Breathing ops...............

These are simple cauterisations to remove excess soft palate, not the type of major operations that Nicholls has done on his horses in the summer. They need a couple of months to recover.

Cauterisations are so commonplace and routine that I'm surprised NJH bothered to report it.
Have horses always had these ops? When I read about Binocular and Bob's Worth I did think to myself 'not another one, what's going on?'
Don't know about ALWAYS, but certainly in the time I've been involved with racing yards (~20 years). If a horse makes a noise, or a semblance of a noise, he'll get clipped. The op only costs around £500 so most owners are quite happy to have it done. The horses usually recover very quickly and only lose a week's work.

The Nicholls-type of operation on the other hand costs several thousands and presumably carries a greater risk. But with his mega-rich owners PN is able to have them done almost as a matter of course.
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