Brave Inca

Welcome to this end of the world Cantoris, glad you could make it over.....
Even you've defected QZY!! Actually found this place completely by fluke when doing some research for my site. Thanks for the welcomes, I'll put something in the new members section.

Never had any problems discussing Brave Inca. He has not only given us some great times but he has taught me that when Paul Nicholls gets slated for putting people off in his Racing Post column, or lads say a horse wasn't off etc, I sit back and think, is it possile they are telling the absolute truth.

For example, the common view is that Brave Inca is a tad bit on the slow side as he is off the bridle all the time and is a great battler. Those who know him better know different. He is bone idle lazy and doesn't do a tap, on the gallops or on the racecourse. In his early days he couldn't even beat a pointer up the gallop. But now we know why...he doesnt like being in front on his own. That's why you see him prick his ears in front (think of 2006 Hattons Grace) and nearly stop! o the great battling is partially him waiting for the competitition!! Amazing!!

Then there was Kimberlite. Sorry Warbler you did you dough on him. Another member was on Betfair with me saying that we were not backing him and he would need the experience over hurdles. Didnt matter. People still reckon he wasn't off. Oh dear. They even thought the stewards should take a look. Oh dear. So I suggested one of the stewards might want to come down and school him themselves!

I won't put up the website link, will hold it for another day, but suffice to say the business is called Winning Ways Racing and with Brave Inca, the google machione should do the rest.
Originally posted by Cantoris@Jan 9 2008, 09:03 AM
Those who know him better know different. He is bone idle lazy and doesn't do a tap.
They say dog owners end up like their dogs. I presume the same is true with horses then!!!
Absolutely. He has loads of pace. Others think he is slow but he has always hit a flat spot about three to four furlongs out when the pace quickens. First noticed it in the Deloitte coming out of the back straight and it is in most of his runs. Just takes him a furlong to get going but loads of pace. Was the reason we went for the Supreme rather than the Sun Alliance.
Originally posted by Melendez@Jan 7 2008, 03:12 PM
I would have loved to have seen him jump a fence. I suppose he was too successful over hurdles to risk wasting a season. There is no reason to believe he would have done any worse than War of Attrition.
We toyed with the idea after he was third in the Champion but McCoy was adament we stick over hurdles for two reasons: (a) he was good enough to win a champion (b) look at the best chasers, Best Mate, Arkle, War of Attrition, Kicking King, all travel on the bridle so you can get them right at their fences. He said the worst type of horse to go chasing is the one you need to scrub along as you can't pick a stride. He reckoned in small field chases going a half speed Inca would fall asleep and be pushed and shoved all the way. So very very difficult to pick a stride which he said is the winning and losing of chases. Very insightful and after riding Carberry to sleep in the Emo Oil we decided who were we to question him.

PS He did school over fences and was good
I was glad he didn’t go over fences for the same reason. While he was built to jump one his style of racing would have put him in trouble particularly over 2 miles over fences.

While I accept the idea that he needs scrubbing along it was very noticeable last season (even in the Champion Hurdle itself) that he travelled amazingly sweeter for Ruby. Either it was Ruby’s style of riding or simply a different style from the norm but he definitely seemed to appreciate it.

The big myth about Brave Inca (in my opinion) was that in all his races he was having “hard” races…he was not. His very style of racing, basically giving the bare minimum meant that while he looked flat out there was nearly always something in reserve. For that reason he was never going to sour as so many people thought.
All very true observations. Ruby kicks with his legs. AP moves his arms and dupes a lot of riders into thinking he is going worse than he is.

I was delighted to have either to be honest and doubt I will ever be in a position again to have the best looking for the ride. I prefer AP as a person. Nice guy to chat to although no eye contact. Appreciates that you are providing him with the ride. Took care of Inca in the Hattons Grace and not neccesarily the hatchet man everyone thinks he is. Ruby is a steely character. Great rider but just didn't warm to him, reasonably impersonal and made a comment or two we didnt appreciate. But you don't employ them for their personalities!!