisation memberships, because of a shared knowledge and interest.

Yes, you could say that any organisation which refers to itself by a racial denominator is 'racist', but do these organisations actually exclude membership to any other colour? I doubt that, by law, they can. Their aim is the promotion of support for the racial group mentioned, but I'm sure that if a white man wanted to be a member of the Asian Boys Society, he could join. He may well wish to do so if he were married to an Asian woman, for example, or vice versa, and wanted to absorb a better understanding of Asian life.

We still have women's only and men's only organisations which aren't illegal, yet they obviously exclude one gender from their membership - usually basing its attendance at any functions on 'guest' status.

As for the (inevitably) noted Jewish organisations - they're merely religious, like organisations for Quakers, Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons, Roman Catholics, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, or even Wiccans. There's nothing racist about calling an organisation Jewish, since it pertains to the belief of its members, not their ethnicity. There are Arab Jews, African Jews, American and European Jews - what unites them is being Jewish, as against being Baptist or Buddhist. Religious organisations would tend to be more exclusive, since by their nature, believers from other faiths are unlikely to join, any more than would atheists.

I say it's inevitable that the BNP would include Jewishness in its agenda, because there's no doubt that, in tune with most fascist and certainly extreme fascist, organisations, the Jew is still seen as a global evil - preferably one to be eradicated. Muslims will, equally inevitably, all be tarred with the 'terrorist' brush, and no doubt the BNP would like them to suffer the same fate as the Jews. They could have put up the logo for any Roman Catholic society, but no doubt know it suits their ends not to - however else might they appeal to the Catholic, so-called working-class conurbations of places like Liverpool, for example? As usual - seek out the beloved targets of all right-wingers: those damned Jews and blacks.
In the real World they are getting more and more support, it scares me, but it is happening. I spend a lot of my life among real people in real pubs and some of the conversations that I hear are very worrying. I also work with people who express opinions and ideas that prove to me that we certainly live in a society that is racist through and through. If anyone disputes this they are welcome to come on a pub crawl with me around my small minded market town.
But i would also suggest to anyone to spend a day working and eating and drinking in london to show them that integration can and does work with every race in the world mixing pretty well and largely conforming to the beliefs and standards of our culture and traditions. A Japanese girl i know says this is the one european country she feels entirely comfortable in. But at same time, I know views vary across the country enormously

I agree largely with Krizons response there but i do also feel that some of these organisations are counterproductive, as is the drive by some towards "multiculturalism".

We have to be very intolerant of the gross intolerance demanded by some immigrant communities

A perfect example of how this has failed on occasions, was the disgusting response by some (notably Hattersley) towards the Rushdie affair
A perfect example of how this has failed on occasions, was the disgusting response by some (notably Hattersley) towards the Rushdie affair

when Rushdie was interviewed whilst in hiding - I always wanted the interviewer at some point to shout - DUCK
A Muslim girl who worked with me told us on numerous occasions that she would be killed by her father if she went out with a white boy....nice:)
Not racism...very tolerant culture??
And? A Protestant girl who I knew once told me that she would be killed by her father if she ever brought a Catholic home.
And? A Protestant girl who I knew once told me that she would be killed by her father if she ever brought a Catholic home.

Was that like "your father will kill you " type, 'kill ' as opposed to a muslim 'honour killing' or was she from a staunch part of the northern Ireland where he really would have killed her ?
Well, there you have two nice examples of the divisiveness (doesn't that word look weird?) of the over-zealous practice of religion. Yes, you have families where murders have occurred because children have 'married out' - either by religion or by race, or both.

Clivex, I am def with you on bigotry, blind bias of any sort, and the encouragement of hatred. It is one thing to decide that you don't wish to marry a person of a different colour or creed, but for anyone to say they 'hate' an entire people based on such criteria is just plain bonkers. As you know, as I've said it enough times before, I find such thinking irrational, and who would want to be led by the unreasoning? Thus I am opposed with all my heart to extremist views of any sort, from anyone, anywhere.

I'm a bit peeved with the references to Muslim 'honour killings', since there is no such thing in the Islamic religion. There's nowhere in the Koran which stipulates you can murder a family relative because they've disgraced the family. They're just hate killings, the same as hate killings anywhere - based on girls or boys disobeying their parents' wishes, and the parents not wishing to appear to have lost face within their community. In other words, they're about control through fear. The Taleban specialised in murdering Afghan girls if they refused to remain uneducated and ran or attended secret schools. Their adherents have continued to murder female school teachers and to attack schoolgirls over the age of 11 - the age at which these control freaks say all schooling must stop for girls. These girls are dishonouring no-one, yet their murderers insist they're disgracing Afghan society by disobeying orders. Now those are the type of extremists I am happy to see stopped in their tracks - even if it takes extreme measures to do so! It's the forced imposition of strictures on other people's lives, against their best interests or welfare, that I object to - whether it's the threats of hell and excommunication by the Holy Roman Empire, Hinduism and its half-accepted bride-burning in India, mad mullahs (control freaks again, I'm afraid), or any other system which seeks to confine, restrict, and repress others in order to control them.
Yes, I think I first heard that 20 years ago, then 17, 12, 10, 5, last year, earlier this, and now again today. No wonder vaudeville died!