BNP on Question Time

Does anyone agree that forgien workers have taken our jobs and impacted upon thousands of other workers because of the effect they have had on salaries?
Or to turn it the other way, what about the foreigners that arrive that don't work, have never worked and have no intention of working popping out sprogs like rats and bleeding our welfare state that the few of us who work have to pay for?
Or to turn it the other way, what about the foreigners that arrive that don't work, have never worked and have no intention of working popping out sprogs like rats and bleeding our welfare state that the few of us who work have to pay for?

There are a damn sight more homebred, work-shy fuckbags popping out sprogs like rats and bleeding the welfare state than immigrant work-shy fuckbags doing likewise.

Sort the lot of them out I say. Not just focus on the immigrants.
Yeah but the British government should prioritise over its imports, why should an import recieve as much disability benefit than a British man?
Yeah but the British government should prioritise over its imports, why should an import recieve as much disability benefit than a British man?

People from other countries are also , and this might come as a shock.....HUMAN BEINGS :ninja:

Over the centuries just about every Country in the World has availed of the resources of another. It's your turn.
All londoners have been run out of town, back in the days when problems were solved by fists my old man says, now there done by guns and knives were did that influence come from?
There are a damn sight more homebred, work-shy fuckbags popping out sprogs like rats and bleeding the welfare state than immigrant work-shy fuckbags doing likewise.

Correct You rarely see anyone other than those drawn from ethnic white backgrounds on Jeremy Kyle and he's never short of 'guests'.
You're not wrong there. I'm also with Simmo and Simon 100% - the amount of workshy cretins born and bred in this country far outweigh the amount of 'foreigners' doing likewise. God forbid that a white Englishman should get their hands dirty doing a menial job - they could be doing something far more constructive like sitting on their fat arses with a can of Special Brew watching Jeremy Kyle inbetween trips to the corner shop to spunk their dole money on lottery scratchcards and Lambert and Butler.
a 55 year old b ritish bloke just made redundant on minimum redundancy (not me i hasten to add) whos paid Ni all his life and saved a little too might woinder why hes going to get just £60 a week job seekers for all of six months whereas certain immigrants who have paid sod all claim everything under the sun and get a real multiple of that

Not daily mail stuff but a genuine fact of life

benefits arent easy to allocate of course, but thats a discrepency which is hiting home with quite afew at the moment and who can blame them for being resentful?

As for the idiotic assertion that "they can take it cos we took it off them" (or the british did) wonder with drivel like that the left is completely finished
a 55 year old b ritish bloke just made redundant on minimum redundancy (not me i hasten to add) whos paid Ni all his life and saved a little too might woinder why hes going to get just £60 a week job seekers for all of six months whereas certain immigrants who have paid sod all claim everything under the sun and get a real multiple of that

I wouldn't know about immigrants getting more than nationals, but I would like to know why the dole should be paid for more than six months. There are jobs out there, for Christ's sake, even if they're not the five figure cushy number with the pension plan and health insurance some people are holding out for. Christ alive, I'd never be out of a job - I'd shovel shit rather than sit on my arse and live on handouts.

Simon N - you're also set slightly apart from the ones I mention since you do (well, allegedly.....) work for a living!
Recent official stats show about 400,000 job vacancies (none for Shit Shovellers:rolleyes:) and over 2.6m claiming unemplyment benefits...hardly a situation where there are plenty of jobs available.
Introduce drug tests to those claiming the dole. You don't pass, you don't get paid. A win/win situation for all concerned.
Why not introduce drugs tests to the City traders who dropped us in the shit in the first place?
Lots of them seem to think cocaine is the answer to all ills.